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Student Internship Evaluation Form

Evaluation form and scoring guide that employers may use to assess student interns.


One potential career measure that is being considered for the College Career Indicator (CCI) for the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) is student internships. Beginning in 2020–21, the California Department of Education (CDE) started collecting multiple data points on internships in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). Because job performance is a strong measure of career success, one internship data point being collected is the employer evaluation of student interns. Receipt of an employer evaluation provides students valuable insight to their ability to demonstrate specific work standards.

As a result of LEA staff requests, the CDE developed an internship evaluation standardized template that can be shared with employers as needed. The template includes both an evaluation form and a scoring guide. The scoring guide provides descriptions for each of the four performance levels (i.e., Does Not Meet Expectations to Above Expectations) for all three categories referenced in the evaluation form. It also describes when 'N/A' should be used. Employers can use this guide when deciding on the appropriate rating for the student.

LEAs and schools may share this evaluation template with any employer who oversee their student interns. However, it is not a requirement to use this evaluation template. Schools that have their own evaluation form may continue to use it as long as it assesses the following three core categories:

  • Foundational Skills,
  • Applied Workplace Skills, and
  • Self-Management and Personal Responsibility

These three categories are referenced in the evaluation template and the CALPADS code sets.

To ensure that this new template aligned with the Standards for Career Ready Practice and that it covered all facets that employers should review, this work was created in partnership with a business member in the CCI Work Group and the Career and College Transition Division at the CDE.

Evaluation Form and Scoring Guide (PDF)
This document contains an evaluation form that employers may use to assess their student interns at the end of the internship. It also contains a scoring guide that defines each performance level across three categories. Employers can reference this scoring guide when deciding on the appropriate rating for the student.

Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly asked questions on the evaluation template.

Instructions for Districts and Schools on How to Determine an Overall Rating

Once employers submit their evaluation forms to schools/LEAs, the school/LEA will need to use the ratings on the form to record an overall performance in the CALPADS Work-Based Learning File field #21.13.

To determining an overall performance level for the student intern, the school/LEA will need to take the employer's overall rating for Categories A through C and:

  • Mark the student as Above Expectations in CALPADS if the student earned a rating of "4" in at least two of the three categories and no rating was "2" or less.
  • Mark the student as Meets Expectations in CALPADS if the student earned a rating of "3" in all three categories.
  • Mark the student as Partially Meets Expectations in CALPADS if the student received a rating of "2" in two of the three categories.
  • Mark the student as Does Not Meet Expectations in CALPADS if the student received a rating of "1" in two or more categories.

Note that there are differences between the CDE template and the CALPADS code sets. These differences are explained within the Frequently Asked Questions.

Questions:   Analysis Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division | | 916-327-0219
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 30, 2024