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Title III, LCAP Addendum Criteria and Guidance

Criteria, guidance, and resources for local educational agencies (LEAs) to meet the provisions of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum Title III, Part A – Language Instruction for English Learner and Immigrant Students.

Title III Professional Development | Enhanced Instructional Opportunities for Immigrant Children and Youth | Title III Programs and Activities | English Proficiency and Academic Achievement


The following provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) must be addressed with a narrative response within the LCAP Federal Addendum. Addendum reviewers will evaluate whether the LEA met the criteria below for each provision. Guidance and resources are also provided below to support LEAs in developing complete, thoughtful responses. There is no standard length for responses.

Title III Professional Development

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3115(c)(2): Provide a description of the LEA’s effective professional development for classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • The LEA’s effective professional development for classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.

Complete responses will:

  • Address professional development activities specific to English learners/Title III purposes that are:
    • designed to improve the instruction and assessment of English learners;
    • designed to enhance the ability of such teachers, principals, and other school leaders to understand and implement curricula, assessment practices and measures, and instructional strategies for English learners;
    • effective in increasing children's English language proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills of such teachers;
    • of sufficient intensity and duration (which shall not include activities such as one-day or short-term workshops and conferences) to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers' performance in the classroom; and
    • supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible.


In meeting this requirement, LEAs are encouraged to review the alignment between their Title III professional growth and improvement systems to California’s Quality Professional Learning Standards. Descriptions of high-quality professional growth and improvement systems will address:

  • Data: Sources and kinds of information that guide professional learning (PL) priorities, design, and assessments.
  • Content and Pedagogy: Ways in which PL system enhances educators’ expertise to increase students’ capacity to learn and thrive.
  • Equity: How the PL system addresses equitable access, opportunities, and outcomes for all students, with an emphasis on addressing achievement and opportunity disparities between student groups.
  • Design and Structure: Use of evidence-based approaches such as focused, sustained learning that enables educators to acquire, implement, and assess improved practices.
  • Collaboration and Shared Accountability: How PL facilitates the development of a shared purpose for student learning and collective responsibility for achieving it.
  • Resources: The dedicated resources for PL and how they are adequate, accessible, and allocated appropriately toward established priorities and outcomes.
  • Alignment and Coherence: How the PL contributes to a coherent system of educator learning and support that connects district and school priorities and needs with state and federal requirements and resources.


Characteristics of High-Quality Professional Learning

California Department of Education (CDE) Quality Professional Learning Standards Web page
Quality professional learning standards identify characteristics of professional learning that are most likely to support educators in building individual and collective capacity to meet professional, school, and student performance expectations.

Implementing High-Quality English Language Arts (ELA)/Literacy and English Language Development (ELD) Instruction: Professional Learning, Leadership, and Program Supports (PDF)
Chapter 11 of the 2014 ELA/ELD Framework provides guidance regarding professional learning that will support high-quality ELA/ELD instruction.

Quality Schooling Framework: Professional Learning
The Quality Schooling Framework is the California educator’s destination for timely tools and practices to guide effective planning, policy, expenditure, and instructional decisions at all schools and districts. It is a collection of evidence-based tools, practices and resources for California schools and districts to ensure that all students learn and thrive in a global economy.

Professional Learning Resources for Educators

California English Language Development Standards (PDF)
The California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) amplify the California State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (ELA/Literacy). These standards give English learners a purpose for using language (social function), how to use the language meaningfully, and how to access resources in order to be precise in language use to convey an exact meaning.

English Learner Roadmap
Guide to assist LEAs to implement California's 21st century college-and-career-ready standards, curriculum, instruction programs, and assessments.

California English Language Development Standards (CA ELD Standards) Professional Learning Modules
Resources for individual or facilitated professional learning designed for understanding and implementing the Common Core State Standards.

CDE National Certification for Teachers Web page
Information regarding how to achieve advanced certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

CDE Professional Learning Opportunities Web page
The CDE Professional Learning Opportunities Web site offers a list of in-person and online statewide professional learning opportunities sponsored by the CDE, county offices of education, local educational agencies, and institutions of higher education as well as other not-for-profit agencies.

Leadership and Career Development Resources

New Leaders External link opens in new window or tab.
New Leaders is a national nonprofit that develops transformational school leaders and designs effective leadership policies and practices for school systems across the country.

Center on Great Teachers and Leaders External link opens in new window or tab.
The Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) is based at American Institutes for Research and funded through a cooperative agreement by the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education. Formerly called the National Comprehensive Center for Teacher Quality, the GTL Center supports state education leaders in their efforts to grow, respect, and retain great teachers and leaders for all students.

The MET Project External link opens in new window or tab.
The MET Project is a research partnership of academics, teachers, and education organizations committed to investigating better ways to identify and develop effective teaching.

Leading from the Front of the Classroom: Teacher Leadership that Works External link opens in new window or tab.
In this paper, Leading Educators and the Aspen Institute propose a roadmap to empower teachers to lead from the front of the classroom. The paper outlines key phases that system administrators will need to consider as they build teacher leadership systems that address their highest priorities.

Continuous Improvement Resources
Resources and tools provided to assist local educational agencies, schools, and local stakeholders as they plan and implement their continuous improvement efforts through their Local Control and Accountability Plan or other improvement planning processes.

Enhanced Instructional Opportunities for Immigrant Children and Youth

(for LEAs seeking immigrant subgrants per ESSA Section 3114[d][1])

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3115(e)(1): Provide a description of how the LEA provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.

