Dashboard Flyers
Reader-friendly one- and two-page summaries of each of the state indicators and key components of the Dashboard.While both Senate Bill 98 and Assembly Bill 130 suspended the publication of state indicators on the 2020 and 2021 California School Dashboards, these bills also required the California Department of Education (CDE) to report valid and reliable data that would have been included in these Dashboards. To meet this requirement, the CDE has published the Graduation Rate Additional Report, College/Career Measures Additional Report, and a variety of data on DataQuest.
For more information on the 2021 data release, please see the COVID-19 and Data Reporting web page, the COVID-19 Accountability FAQs web page, the 2021 Dashboard Reference Guide (DOCX), and the Information on the 2021 Additional Reports web page.
Current Dashboard Flyers
What Data Will Be Used for the 2022 Dashboard? (PDF)
This flyer identifies the data that will be used to calculate the state indicators for the 2022 Dashboard.
Changes to Academic Indicator Participation Rate Calculation for the Dashboard (PDF)
Explains the new methodology for calculating Participation Rate and how it impacts the Academic Indicator.
Changes to District of Residence Rule for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
Information on the changes to the District of Residence Rule for students with disabilities on the California School Dashboard.
Understanding the College Career Readiness Measure
College Career Indicator (CCI): Measures of College Readiness (PDF)
A list of college measures used to determine whether a student is “Prepared” or “Approaching Prepared” for postsecondary education. -
College Career Indicator (CCI): Measures of Career Readiness (PDF)
A list of career measures used to determine whether a student is “Prepared” or “Approaching Prepared” for the work-force.
Other Dashboard Information Flyers
Determining Charter School Performance Category (PDF)
Explains the criteria used to determine performance categories for the Renewal of Charter schools under Assembly Bill (AB) 1505 Legislation.
What is the 3x5 Colored Grid? (PDF)
Information on how the 3x5 grid is used for small student populations and how it is used to determine performance levels for state measures.
Who is Included in the English Learner Student Group?(PDF)
An explanation of how the English learner student group is included in each indicator.
Archived Dashboard Flyers
2019 Dashboard State Indicator Flyers