2021–22 ESSA Student Group Record Layout
Field names and descriptions for the 2021–22 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Assistance Status Record Layout Including Student Groups.Field Name | Description | Acceptable Value |
cds | County-District-School code (Note: For charter schools, the first seven digits of this code reflects the authorizing district County-District code.) | 14-character string |
schoolname | School Name | Text |
districtname | District Name (Note: For charter schools, the authorizing district name is listed.) | Text |
countyname | County Name | Text |
TitleI1718 | Identifies If School Was Title I–Funded in 2017–18 | Yes or No |
TitleI1819 | Identifies If School Was Title I–Funded in 2018–19 | Yes or No |
AssistanceStatus2018 | Assistance Status Category in 2018–19 | CSI Grad=High school was eligible to receive assistance in the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) category based on low graduation rate. CSI Low Perform=School was Title I–funded in year of entry and was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on the criteria for lowest–performing school. ATSI=School was eligible to receive assistance in the Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI) category based on one or more student group(s) continuing to underperform. No Status=School had no assistance status. |
AssistanceStatus2019 | Assistance Status Category in 2019–20 | CSI Grad=High school was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on low graduation rate. CSI Low Perform=School was Title I– funded in year of entry and was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on the criteria for lowest–performing school. ATSI=School was eligible to receive assistance in the ATSI category based on one or more student group(s) continuing to underperform. No Status=School had no assistance status. |
AssistanceStatus2020 | Assistance Status Category in 2020–21 Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, California received a federal accountability waiver of all 2020 Dashboard reporting requirements. Therefore, schools designated as CSI or ATSI in 2019–20 remained in place in 2020–21. |
CSI Grad=High school was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on low graduation rate. CSI Low Perform=School was Title I– funded in year of entry and was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on the criteria for lowest– performing school. ATSI=School was eligible to receive assistance in the ATSI category based on one or more student group(s) continuing to underperform. No Status=School had no assistance status. |
AssistanceStatus2021 | Assistance Status Category in 2021–22* | CSI Grad=High school was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on low graduation rate. CSI Low Perform=School was Title I– funded in year of entry and was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category based on the criteria for lowest– performing school. ATSI=School was eligible to receive assistance in the ATSI category based on one or more student group(s) continuing to underperform. No Status=School had no assistance status. |
Exit | Exit from CSI* | CSIEXIT=School was eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category in the prior year, but in the current year is not eligible to receive assistance in the CSI category. NOEXIT=Exit status is not applicable to this school. |
AA | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Black/African American Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
AI | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on American Indian or Alaska Native American Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
AS | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Asian American Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
EL | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on English Learner Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
FI | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Filipino Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
FOS | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Foster Youth Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
HI | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Hispanic Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
HOM | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Homeless Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
PI | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Pacific Islander Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
SED | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
SWD | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Students with Disabilities Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
TOM | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on Two or More Races Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
WH | School Eligible for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement Based on White Student Group | 1=Yes; 0=No |
TotStudGrps | Total Number of Student Groups Qualifying School for Additional Targeted Support and Improvement | Integer |
ReportingYear | Reporting Year | 2021 |
* California received a federal waiver and was not required to report performance levels (or colors) on the 2021 Dashboard. Because these data are not available, determination of exit from the CSI–Lowest Performing Schools and ATSI categories was not possible. Therefore, schools designated in either category in 2019–20 remained in place through 2021–22.
However, local educational agencies were required to report graduation rate data which the California Department of Education is using to determine if those schools designated as CSI–Low Graduation Rate in 2019–20 were eligible to exit. Schools with a three-year (i.e., 2018–19, 2019–20, and 2020–21 school years) average graduation rate at or above 68 percent exited the CSI–Low Graduation Rate Schools category.