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Sample Timeline for Determining Comparability

The following is a suggested timeline for local educational agencies (LEAs) to use to accomplish tasks to determine Title I, Part A Comparability of Services among schools within the LEA.

Each LEA should keep the comparability requirements in mind as it plans for the allocation of instructional staff and resources to schools for the coming school year. This would enable the LEA to minimize the potential for disruption in the middle of a school year, should adjustments need to be made to ensure that all schools are comparable.

January – April

  • Engage in district-level budget (State and local funds) discussions concerning staff assignments, and distribution of equipment and materials for the purpose of ensuring compliance with Title I, Part A comparability requirements for the upcoming school year.

May – July

  • Conduct meetings with appropriate LEA representatives to discuss the requirements for completing the annual comparability calculations.
  • Establish participant roles and responsibilities.
  • Establish and implement a:
    • LEA-wide salary schedule
    • policy to ensure equivalence among schools in full-time equivalent (FTE) teachers; and
    • policy to ensure equivalence among schools in the provision of curriculum materials and instructional supplies.
  • Develop and/or update written procedures for complying with the comparability requirements
  • Establish specific timelines for completion of the calculations.
    • Each LEA shall include the LEA’s timeline for demonstrating comparability in the LEA’s written procedures for compliance


  • Obtain preliminary information from appropriate LEA staff.


  • Identify date and collection methodologies for gathering data needed to complete calculations.


  • Collect data.
    • FTE Teacher and Student Enrollment data must be captured on the same date.
  • Meet with appropriate staff and calculate comparability.
  • Make corrections to schools shown to be non-comparable.


  • Reconvene appropriate LEA staff to address any outstanding issues.
  • Maintain all required documentation supporting the comparability calculations and any corrections made to ensure that all schools are comparable.
Questions:   Miguel Cordova | | Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office
Last Reviewed: Thursday, November 21, 2024
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