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Title III Calendar of Events

Calendar of funding events for Title III programs for local educational agencies serving English learner and immigrant students.

Dates included on this calendar are gathered from various sources and are not intended as definitive or official notification from the Language Policy and Leadership Office. We hope the calendar will assist you in your planning.

To receive updates regarding Title III programs, subscribe to the Title III Updates Listserv by sending a blank email to

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

July 2023

Date Event
July 1 2023–24 Title III student programs funding (subgrant) period begins.
July 5–July 31 Pupil Estimates for New or Significantly Expanding Charters submission period.
July 10–July 31 First Cash Management Data Collection (CMDC) Reporting Period.
July 14 2023−24 Title III Funding Applications Period begins—the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Spring Release is open for Title III applications and expenditure reporting.
July 14 2023−24 Title III English learner (EL) Consortium Online Application (COA) period begins.

August 2023

Date Event
August 28–October 9 Title III Annual Report submission period.
August 31 Close of 2023−24 Title III funding (subgrant) application period. The CARS Spring Release is closed.

September 2023

Date Event
September 30 Close of 2023–24 Title III EL COA period.

October 2023

Date Event
October 1–15 Private School Affidavit Statutory filing period.
October 10–31 Second CMDC Reporting Period.

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January 2024

Date Event
January 10–31 Third CMDC Reporting Period.
January 15–February 28 Private schools' Student National Origin Report (SNOR) submission period.
January 15–February 28 CARS Winter Release data collection and Title III expenditure reporting period.

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February 2024

Date Event
February 28 SNOR and CARS reporting periods close.

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March 2024

Date Event
March 31 2023–24 Title III application period closes.

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April 2024

Date Event
April 10–30 Fourth CMDC Reporting Period.

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May 2024

Date Event
To be determined 2024–25 COA period begins.
To be determined 2024–25 Title III Funding Applications period begins: the CARS Spring Release is open for Title III applications and expenditure reporting.

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Note: All local educational agencies (LEAs) applying for Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds must maintain an updated Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum as the ESSA LEA Plan. LEAs applying for Title III subgrants for the first time must complete the LCAP Federal Addendum and submit it through the California Department of Education LCAP Federal Addendum System. LEAs are encouraged to review the LCAP Federal Addendum annually with the LCAP, as ESSA funding should be considered in yearly strategic planning.

Questions:   Language Policy and Leadership Office | 916-319-0845
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
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