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GMART Instructions

Instructions and guidance for local educational agencies (LEAs) using the School Improvement Grant (SIG) online system to submit, view, and modify budget and expenditure data.

The Grant Management and Reporting Tool (GMART) is a system that allows the LEA to submit, view, and modify budget reports, expenditure reports, and budget revisions.

Currently, the GMART allows grant recipients to manage fiscal requirements for the SIG. However, future updates to the GMART may allow recipients to view LEA payment data and connect other grants managed by the School Improvement and Support Office (SISO) to the system. It is recommended that this page be reviewed prior to logging on to the GMART.

Fiscal Reporting Tips

  • The Reporting periods for reporting expenditure data are defined as follows: Quarter 1 data from July 1 to September 30; Quarter 2 data from October 1 to December 31; Quarter 3 data from January 1 to March 31; and Quarter 4 data from April 1 to June 30.

  • Expenditure and budget fields require data entry and cannot be left blank. Enter “0” as the amount where there are no actual expenditures or no budget allocations. If “0” is not entered in the appropriate field, an error message will appear and the LEA will not be able to submit the report.

  • The dollar amounts on all pages can be entered numerically with a decimal point depicting cents, as well as with symbols such as dollar signs ($) and commas (,) when entered in the correct position.The following are acceptable formats for an amount:
    • $123456
    • $123,456.78
    • 123456.78
    • 123,456.78

  • Error messages must be addressed before a budget revision or expenditure report can be successfully submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE).

  • Generally, the LEA is not permitted to modify prior year budgets and expenditures, or transfer funds from one entity to another. If such modifications are being considered, a compelling case must be submitted by the LEA to its assigned SIG Fiscal Analyst. While each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis, the CDE cannot guarantee approval.

  • When submitting a budget revision through the GMART, the LEA should first contact its assigned Education Programs Consultant (EPC) to discuss proposed changes, if applicable. The EPC may require the LEA to submit additional documentation including a revised implementation chart.

  • Justification remarks are required for all budget revision requests. Briefly describe and justify each requested change in the corresponding Justification Remarks column (maximum of 1500 characters). Additional narrative remarks may be entered in the remarks textbox (only if needed). The LEA is no longer required to email justification letters to CDE staff, as the justification for budget revisions is now captured in the GMART.

    For example: Object Code 1000 was reduced by $25,000 because a reading specialist was not hired until later in the school year; Object Code 2000 was increased by $25,000 to hire two additional part-time tutors for the after school program to address increased student enrollment.

  • The GMART is designed to use the latest available Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) and estimate the indirect costs for the remaining years of the grant.

    For example: If the ICR for fiscal year (FY) 2017–18 is 5.38%, the same rate will be used to estimate the indirect costs for the 2018–19, 2019–20, and 2020–21 FYs. Once the ICR for the 2018–19 FY is published, for example 4.75%, then the rate to estimate the indirect cost for the 2019–20 and 2020–21 FYs will change to 4.75%.

The GMART Pages


User names and passwords are emailed to program coordinators, and passwords are case sensitive. The LEA cannot reset or change the password. If more than five attempts to log on have been made within one hour, the GMART will lock the user out of the system. If the LEA has forgotten the password, or has been locked out of the system, please contact the CDE SISO office at 916-319-0833.

GMART Home Page (Select LEA)

The GMART Home Page displays a table of SIG funding for the LEA including all of its school sites being served. Select a school site from the displayed list to access the budget, budget revision, and expenditure information.

LEA Contact Information

Upon school site selection, the user will be directed to the LEA Contact Information Page. This page displays self-reported coordinator data and must be updated by the LEA in the GMART. This data will be used to send updates and notifications pertaining to the SIG program. The LEA should not send update requests to its SIG SISO contacts. The LEA Contact Information Page requires the following information for the LEA SIG Coordinator and Budget Analyst:

  • Name

  • Title

  • Phone Number

  • Extension (optional)

  • Email Address

  • Fax (optional)

  • Street

  • City

  • Zip Code

CDE Contact Information

The LEA may view this page to find its SIG SISO contacts. The name, phone number, and email address of the assigned SIG Education Programs Consultant and SIG Fiscal Analyst are displayed here.


