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Transcript: Grade Two Integrated & Designated ELD

Grade Two Science Integrated and Designated English Language Development (ELD) Video Transcript.

Grade Two Science Integrated and Designated English Language Development: Using Sequencing Language to Describe

Introductory Slides (00:00–00:31)

Narrator: Welcome to the California Department of Education Integrated and Designated English Language Development Transitional Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Video Series. This video is used by permission of the owner, Sobrato Early Academic Language Program, a California nonprofit corporation. Copyright 2019, Sobrato Early Academic Language Program. All rights reserved.

Title Slide: SEAL: Sobrato Early Academic Language Model

Title Slide: Integrated and Designated ELD—Sabrina Chamberlain’s Second Grade Classroom, San Rafael

Setting up the Context for the Learning—Integrated ELD (00:32–1:03)

Students: (Singing) We'll tell you a story of how this cotton becomes the jeans that we are wearing.

Heather Skibbins, Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) Training Supervisor: We're in a second-grade classroom and they're doing a unit on supply and demand and goods and services.

Students: (Singing) So we use language of sequence.

Heather Skibbins: Today's lesson was really zooming in on some content that they've covered through a draw and label about how cotton becomes jeans and the different steps it goes through to become jeans.

Small Group Designated ELD Instruction (1:04–3:59)

Teacher (Sabrina Chamberlain): So, we're going to be, we've been practicing using what kind of language?

Students: Sequence.

Teacher: Sequencing language, that's right.

Heather Skibbins: This lesson is focused on the language function of sequence—to tell how something goes from the initial natural resource into the product.

Teacher: So, we're going to start out telling the story of cotton to jeans in the present and then we'll move it into the past.

Heather Skibbins: Today she began by pulling a group for designated ELD. She has all three levels of English language learners in her class—emerging, expanding, and bridging students—and she began by pulling all of her English language learners to the carpet.

Teacher: So, we're going to take that story of cotton plant to jeans and we're going to tell it using all that rich sequencing language. But we're going to need a really important part of speech to help us do that. What part of speech are we going to need to tell about all the action…

Multiple Students: Verbs.

Teacher: … that happens? We're going to need our...

Diana: Action.

Teacher: No, you said it. You said it.

Multiple Students: Verbs.

Teacher: We're gonna need our verbs to tell that story. And I was wondering if I could have you read with me some of the verbs that we are gonna use to tell the story, that we think we'll need.

Ariana: Grow.

Teacher: Oh, I hear Ariana.

Multiple Students: [reading from chart] Grow. Load. Transport. Weave. Make. Cut.

Teacher: Beautiful.

Multiple Students: [reading from chart] Sew. Assemble. Manufacture. Distribute.

Heather Skibbins: During designated ELD we're doing two things. We're thinking about how to prepare for the lesson, and so here you saw her front loading some of the language and really giving students a chance to orally practice what they were later going to be doing independently or with the whole group. So, she was preparing them for that.

Teacher: Following this, who did what?

Multiple Students: The factory...

Teacher: The factory workers. What did they do?

Multiple Students: Make denim...

Teacher: What did they do in the past? Did they make it?

Student 1: Maked.

Teacher: They mmmmm.

Student 1: Made.

Student 2: Made.

Teacher: I just heard it. They…

Multiple Students and Teacher: made the...

Student 3: Denim.

Teacher: They made the…

Multiple Students and Teacher: Denim fabric.

Teacher: Beautiful.

Heather Skibbins: The other part of designated ELD is in response to. So, you saw some of the work she'd been doing is really listening to her students and then identifying, "Oh this group of kiddos is really struggling with verbs in the past tense. And so, she's done some really intentional work around verbs and really responding to what she saw and heard.

Students and Teacher: (Singing) The next step in the process is manufacturing.

Heather Skibbins: With that group of students, she then had a chance to review a chant that they had learned whole class, but this time really zooming in on that language of sequence.

Students and Teacher: (Singing) From there she loads it and transports it.

Heather Skibbins: And it was a chant that not only embedded the content that she's working on in this unit of supply and demand and goods and services but also embedded the language of sequencing.

Students Discuss in Pairs and Small Group (4:00–6:36)

Teacher: We're gonna hunt in our chat for some excellent sequencing language. And I want you to touch your brain and with your other hand I want you to put a thumb, a finger, up for every bit of sequencing language that you see.

Heather Skibbins: And so, students highlighted and had a chance to do a think-pair-share and talk with their partner about what were the sequential words or phrases in that chant.

Multiple Students: [chorally reading from chart] Initially. From there.

Heather Skibbins: The next step in the process, giving students an opportunity to share their idea with another person before being asked to share in a group, really allows for everyone to have a chance to speak. It's an oral rehearsal.

Student 1: I think finally the consumers buy the things and purchase the jeans.

Heather Skibbins: When we pull small groups for designated ELD we have an opportunity to provide a safe environment. Students feel more comfortable taking risks. They're in a small safe group of other English language learners.

Teacher: Beautiful! So, if we're going to talk about the process of cotton plants to jeans, I'll take a quiet hand, where are we going to start? Ariana?

Ariana: Initially the farmer grows the cotton with natural resources like water, sun, and soil.

