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Record Layout for Local Measures: Priority 7

Field names, Types, and descriptions for the Local Measures: Priority 7 Data File.
Field # Field Name Description Acceptable Values
1 cdscode County-District-School Code 14-character string
2 lea Local Education Agency (LEA) Text
3 priorityId Access to a Broad Course of Study. 7
4 measures

Briefly identify the locally selected measures or tools that the LEA is using to track the extent to which all students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study, based on grade spans, unduplicated student groups, and individuals with exceptional needs served

5 summary Using the locally selected measures or tools, summarize the extent to which all students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study. The summary should identify any differences across school sites and student groups in access to, and enrollment in, a broad course of study. LEAs may describe progress over time in the extent to which all students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study
6 barriers Given the results of the tool or locally selected measures, identify the barriers preventing the LEA from providing access to a broad course of study for all students
7 revisions In response to the results of the tool or locally selected measures, what revisions, decisions, or new actions will the LEA implement, or has the LEA implemented, to ensure access to a broad course of study for all students? Text
8 additionalinfo Additional Comments Text
9 meetingDate Date taken to local governing board Date
10 performance Performance Level

Note: Because performance determinations (i.e., Met, Not Met, Not Met for Two or More Years) cannot be made for the 2021 Dashboard (per Assembly Bill 130), this field is blank

11 year Dashboard Year Integer
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 22, 2024