The Budget Page is available to create the five-year budget for each site. A budget must be submitted for each site even if the funding amount is zero for that site. The New Budget Page shows the LEA name, site name, and the budget status at the top of the page.

  • Below are the various possible budget status options:
    • Initial Budget: the budget has not been submitted. Line items can be added, edited, or deleted, if desired.
    • Proposed Budget Pending CDE Review: the budget has been submitted and the CDE is reviewing the request.
    • Approved Budget: the budget has been submitted, reviewed by the CDE, and approved.
  • Object codes can be selected from the drop-down menu to add a new line item. The system will ask for details for the line item to be entered. Once the item is saved, it will be displayed in the table below. Items can be edited or deleted from the table as necessary. The following fields are included in the budget table:

    Field Name Notes
    Model Component Code Model component number in plain text format (max 25 characters allowed): e.g. "SD 01"
    Object Code Major object codes must be selected when adding budget items. Object codes cannot be edited
    Minor Sub Code Minor sub codes can be a number ranging between its corresponding major object code and the next major object code (For example: Minor Sub Code for Object Code 3000 can be between 3001 and 3999)
    Budget Item Description Item description in plain text (max 1000 characters allowed)
    Budget Year 2016–17 Budget amount for year 2016–17
    Budget Year 2017–18 Budget amount for year 2017–18
    Budget Year 2018–19 Budget amount for year 2018–19
    Budget Year 2019–20 Budget amount for year 2019–20
    Budget Year 2020–21 Budget amount for year 2020–21

  • The budget table will show error messages if the grand total does not match the funding amount for the given year. The funding details (Implementation Type, Funding Amount, Carryover, Available Funds, Expenditures-to-date, and Remaining Funds) for all five years are displayed on this page.

  • When the budget table is free of errors, a remarks textbox and an option to submit the budget to the CDE will become available. The remarks textbox cannot be left blank. Once the budget has been submitted, line items cannot be edited or deleted.

  • The Indirect Cost line item value will change dynamically as the budget amount in the budget table is entered, deleted, or edited. Indirect costs less than the maximum allowed may be entered. However, if an indirect cost higher than the maximum allowable amount is entered, the system will revert the amount to the maximum allowable indirect cost.

  • The remarks history table can be displayed by selecting the "Show Remarks History" option at the bottom of the page. The budget table can be exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by selecting the "Export Budget to Excel" option. When selected, a file called "BudgetDataExport.xls" will be downloaded. This file can be opened to view or save for future reference.

Once the budget is approved, the "New Budget" option in the menu is replaced with a "Budget History" page.

Expenditure Reports

The Expenditure Reports Page displays the LEA name, site name, and expenditure status at the top of the page. In addition, it shows the school year and the quarter for which the expenditure report needs to be submitted. Different statuses that indicate the current phase of the expenditure report are described below:

  1. Current Quarter: the expenditure report can be reported for this quarter.

  2. Locked Quarter: an expenditure report cannot be submitted for this quarter.

  3. Submitted Quarter: the expenditure report has been submitted and is being reviewed by the SIG Fiscal Analysts at the CDE.

  4. Approved Quarter: the expenditure report has been approved for this quarter.

  • The school year can be selected from the drop-down list if needed. The expenditure table displays line items corresponding with each budget item. The following fields are included in the expenditure table:

    Field Name Notes
    Model Component Code Model component number in plain text format (max 25 characters allowed). e.g. "SD 01"; cannot be edited
    Object Code Major object codes cannot be edited
    Minor Sub Code Minor sub code cannot be edited
    Budget Item Description Item description in plain text (max 1000 characters allowed); cannot be edited
    Year 20xx-xx Budget Budget amount for year 20xx–xx; cannot be edited
    Quarter 1 Expenditure Quarter 1 expenditure amount
    Quarter 2 Expenditure Quarter 2 expenditure amount
    Quarter 3 Expenditure Quarter 3 expenditure amount
    Quarter 4 Expenditure Quarter 4 expenditure amount
    Expenditures-to-date To-date total expenditure for the year 20xx–xx
    Remaining Amount Remaining funds available for the year 20xx–xx

  • New line items cannot be entered on the Expenditure Reports Page and only expenditure amounts for the current quarter may be edited. When the “Edit” option is selected, a textbox will open for all four quarters; however, only the data for the current quarter may be entered (shown by a green background of the textbox).

