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Status Cut Scores for 2022 Dashboard

This page provides the Status cut scores used to determine performance on the 2022 California School Dashboard state indicators.

Reporting Status Only

The California School Dashboard (Dashboard) reports how districts and schools are performing on multiple state and local indicators that make up California's accountability system. The results are used to identify strengths and weaknesses and help ensure that the needs of all students are met.

In prior Dashboard reporting years, performance on state indicators were reported through the use of colors: blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Blue represents the highest performance level while red represents the lowest performance level. These performance levels were determined using two years of data utilizing current year performance (or Status) and the difference from prior year to show growth or decline (or Change).

Due to requirements under Assembly Bill 130, the California Department of Education can only display the most current year of data (or Status) on the 2022 Dashboard. Therefore, every local educational agency (LEA), school, and student group will receive one of five Status levels on the 2022 Dashboard based on 2021–22 school year data. These Status levels range from Very High, High, Medium, Low, and Very Low. Change levels and performance colors are not reported. For more information on the reporting of Status levels only for the 2022 Dashboard, please refer to the Reporting Current Year Data Only flyer(PDF).

Note that next year, for the 2023 Dashboard, Status, Change, and performance colors will be reported. To access the Status cut scores, Change cut scores, and performance colors, please refer to the 2019 Five-by-Five Colored Tables web page.

Status Cut Scores

Because only Status levels are reported on the 2022 Dashboard, the following sections identifies the Status cut scores approved separately for each state indicator by the State Board of Education:

Note: College/Career Indicator (CCI) - N/A for 2022 Dashboard

Chronic Absenteeism

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

20.1% or greater in Current Year


10.1% to 20.0% in Current Year

Medium 5.1% to 10.0% in Current Year
Low 2.6% to 5.0% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 2.5% or less in Current Year

Suspension Rate

LEA Suspension: Elementary School District

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

6.1% or greater in Current Year


3.1% to 6.0% in Current Year

Medium 1.6% to 3.0% in Current Year
Low 0.6% to 1.5% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 0.5% or less in Current Year

LEA Suspension: High School District

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

9.1% or greater in Current Year


6.1% to 9.0% in Current Year

Medium 3.6% to 6.0% in Current Year
Low 1.6% to 3.5% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 1.5% or less in Current Year

LEA Suspension: Unified District and K–12 Schools

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

8.1% or greater in Current Year


4.6% to 8.0% in Current Year

Medium 2.6% to 4.5% in Current Year
Low 1.1% to 2.5% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 1.0% or less in Current Year

School Suspension: Elementary Schools

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

6.1% or greater in Current Year


3.1% to 6.0% in Current Year

Medium 1.1% to 3.0% in Current Year
Low 0.6% to 1.0% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 0.5% or less in Current Year

School Suspension: Middle Schools

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

12.1% or greater in Current Year


8.1% to 12.0% in Current Year

Medium 2.1% to 8.0% in Current Year
Low 0.6% to 2.0% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 0.5% or less in Current Year

School Suspension: High Schools

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Lowest Status)

10.1% or greater in Current Year


6.1% to 10.0% in Current Year

Medium 1.6% to 6.0% in Current Year
Low 0.6% to 1.5% in Current Year
Very Low (Highest Status) 0.5% or less in Current Year

English Learner Progress Indicator

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) 65.0 % or greater making progress towards English Language Proficiency in Current Year
High 55.0% to 64.9% making progress towards English Language Proficiency in Current Year
Medium 45.0% to 54.9% making progress towards English Language Proficiency in Current Year
Low 35.0% to 44.9% making progress towards English Language Proficiency in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) 34.9% or less making progress towards English Language Proficiency in Current Year

Graduation Rate Indicator

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) 95.0% or greater in Current Year
High 90.5% to 94.9% in Current Year
Medium 80.0% to 90.4% in Current Year
Low 68.0% to 79.9% in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) 67.9% or less in Current Year

Academic Indicator

English Language Arts/Literacy for Grades 3–8

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) +45.0 points or higher in Current Year
High +10.0 to +44.9 points in Current Year
Medium -5.0 to +9.9 points in Current Year
Low -70.0 to -5.1 points in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) -70.1 points or lower in Current Year

English Language Arts/Literacy for Grades 11

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) +75.0 points or higher in Current Year
High +30.0 to +74.9 points in Current Year
Medium 0.0 to +29.9 points in Current Year
Low -45.0 to -0.1 points in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) -45.1 points or lower in Current Year

Mathematics for Grades 3–8

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) +35 points or higher in Current Year
High 0.0 to +34.9 points in Current Year
Medium -25.0 to -0.1 points in Current Year
Low -95.0 to -25.1 points in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) -95.1 points or lower in Current Year

Mathematics for Grades 11

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) +25.0 points or higher in Current Year
High 0.0 to +24.9 points in Current Year
Medium -60.0 to -0.1 points in Current Year
Low -115.0 to -60.1 points in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) -115.1 points or lower in Current Year

College/Career Indicator: Not Reported on the 2022 Dashboard

During the 2020-21 school year, when the administration of the state assessments was not the most viable option, LEAs were required to administer local assessments. While the results of these local assessment were reported to the public via School Accountability Report Cards (SARC), they cannot be used for accountability. Because the Smarter Balanced Assessments is both a standalone measure and a part of other compound measures in the CCI, determinations for Prepared, Approaching Prepared, and Not Prepared cannot be made and a CCI cannot be calculated for the 2022 Dashboard.

Reporting of the CCI will resume in 2023.

Performance Level Cut-Scores
Very High (Highest Status) 70.0% or greater in Current Year
High 55.0% to 69.9% in Current Year
Medium 35.0% to 54.9% in Current Year
Low 10.0% to 34.9% in Current Year
Very Low (Lowest Status) 9.9% or lower in Current Year
Questions: Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting | | 916-319-0863 
Last Reviewed: Friday, January 5, 2024