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Title III COE Liaison Agency

The Title III County Office of Education (COE) Liaison Agency communicates information between 11 service regions and other entities participating in the California Statewide System of Support.

Background | Advisory Bodies | Title III COE Liaison Agency Duties | Term of Office | Application |


The California Statewide System of Support was established to help build local capacity and assist local educational agencies (LEAs) with implementing a continuous improvement process focused on identifying and eliminating inequities. The support includes three levels: (1) support for all; (2) individually designed, or differentiated; and (3) intensive intervention.

As part of this system of support, the 11 Regional COE English Learner (EL) Specialists (also known as Regional EL Specialists or RELS), provide technical assistance within their respective regions, equipping LEAs with resources and tools to support development, implementation, and evaluation of strategies that ensure each English learners have the resources they need to succeed. Depending on the needs of a geographic region, the areas addressed by this support can include any or all of the following:

  1. Coaching and Capacity Building for systemic improvement in data analysis and data-based decision making, strategic use of resources and technology, high-quality instruction (including both integrated and designated English language development and content subject matter instruction focused on English learners), Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and LCAP Federal Addendum development, program implementation, especially as related to English learners, and the implementation of the EL Roadmap.
  2. Engagement with Educational Partners to promote parental involvement and community support by communicating the vision and strategic plan, implementing community engagement practices, educating all educational partners to foster meaningful participation in district and school governance, primarily as related to English learners, and implementing the EL Roadmap.
  3. Facilitation and Resource Connection to effectively develop partnerships and mobilize specialized resources and expertise to support the continuous improvement process, to connect COEs and school districts within each region to resources or expertise within the California Statewide System of Support; especially as related to English learners and the implementation of the EL Roadmap.
  4. EL Program Design should be informed by various educational partners (students, parents, administrators, teachers, paraprofessionals, school counselors, community leaders, etc.) to receive comprehensive input and establish programs that:
    1. Address educational theory/goals, program components/academic services/rigorous curriculum with high-quality lessons, and evaluation of program effectiveness,
    2. Use clear processes for student identification, assessment, transition, and reclassification policies (including monitoring of reclassified students), that adhere to applicable state requirements,
    3. Champion collaboration and professional development within communities of practice at the local, county, regional, and state levels; and
    4. Support school leaders to ensure equity in education by recognizing, respecting, and attending to the diverse strengths and challenges of the English learners they serve (visit the California Department of Education [CDE] Equity web page).
  5. State and Federal Compliance with minimum legal requirements related to EL and Title III programs to ensure English learners, including immigrant and migrant students, acquire full proficiency in English as rapidly and effectively as possible, and that English learners meet state standards for academic achievement.

Advisory Bodies

  • CDE
  • State Board of Education (SBE)
  • California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE)
  • California County Superintendents Educational Services Association

Title III COE Liaison Agency Duties

The selected designee will participate in the California Statewide System of Support and shall communicate regularly with the CDE, the CCEE, and the lead agencies. The new system expects all California Statewide System of Support providers to work collaboratively with one another to provide coordinated support to school districts. The Title III COE Liaison Agency will:

  • Provide updates to and collaborate with the advisory bodies of the system of support.
  • Attend all geographic leads meetings and act as a liaison between the geographic leads and the Regional EL Specialists.
  • Present acquired information at the regional level to all Regional EL Specialists via multiple modes of communication (i.e. online and face-to-face meetings, online sharing platforms, etc.).
  • Support Regional EL Specialists to disseminate the information to all COEs and LEAs within their respective regions.
  • Fund activities with existing budget.

Term of Office

The designated Title III COE Liaison Agency will serve as the lead for two fiscal years, beginning on October 1, 2022.


The Title III County Office of Education Liaison Agency application was emailed to the 11 eligible subgrantees. Applications were to be submitted to the CDE by noon on September 12, 2022.

Questions:   Geqigula "GQ" Dlamini | | 916-319-0704
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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