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2019 Dashboard: Updates and Changes

A summary of the updates and changes to the 2019 Dashboard

The following updates and changes to the state indicators will go into effect for the 2019 Dashboard: 

Academic Indicator

Beginning with the 2019 Dashboard, results from the California Alternate Assessments (CAA) will be included in the calculations that determine a performance color for this indicator. Currently, performance is based only on results for the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments.

  • Additional changes to this indicator include:
    • New cut scores for the "Very Low" and "Low" Status levels, which will be applied to DASS schools only, and
    • Application of the district of residence rule to all students with disabilities (SWDs). In prior years, the district of residence (also known as the District of Special Education Accountability in CALPADS) was held accountable for only those SWDs who receive services from a special education school in another LEA or a non-public school (NPS). Beginning with the 2019 Dashboard, this business rule has been expanded so that the district of residence is held accountable for all SWDs regardless of where they receive special education services.

Participation Rate

Schools, districts and county offices of education will continue to see an adjustment to their performance on the Academic Indicator if less than 95 percent of their students participated in the state assessments. (This includes students who take the CAA.)

Graduation Rate Indicator

Beginning with the 2019 Dashboard, calculations for this indicator will be based on the combined four- and five-year graduation rate, which includes all students who: (1) belong to the most current graduating class and (2) graduated in five years as part of the prior year graduating class. In addition, new cut scores for the “Very Low” and “Low” Status levels will be applied to all schools (both DASS and non-DASS)

College/Career Indicator

Beginning with the 2019 Dashboard, the combined four- and five-year graduation rate will be used to calculate the CCI for comprehensive high schools. (The DASS graduation rate will continue to be used to calculate the CCI for DASS schools.).

English Learner Progress Indicator

Two years of results for the new English Learner Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) are now available. Therefore, the 2019 Dashboard will report Status for this indicator.

Suspension Rate Indicator

Because local educational agencies must report all increments of suspension for all students, only those that have an aggregate suspension of one full day (total suspension value equals 1.0 or more) will be included in the calculation of the suspension rate.

Three-by-Five Grids

Schools, districts and county offices of education with less than 150 students will have the three-by-five grid applied to the Graduation Rate, Suspension Rate, Chronic Absenteeism, and College/Career indicators to prevent large swings in data caused by the small populations of students.

For full details of the changes and business rules used to calculate all state indicators, please see the Dashboard Technical Guide on the California Department of Education California School Dashboard and System of Support web page at California School Dashboard and System of Support

California Department of Education: November 2019

Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 22, 2024