Heather Skibbins: Then with that group she used the draw and label that they had previously learned whole class and then revisited whole class. This time what they were doing is pulling the information off the draw and label onto a graphic organizer.

Teacher: What was some of that language we could use to tell about what happens next?

Student: Human resources.

Teacher: What happens in the middle? Oh, the next step in the process.

Student: Then.

Teacher: Following this. Following this, actually let's see, Justin.

Justin: The next step in the process.

Teacher: Great, go for it. The next step in the process.

Justin: The next step in the process.

Teacher: Is when.

Justin: Is when the denim factory, um, well, takes the cotton and wovens it into fabric.

Teacher: Wonderful.

Heather Skibbins: She went over the different types of sentence frames, really providing students with opportunities about where they choose to enter into the language.

Student 4: Following this, the farmer transports it to the, turn it in to the factory.

Additional Supports for Students at the Emerging and Expanding Levels of Proficiency (6:37–8:59)

Heather Skibbins: She's got these three different levels of English language learners in her classroom and in looking at the ELD standards for second grade, those different levels require different levels of scaffolding.

Teacher: You are going to take our sequencing graphic organizer. You are going to sketch the process of cotton plant to jeans and you are going to tell the story to your partner. You're going to practice telling the story.

Heather Skibbins: She excused the bridging students to go off and work with a partner using a graphic organizer to recreate these steps from cotton to jeans and then orally practice that with a partner.

Justin: Initially the farmer grows the jean, grows the cotton, and then he transports the cotton to the manufacturers.

Pedro: The manufacturer workers make denim fabric, cut and sew and assemble them.

Ariana: They sell in stores or online, and then the consumers, at the end, the consumers buy the jeans.

Heather Skibbins: She kept with her, her emerging and expanding students that still needed a little more of the scaffold in the form of teacher support.

Teacher: I want us now to practice telling the story of this exact pair of jeans. Christian, it didn't get made today, it got made some time ago. So, we're gonna need to use verbs that tell about things that happened in the past.

Heather Skibbins: When she was with just the emerging and expanding students, she began to really dive into that idea of past tense verbs, and really supporting and scaffolding those students to use past tense verbs to talk about how those jeans came into being.

Teacher: So, while the farmers grow the cotton, what if it happened the other day or last year?

Student: They grew.

Teacher: The farmers grew the cotton. Will you say that with me?

Multiple Students: The farmers grew the cotton.

Heather Skibbins: They had the sentence frames there right next to them to refer to. They had the realia of the drawn label and the real images. And then they also had the support of their friends as they did those think-pair-shares to tell this story in the past tense of how these jeans came into being.

Beyond the Designated ELD Lesson—Integrated ELD (9:00–11:20)

Students: (Singing) Supply and demand rule the marketplace.

Heather Skibbins: In integrated ELD she began with two chants giving students a chance to get their wiggles out, to have blood moving through their body, and these were both chants that embedded that high level of academic vocabulary as well as the content of the unit.

Students: (Singing) The next step in the process is manufacturing.

Heather Skibbins: One of them was also focused on the sequencing language, was the same chant that she had had a chance to practice earlier with the designated ELD group.

Multiple Students: The distributors transport the jeans to the merchants.

Heather Skibbins: The students who had been in designated ELD with her had already had a chance to practice and internalize this language, had already had the chance to use sequencing language to tell this story.

Teacher: All right, so I'm gonna look for a team that's ready to share out their sentence and I would love to hear from reporter number one.

Heather Skibbins: The game she was playing involved each of the students in the group had a different number, and she was then calling on a random number, allowing for that kind of idea of equity for different students to share.

Teacher: Pedro.

Pedro: Initially the farmer grows the cotton with natural resources like sunlight, water, and soil.

Teacher: Diana.

Diana: The manu... following this, the manufacturers make denim fabric and cut, sew, and assemble.

Heather Skibbins: In SEAL we have a huge focus on collaboration and the importance of students having an opportunity to build the skills of collaboration which are these 21st century skills.

Teacher: And do you know what I saw? Is I really noticed Team Farmer was really doing an excellent job of all doing their part.

Heather Skibbins: So, at the end of this activity she directed students to head back to their desks and now to independently create their own graphic organizers.

Student 5: Mix it with clay, water, and...

Student 6: So that made this little machine here.

Student 5: We have to do it the exact same.

Reviewing the Connection Between Integrated and Designated ELD (11:21–12:10)

Heather Skibbins: English language learners need three things. So, they need to be able to access the content.

Teacher: We've been learning all about the process of how cotton plant becomes jeans.

Heather Skibbins: And they need language to be able to participate.

Teacher: Then, next...

Student: Following this.

Teacher: Following this, okay ready?

Heather Skibbins: And they need to know how English works.

Teacher: They bought it. They bought it. That's a tricky one we don't say “they buyed it,” right? We say they bought it.

Heather Skibbins: So, with all of those supports in place we can see how our English language learners really have the opportunity not just to survive or make it through in the classroom but really to excel.

Ariana: The process concludes when the consumers purchase the jeans and they wear them.

Teacher: Beautiful job. Round of applause for my friend Ariana. Great job on that.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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