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Title I, Part A Monitoring and Support

Provides compliance technical assistance and support for local educational agencies with Title I, Part A programs and offers information to prepare for reviews, with links to training materials and other relevant topics.

Monitoring and Support Overview

The California Department of Education (CDE) is responsible for conducting compliance monitoring for local educational agencies (LEAs) and their school sites participating in the Title I, Part A program, also named as the Compensatory Education (CE) program, as well as for LEAs with schools identified for school improvement under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) under the School Support and Improvement (SSI) monitoring program. Additionally, the CDE provides focused compliance technical assistance and support for those LEAs selected to be reviewed for Federal Program Monitoring (FPM).

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Compliance Monitoring

Through the FPM process, the CDE annually monitors a select number of LEAs and associated school sites for compliance with federal statutes regarding the CE program. The FPM process also includes monitoring of a select number of LEAs with schools identified for school improvement under ESSA, including those identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI). The LEAs and associated school sites to be reviewed are determined annually and released in a listing published on CDE's Compliance Monitoring web page.

As explained in that web page, there are currently 11 FPM monitoring regions with Review Team Leaders (RTLs) and county office of education (COE) monitoring leads assigned to these regions. The RTLs oversee the FPM monitoring teams, and the COE monitoring leads provide compliance guidance to the LEAs over all federal program areas. The CDE also has several Title I program reviewers assigned to these regions that focus strictly on reviewing for compliance with the codes and regulations stipulated by Title I, Part A in addition to providing training and other compliance technical support to LEAs. To learn more about which counties are in each of these regions, please go to the CDE's web page Review Team Leader Assignments.

Training and Other Technical Support

The CDE provides compliance support through a variety of methods, including annual training workshops facilitated by the Federal Program Monitoring Office, localized training workshops and compliance technical assistance.

Training Workshops

The CDE provides annual training to assist LEAs in understanding the overall FPM process and the requirements of the CE and the SSI instruments. In support of these programs, the CDE has made available for online viewing the video presentations from the most recent trainings on the Compliance Monitoring Training web page. They may also be accessed on the CDE Compensatory Education Monitoring YouTube playlist External link opens in new window or tab.. These presentations and supporting documents have been produced to help LEA staff understand the CE and SSI monitoring instrument items and know how to prepare for their reviews.

Localized Training Workshops

In addition to the training described above, the CDE coordinates with LEAs as requested on a case-by-case basis to conduct more localized training sessions during the FPM year, where an emphasis can be applied to more localized compliance issues. For the purpose of facilitating these requests please contact the number at the bottom of this page.

Compliance Technical Assistance

If you have a question about an upcoming or ongoing FPM review pertaining to either the CE or SSI programs, please consult the contact information table shown below to find out which Title I program reviewer answers FPM compliance questions for your region. If your region is currently unassigned and shows as To Be Determined, please contact the office listed at the bottom of this web page.

Title I Programs Reviewer Email Address Phone Region
Monique Moton, Ed.D., Administrator
Kyle Holmes
2, 4
All Consultants 916-319-0854 3
Gurkamal Jagpal
1, 8
Mariah Zabel
Linda Moscatelli
Gabi Langford
Micah Spangler
5, 6
Chimeng Yang

Other Resources

The following list of CDE web pages provide additional resources on the federal Title I Part A and Part D education programs, regulations and guidance.

Title I, Part A
A CDE web page with information and links to topics and documents pertaining to the Title I program, such as Authorized Use of Funds, Carryover and Waivers, Comparability of Services, LEA Plan Provisions, School Allocations, Schoolwide Programs and Targeted Assistance Programs.

School Support
A CDE web page with information and links pertaining to schools identified for school improvement under ESSA, including those identified for CSI, TSI, and ATSI.

Title I, Part D
A CDE web page with information and links pertaining to the Title I, Part D program designed to serve the educational needs of children and youth residing in local correctional facilities, or attending community day programs for delinquent children and youth.

Every Student Succeeds Act
A CDE web page with information regarding California's plan to implement the federal ESSA, as well as links to other CDE and U.S. Department of Education sites and documents pertaining to ESSA.

Audits & Investigations Division
A CDE web page with links to the following: resources for external auditors and contracting agencies for completing annual audits of various education-related programs; guidance to LEA fiscal officials regarding federal administrative requirements on interest earned on advances of federal program funds; and information on the State Leadership Accountability Act.

Parent Notification
A CDE web page with information and resources about the annual Parent Notification forms and letter templates that LEAs may use for informing parents of their child's identification as an English learner. These letter templates provide all the required information to meet Federal Title I or Title III requirements.

Questions: Title I Monitoring and Support Office | | 916-319-0854 
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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