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Record Layout for 2020 College/Career Data File

Field names, types, and descriptions for the 2020 College/Career Data File.
Field # Field Name Description Acceptable Values
1 cds County-District-School Code 14-character string
2 rtype Record Type S=School Record
D=District/LEA Record
X=State Record
3 schoolname School Name Text
4 districtname District Name Text
5 countyname County Name Text
6 charter_flag Charter School Flag Y or blank
7 coe_flag County Office of Education Flag Y or blank
8 dass_flag Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) Flag Y or blank
9 studentgroup Student Group ALL=All Students
AA=Black/African American
AI=American Indian or Alaska Native
PI=Pacific Islander
MR=Multiple Races/Two or More
EL=English Learner
SED=Socioeconomically Disadvantaged
SWD=Students with Disabilities
FOS=Foster Youth
HOM=Homeless Youth
10 studentgroup_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI represented in the student group Decimal
11 currdenom Number of students in the current year CCI denominator. This number may include students from one, two, or three graduation cohort types:

1) Students from the Class of 2020
2) Students from the Class of 2019 who graduated in 2020 and earned Prepared
3) DASS students from the 2020 DASS graduation rate
12 curr_prep Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared Integer
13 curr_prep_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared Decimal
14 curr_prep_summative Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by scoring Level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on both the English language arts/literacy and mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Integer
15 curr_prep_summative_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by scoring Level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on both the English language arts/literacy and mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Decimal
16 curr_prep_apexam Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by scoring 3 or higher on at least two Advanced Placement exams Integer
17 curr_prep_apexam_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by scoring 3 or higher on at least two Advanced Placement exams Decimal
18 curr_prep_ibexam Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by scoring 4 or higher on at least two International Baccalaureate exams Integer
19 curr_prep_ibexam_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by scoring 4 or higher on at least two International Baccalaureate exams Decimal
20 curr_prep_collegecredit Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least two semesters, three quarters, or three trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Integer
21 curr_prep_collegecredit_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least two semesters, three quarters, or three trimesters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Decimal
22 curr_prep_agplus Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing a-g course requirements with a grade of C or better plus an additional criteria (for further information see the CCI Dashboard Indicator Flyer) Integer
23 curr_prep_agplus_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing a-g course requirements with a grade of C or better plus an additional criteria (for further information see the CCI Dashboard Indicator Flyer) Decimal
24 curr_prep_cteplus Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least one CTE pathway with a grade of C minus or better in the capstone course plus an additional criteria (for further information see the CCI Dashboard Indicator Flyer) Integer
25 curr_prep_cteplus_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least one CTE pathway with a grade of C minus or better in the capstone course plus an additional criteria (for further information see the CCI Dashboard Indicator Flyer) Decimal
26 curr_prep_ssb Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by earning the State Seal of Biliteracy and scoring Level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on the English language arts/literacy Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Integer
27 curr_prep_ssb_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by earning the State Seal of Biliteracy and scoring Level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on the English language arts/literacy Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment Decimal
28 curr_prep_milsci Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least two years of Leadership/Military Science courses and scoring Level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on ELA or mathematics and Level 2 "Standard Nearly Met" or higher in the other subject area Integer
29 curr_prep_milsci_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least two years of Leadership/Military Science courses and scoring Level 3 "Standard Met" or higher on ELA or mathematics and Level 2 "Standard Nearly Met" or higher in the other subject area Decimal
30 curr_prep_reg_pre Number of students placed in the Prepared Level by completing Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Integer
31 curr_prep_reg_pre_pct Percent of students placed in the Prepared Level by completing Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Decimal
32 curr_prep_non_reg_pre Number of non-DASS students placed in the Prepared Level by completing Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship and a CTE Pathway Integer
33 curr_prep_non_reg_pre_pct Percent of non-DASS students placed in the Prepared Level by completing Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship and a CTE Pathway Decimal
34 curr_prep_non_reg_pre_DASS Number of DASS students placed in the Prepared Level by completing Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship and either a CTE Pathway OR one semester/two quarters/two trimesters of a CTE Course with a grade of C minus or better (The CTE course does not need to earn the student college credit, but it may) Integer
35 curr_prep_non_reg_pre_DASS_pct Percent of DASS students placed in the Prepared Level by completing Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship and either a CTE Pathway OR one semester/two quarters/two trimesters of a CTE Course with a grade of C minus or better (The CTE course does not need to earn the student college credit, but it may) Decimal
36 curr_prep_statefedjobs_DASS Number of DASS students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing a State or Federal Job Program and at least one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of CTE courses with a grade of C minus or better(The CTE course does not need to earn the student college credit, but it may) Integer
37 curr_prep_statefedjobs_DASS_pct Percent of DASS students in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing a State or Federal Job Program and at least one semester, two quarters, or two trimesters of CTE courses with a grade of C minus or better(The CTE course does not need to earn the student college credit, but it may) Decimal
38 curr_prep_trans_classwk Number of students with an IEP and did not earn a standard diploma in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least 100 hours of work-based learning and the equivalent of 4 semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation Integer
39 curr_prep_trans_classwk_pct Percent of students with an IEP and did not earn a standard diploma in the current year CCI who earned Prepared by completing at least 100 hours of work-based learning and the equivalent of 4 semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation Decimal
40 curr_aprep Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared on the CCI Integer
41 curr_aprep_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared on the CCI Decimal
42 curr_aprep_summative Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by scoring level 2 "Standard Nearly Met" on both the English language arts/literacy and mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Integer
43 curr_aprep_summative_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by scoring level 2 "Standard Nearly Met" on both the English language arts/literacy and mathematics Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments Decimal
44 curr_aprep_collegecredit Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing one semester or two quarters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Integer
45 curr_aprep_collegecredit_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing one semester or two quarters of college coursework with a grade of C minus or better in academic/CTE subjects where college credit is awarded Decimal
46 curr_aprep_ag Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing a-g course requirements with a grade of C or better Integer
47 curr_aprep_ag_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing a-g course requirements with a grade of C or better Decimal
48 curr_aprep_cte Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing at least one CTE pathway with a grade of C minus or better in the capstone course Integer
49 curr_aprep_cte_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing at least one CTE pathway with a grade of C minus or better in the capstone course Decimal
50 curr_aprep_milsci Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing at least two years of Leadership/Military Science courses Integer
51 curr_aprep_milsci_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing at least two years of Leadership/Military Science courses Decimal
52 curr_aprep_non_reg_pre Number of students placed in the Approaching Prepared Level by completing Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Integer
53 curr_aprep_non_reg_pre_pct Percent of students placed in the Approaching Prepared Level by completing Non-Registered Pre-Apprenticeship Decimal
54 curr_aprep_statefedjobs_DASS Number of DASS students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing a State or Federal Job Program Integer
55 curr_aprep_statefedjobs_DASS_pct Percent of DASS students in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing a State or Federal Job Program Decimal
56 curr_aprep_trans_classwk Number of students with an IEP and did not earn a standard diploma in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing at least 100 hours of work-based learning or the equivalent of 4 semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation Integer
57 curr_aprep_trans_classwk_pct Percent of students with an IEP and did not earn a standard diploma in the current year CCI who earned Approaching Prepared by completing at least 100 hours of work-based learning or the equivalent of 4 semester courses of college and career exploration/preparation Decimal
58 curr_nprep Number of students in the current year CCI who earned Not Prepared on the CCI Integer
59 curr_nprep_pct Percent of students in the current year CCI who earned Not Prepared on the CCI Decimal
60 reportingyear Reporting Year Text
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Friday, October 25, 2024