Complete responses will:

  • Describe the activities implemented, supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible, that provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.


In its process to provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth, LEAs should consider:

  • The authorized uses of Title III, Part A Immigrant funding.

  • How the LEA meaningfully consults with the following stakeholders regarding prioritizing Title III, Part A Immigrant funding for high needs schools:
    • Teachers
    • Principals and other school leaders
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Specialized instructional support personnel
    • Parents
    • Community partners
    • Organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities
  • How Title III, Part A Immigrant funding will be used strategically with other funding streams to support Title III immigrant activities.
  • How the LEA considers sustainability for activities supported by Title III, Part A Immigrant funding.


Title III, Part A Immigrant Funding
Information and resources from the California Department of Education about the education of Immigrant students through the Title III federal program.

Continuous Improvement Resources
Resources and tools provided to assist local educational agencies, schools, and local stakeholders as they plan and implement their continuous improvement efforts through their Local Control and Accountability Plan or other improvement planning processes.

Title III Programs and Activities

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3116(b)(1): Provide a description of how the LEA develops, implements, and administers effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, to help English learners increase English language proficiency and meet the challenging state academic standards.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA develops, implements, and administers effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, to help English learners increase English language proficiency and meet the challenging state academic standards.

Complete responses will:

  • Address the effective language instruction programs specific to English learners.
  • Address Title III activities that:
    • are focused on English learners and consistent with the purposes of Title III;
    • enhance the core program; and
    • are supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible.


As an LEA reviews its processes for developing, implementing, and administering effective programs and activities to continuously improve Title III, Part A activities, it should consider:

  • The authorized uses of Title III, Part A English learner funding.
  • How the LEA meaningfully consults with the following stakeholders regarding prioritizing Title III, Part A English learner funding for high needs schools:
    • Teachers
    • Principals and other school leaders
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Specialized instructional support personnel
    • Parents
    • Community partners
    • Organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities
  • How Title III, Part A English learner funding will be used strategically with other funding streams to support Title III immigrant activities.
  • How the LEA considers sustainability for activities supported by Title III, Part A English learner funding.
  • Outreach to a diverse representation of stakeholders from across the LEA, especially those who work in high-needs schools and in early education, during the development of plans for Title III, Part A funds.
  • Flexible consultation with stakeholders by holding meetings or conferences outside the regular school day hours or by using a variety of communications tools, such as electronic surveys.
  • Informing stakeholders of past and current uses of Title III, Part A funds, and their effectiveness, as well as research or analysis of the new uses being proposed.
  • Adapting consultation materials to specific stakeholder audiences.
  • Genuinely considering concerns identified during the consultation and addressing those concerns with concrete explanations and plans.
  • What are reasonable expectations for success and how can success be measured?
  • What are interim progress and performance milestones that can be tracked?
  • Is there the need or capacity to examine the effectiveness of activities through research or correlational study, or would use of performance data suffice?
  • Are the necessary data being collected and examined at the right frequency to monitor performance and make needed adjustments? Are the data high quality? Are specific populations and subgroups being considered such as long-term English learners, etc.?
  • What have participants in the activities shared about their experience and how the activities were implemented?
  • How could knowledge about these activities be shared with the variety of stakeholders and inform future decision-making?
  • What do stakeholders think the information suggests about how to improve activities going forward?


Title III, Part A English Learner Funding
Information and resources from the California Department of Education about funding for the education of the English Learner program through the Title III federal grant program.

LCFF Priorities/Whole Child Resource Map
This page provides LCFF priorities and whole child resources and supports to help LEAs, schools, and families serve the needs of the whole child.

English Proficiency and Academic Achievement

LCAP Federal Addendum Provision

ESSA Section 3116(b)(2)(A–B): Provide a description of how the LEA ensures that elementary schools and secondary schools assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and meeting the challenging state academic standards.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA ensures that elementary schools and secondary schools assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and meeting the challenging state academic standards.

Complete responses will:

  • Address how sites will be held accountable for meeting English acquisition progress and achievement goals for English learners.
  • Address site activities that are supplemental to all other funding sources for which the LEA is eligible.


As an LEA reviews its processes for ensuring that all school sites assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and academic success to continuously improve Title III, Part A activities, it should consider:

  • Outreach to a diverse representation of stakeholders from across the LEA, especially those who work in high-needs schools and in early education, during the development of plans for Title III, Part A funds.
  • Informing stakeholders of past and current uses of Title III, Part A funds (specific to each site) and their effectiveness, as well as research or analysis of the new uses being proposed.
  • Genuinely considering concerns identified during stakeholder engagement activities and addressing those concerns with concrete explanations and plans.
  • What are reasonable expectations for success and how can success be measured?
  • What are interim progress and performance milestones that can be tracked?
  • Are the necessary data being collected and examined at the right frequency to monitor performance and make needed adjustments? Are the data high quality? Are specific populations and subgroups being considered such as long-term English learners, etc.?


Resource Guide: Accountability for English Learners under the ESEA External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF)
U.S. Department of Education Non-Regulatory Guidance for Title III, Part A. LEAs are encouraged to review this document to strengthen inclusion of English learners in the statewide accountability system

California Accountability Model & School Dashboard
Here you will find information regarding the state’s multiple measures accountability system. The California School Dashboard contains reports that display the performance of LEAs, schools, and student groups to assist in identifying strengths, challenges, and areas in need of improvement.

Local Control Funding Formula
Here you will find information regarding the state’s funding formula with links to information about the Local Control and Accountability Plan, apportionments, and related resources.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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