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State Seal of Biliteracy Webinar Links

Below are links presented during the November 8, 2023, webinar by the Multilingual Support Division (MSD) of the California Department of Education (CDE).

CDE State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB)
This web page includes an overview of the SSB program and its requirements; resources for local educational agencies (LEAs), students, and families; annual participation data organized by county and LEA; a link to the online Insignia Request Form for participating LEAs to request seals; and information about the Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions for preschool through grade 8 students on the path the State Seal of Biliteracy.

Highlighted Resources (under available under the Resources and Requirements tabs):

Other CDE Resources

  • English Learner Roadmap
    This web page includes information and resources related to the English Learner Roadmap, California’s policy for welcoming, understanding, and educating the diverse population of students who are English learners attending California public schools.
  • Global California 2030 Report (PDF)
    The mission of Global California 2030 is to equip students with world language skills to better appreciate and more fully engage with the rich and diverse mixture of cultures, heritages, and languages found in California and the world, while also preparing them to succeed in the global economy. Among other goals, Global California 2030 sets goals to increase the number of SSBs awarded annually (see page 10).
  • California School Dashboard and System of Support
    This web page includes information about the California School Dashboard and contact information if you have questions about how to indicate which students earned the SSB when exiting students in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).
  • English Learners with Disabilities
    This web page includes the link to the California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities which provides support for educators to identify, assess, differentiate instruction, and reclassify English learners with disabilities.
  • Biliteracy Pathway Recognition
    This web page includes information and resources on the Biliteracy Pathway Recognitions, which recognize preschool, kindergarten, elementary, and middle school students who have demonstrated progress toward proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English.
  • Multilingual Education
    This web page includes information and resources on multilingual education including the benefits of multilingualism, information on the types of programs, implementation resources, FAQs, parent resources, and a program directory.
  • World Languages
    This web page includes links to the world languages content standards, framework, and instructional materials.

Partner Resources

  • California Legislative Information Assembly Bill 370 External link opens in new window or tab.
    This web page includes the full text of AB 370 and shows how it amends California Education Code Section 51461.
  • Californians Together Seal of Biliteracy External link opens in new window or tab.
    This website, from Californian’s Together and Velázquez Press, includes information on each state’s Seal of Biliteracy as well as other information and resources that may be especially helpful to private schools interested in starting their own biliteracy seal program.
Questions:   Gina Garcia-Smith | | 916-319-0265
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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