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Record Layout for 2021 CCI Data

Field names, types, and descriptions for the 2021 College/Career Indicator (CCI) Data File.
Field # Field Name Description Acceptable Value
1 cds County-District-School Code 14-character string
2 rtype Record Type S=School Record
D=District/LEA Record
X=State Record
3 schoolname School Name Text
4 districtname District Name Text
5 countyname County Name Text
6 charter_flag Charter School Flag Y or blank
7 coe_flag County Office of Education Flag Y or blank
8 dass_flag Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Flag Y or blank
9 studentgroup Student Group ALL=All Students
AA=Black/African American
AI=American Indian or Alaska Native
PI=Pacific Islander
MR=Multiple Races/Two or More
EL=English Learner
SED=Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
SWD=Students with Disabilities
FOS=Foster Youth
HOM=Homeless Youth
10 studentgroup_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI represented in the student group Decimal
11 currdenom_4y_5y_1y Number of students in the current year CCI denominator. This number may include students from one, two, or three graduation cohort types:
1) Students from the Class of 2021
2) Students from the Class of 2020 who graduated in 2021
3) DASS students from the 2021 DASS graduation rate
12 currdenom_4y Number of students in the current year 4-year graduation rate Students from the Class of 2021
Note: this is the denominator for AP and IB
13 ap Number of students in the current year 4-year graduation rate who scored 3 or higher on at least two Advanced Placement exams Integer
14 ap_pct Percent of students in the current year 4-year graduation rate who scored 3 or higher on at least two Advanced Placement exams Decimal
15 ib Number of students in the current year 4-year graduation rate who scored 4 or higher on at least two International Baccalaureate exams Integer
16 ib_pct Percent of students in the current year 4-year graduation rate who scored 4 or higher on at least two International Baccalaureate exams Decimal
17 cte Number of students in the current year CCI who completed at least one CTE pathway with a grade of C minus or better OR Pass in the capstone course(s) Integer
18 cte_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who completed at least one CTE pathway with a grade of C minus or better OR Pass in the capstone course(s) Decimal
19 ag Number of students in the current year CCI who completed a-g course requirements with a grade of C or better OR Pass Integer
20 ag_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who completed a-g course requirements with a grade of C or better OR Pass Decimal
21 ag_cte Number of students who completed at least one Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway with a C minus or better OR Pass in the capstone course(s) and completion of courses that meet the UC or CSU a–g criteria with a grade of C or better OR Pass Integer
22 ag_cte_pct Percent of students who completed at least one a Career Technical Education (CTE) pathway with a C minus or better OR Pass in the capstone course(s) and completion of courses that meet the UC or CSU a–g criteria with a grade of C or better OR Pass Decimal
23 ssb Number of students who are proficient in English (oral and written) and one other language Integer
24 ssb_pct Number of students who are proficient in English (oral and written) and one other language Decimal
25 one_college_course Number of students who completed one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better OR Pass in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Integer
26 one_college_course_pct Percent of students who completed one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better OR Pass in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Decimal
27 two_college _courses Number of students who completed two semesters, three quarters, or three trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better OR Pass in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Integer
28 two_college_courses_pct Percent of students who completed two semesters, three quarters, or three trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better OR Pass in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Decimal
29 reportingyear Reporting Year Text
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 22, 2024