  • Quarterly expenditures and budget revisions cannot be entered at the same time. If the quarterly status shows the open quarter, but the system is not allowing for expenditures to be entered, the user should check the status of the Budget Revision Page. It must show as "Approved Budget.” Selecting the option to "Cancel Budget Revision" may be necessary to open the Expenditure Reports Page. For more information, refer to the details on the Budget Revision Page.

  • Dollar amounts of up to 110 percent of the budget amount may be entered for a given line item. Please note that the total year-to-date quarterly expenditures may not exceed the total budget amount.

  • The expenditure table displays error messages if the conditions listed above are not met. In case of errors, the expenditure report cannot be submitted to the CDE.

  • The expenditure table can be displayed using the filter based on a major object code.

  • The "Show Remarks History" option displays the history of all expenditure status changes. The Remarks History table also displays a detailed explanation associated with the expenditure status change.

  • The "Export Expenditure Report to Excel" option downloads the data in Microsoft Excel file format. The file can be opened to view or save for future reference. The file name is "ExpenditureDataExport.xls.

  • Once the quarterly expenditure report has been submitted to the CDE, it cannot be modified. When the expenditure report for a given quarter is approved, the GMART locks that quarter and opens the next available quarter. If the 4th quarter for a given year is approved, the GMART opens the 1st quarter for the following school year.

  • The Indirect Cost line item value will change dynamically as edits are made to the expenditure amount in the expenditure table. While indirect costs less than the maximum allowable amount may be entered, indirect costs higher than the maximum allowable amount will revert to the maximum allowable indirect cost.

  • It is permissible to submit a quarterly expenditure report with a total expenditure amount of zero.

Budget Revision

The Budget Revision Page displays the LEA name, site name, and budget revision status at the top. There are two options in which the LEA can view the Budget Revision Page:

  • Five-year view: the five-year view displays the model component code, object code, minor object code, budget item description, and budget for all five years. New budget line items may be added in this view.

  • One-year view: the one-year view allows modifications to the model component code, budget item description, or budget amount for the line item in the given year. This table also displays the difference in the revised budget amount and year-to-date expenditures.

There are four different indicators that let the LEA know the current status of its budget revision:

  1. Approved Budget: the budget has been submitted, reviewed by the CDE, and is approved.

  2. Budget Revision Edit: an edit has been made to the budget for the first time in the one-year view.

  3. Proposed Budget Revision Pending CDE Review: a budget revision has been submitted and the CDE is reviewing the request.

  4. Proposed LEA Budget Revision Not Approved: CDE has not approved the proposed LEA budget revision.
  • The funding details are displayed in both the five-year view and the one-year view. When the "Show Sub-total Details" option is selected, the page displays the budget’s sub-total details based on the object codes.

  • For each line item revision, the LEA must revise the line item description which pertains to the activity that is changing. New line item descriptions will erase descriptions which were entered previously. The LEA must ensure that a complete and accurate description is entered when submitting the revised line item.

  • Please note that an explanation and justification for the proposed change must be entered into the Justification Remarks column (accessible in one-year view). The LEA cannot submit the budget revision until a complete and thorough explanation is provided and the LEA justifies how the proposed change continues to meet the identified need(s) and directly aligns to its improvement goals and SIG intervention model. The LEA is no longer required to email justification letters to CDE staff, as the justification for the budget revisions is now captured in the GMART.

    • For example: If the LEA is completing a budget revision to reduce the number of full-time science teachers from two science teachers to one science teacher, the line item description being revised, which states “two full-time science teachers,” should be replaced with a new line item description stating “one full-time science teacher.” The corresponding Justification Remarks column should include an explanation as to why the change was made and justify how the LEA will continue to meet the need described in the LEA needs assessment.

