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Title III Federal Addendum Consortium Summary

Instructions for completing the Title III Federal Addendum Consortium Summary Template.

Please Note: This template is a tool that can be used by consortia leads and members when summarizing each consortium’s Title III activities and programs. For further guidance on Title III Consortia, please visit the California Department of Education (CDE) Title III English Learner (EL) Student Program Subgrant Consortium Details web page.

Consortium Agency Specific Information

At the top of the plan template, consortium leads complete the following:

  • CDS Code: Enter the entire 14-digit County-District-School (CDS) code of the consortium lead local educational agency (LEA). This CDS code can be found on the CDE California School Directory web page.

  • Consortium Lead: Enter the consortium lead LEA name as listed in the CDE California School Directory.

  • Fiscal Year: Enter the fiscal year for which the consortium is submitting an application.

Plan to Provide Services for English Learner Students

Required Content

This section of the plan template is specific to the following required content areas: Title III Professional Development Activities, Title III Programs and Authorized Activities, English Proficiency and Academic Achievement, and Parent, Family, and Community Engagement. In the far right column, entitled Persons Involved/Timeline, there is an option to enter the person responsible and timeline for any activities described.

  • In the first row, describe how effective professional development for classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel will be provided by each LEA.

  • In the second row, describe the effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs; proposed to be developed, implemented, and/or administered by each LEA under the subgrant to help English learners increase their English language proficiency and meet the challenging state academic standards.

  • In the third row, describe how each LEA will ensure that elementary schools and secondary schools receiving funds under this subpart will assist English learners in:

    • Achieving English proficiency based on the State’s English language proficiency assessment under 20 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 6311(b)(2)(G), consistent with the State’s long-term goals, as described in 20 U.S.C. Section 6311(c)(4)(A)(ii); and

    • Meeting the challenging state academic standards.

  • In the fourth row, describe how each LEA will promote parent, family, and community engagement in the education of English learners.

Other Authorized Activities

In this section, describe other authorized activities, in addition to the required activities described in the Required Content section, which are consistent with the purposes of the Title III program. In the far right column, entitled Persons Involved/Timeline, there is an option to enter the person responsible and timeline for any activities described.

Mark this section N/A for consortium members that allocate all funds to the required EL program activities above.

Title III Federal Addendum Consortium Summary Template (DOCX)

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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