Other Multilingual Resources
Links to English learner information and resources outside the California Department of Education website.Federal Resources
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the ESSA. - U.S. Department of Education (ED)
ED's mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.- Fact Sheet: Providing Services to English Learners During the COVID-19 Outbreak
This fact sheet outlines States’ responsibilities to English learners and their parents during the extended school closures and, in some cases, the move to remote learning due to the national emergency caused by the novel Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A local educational agency (LEA) should collaborate with its State educational agency and local public health department, as appropriate, in implementing the guidance provided below. - Fact Sheet: Select Questions Related to Use of Department of Education Grant Funds During the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019
This fact sheet responds to frequently asked questions related to the use of grant funds from the ED during the COVID-19 with respect to compensation, travel, and conference costs that are otherwise allowable costs under applicable program statutes and regulations. - Non-Regulatory Guidance: English Learners and Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act
This guidance provides states and LEAs with information to assist them in meeting their obligations under Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the ESSA. - Office
of English Language Acquisition (OELA)
The OELA at the ED is the primary source for English learner resources such as the Newcomer Toolkit(PDF) and other resources to support English learners.
- Fact Sheet: Providing Services to English Learners During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Resources from county offices of education and LEAs
- Remote Learning Resources
The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) Curriculum & Instruction Services Department has developed these documents with links to resources that may be helpful for remote learning. - Multilingual Academic Support (MAS)
The MAS unit provides professional development, supports LEAs with Title III technical assistance, coordinates network meetings, and offers English Learner authorization Bilingual Teacher Training Programs (BTTP) classes to teachers and administrators.
Resources from Institutes of Higher Education & Non-Profit Organizations
- Center for Applied
The Center for Applied Linguistics promotes access, equity, and mutual understanding for linguistically and culturally diverse people around the world via a variety of topics including bilingual education, immersion education, immigrant education, foreign language education, testing, and workplace literacy. - California
Association for Bilingual Education
Organization that addresses the education of linguistically and culturally diverse students in California. - Educator Workforce Grantee: Californians Together
Californians Together leverages the recognized expertise of our members to promote the use of students' linguistic skills as a positive asset contributing to their success Californians Together advises state and national policy makers and mobilizes communities to protect and promote access to quality education for the state's English learners. - Support for Immigrant and Refugee Students
This is a guide to creating safe and welcoming schools for immigrant and refugee students in California's schools. - California
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Organization that promotes excellence in education for English learners and a high-quality professional environment for their teachers. - National Association
for Bilingual Education
Organization concerned with the education of language-minority students and the promotion of educational excellence and equity through bilingual education. - University of California Linguistic
Minority Research Institute
Project by the campuses of the University of California focusing on research and evaluation.
Language Policy and
Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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