  • The "Show Remarks History" option displays the history of all budget revision status changes. The Remarks History table also displays a detailed explanation associated with the budget revision status change.

  • When the CDE has not approved the proposed LEA budget revision, the LEA should review CDE comments in the Remarks History table on the budget revision page.

  • The "Export Budget to Excel" option downloads the data in Microsoft Excel file format. The file can be opened to view or save for future reference. The file name in the one-year view is "BudgetRevisionOneYrDataExport.xls" and the file name in the five-year view is "BudgetRevisionFiveYrDataExport.xls."

  • Object codes from the drop-down list can be selected to add a new line item. The system will ask for details such as Model Component Code, Minor Sub Code, Budget Item Description, and Budget for the five years to be entered. Once the item is saved, it will be displayed in the table on the Budget Revision Page in the GMART. The items from the table may be edited as necessary.

  • Quarterly expenditures and budget revisions cannot be entered at the same time. If the quarterly status shows the open quarter, but the system is not allowing for expenditures to be entered, check the status of the Budget Revision Page. It must show as "Approved Budget.” Selecting the option to "Cancel Budget Revision" may be necessary to open the Expenditure Reports Page.

  • The budget table will show error messages if the grand total does not match the funding amount for a given year. The details of funding (Implementation Type, Funding Amount, Carryover, Available Funds, Expenditures-to-Date, and Remaining Funds) for all five years are displayed on this page.

  • When the budget table is free of errors, a remarks textbox will appear as well as an option to submit the budget to the CDE. Use of the remarks textbox is optional. Once the budget is submitted, line items cannot be edited or deleted.

  • The Indirect Cost line item value will change dynamically as edits are made to the budget amount in the budget table. While indirect costs less than the maximum allowable amount may be entered, indirect costs higher than the maximum allowable amount will revert to the maximum allowable indirect cost.

Budget History

The Budget History Page displays all past budgets that have been approved. This includes the initial approved budget as well as all subsequent approved budget revisions.

  • At the top of the page, the LEA name, site name, and funding details are displayed.

  • Different versions of the budget can be selected from the drop down menu found on the Budget History Page. Each version has an associated date of approval.

  • The budget history can be exported to a Microsoft Excel file by selecting on the "Export Budget to Excel" option. It will download a file called "BudgetDataExport.xls" on to your computer.

  • The entire history of the approval cycle can be viewed by selecting the "Show Remarks History" option.

Quarterly Reports

The Quarterly Reports Page displays a summary of quarterly expenditure data for all sites in a given year. The school year can be selected from the drop-down list.

  • At the top of the page, a table summarizing the GAN award amounts for the LEA is displayed.

  • Subsequently, two tables are displayed for each school site (including the LEA budget):

    • The first table gives the following details for all five budget years: Implementation Type, Annual Funding Amount, Previous Year Carryover, Available Funds, Expenditures to Date, and Funds Balance.

    • The second table gives a sub-total for each major object code. The following fields are included in the second table:

      Field Name Notes
      SY 20xx–xx Budget Budget amount for year 20xx–xx; cannot be edited
      Budget Percent Percentage of total yearly budget allocated for a given major object code series
      Q1 Expenditure Expenses incurred and reported for Quarter 1
      Q1 Exp Percent Percentage of total yearly budget expenditures for Quarter 1
      Q2 Expenditure Expenses incurred and reported for Quarter 2
      Q2 Exp Percent Percentage of total yearly budget expenditures for Quarter 2
      Q3 Expenditure Expenses incurred and reported for Quarter 3
      Q3 Exp Percent Percentage of total yearly budget expenditures for Quarter 3
      Q4 Expenditure Expenses incurred and reported for Quarter 4
      Q4 Exp Percent Percentage of total yearly budget expenditures for Quarter 4
      Exp YTD Total year-to-date expenditures for a specific school year
      Exp YTD Percent Percentage of total budget expenditures for a specific school year
      Funds Balance Available funds minus the amount previously expended

Proceed to the GMART Logon

Questions:   School Improvement and Support Office | | 916-319-0833
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 24, 2024
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