Connecting the Dashboard to LCFF
This page identifies how the Dashboard state and local measures interconnect with the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) priority areas.The specific state and local measures that are reported on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) are drawn from the ten priority areas of the Local Control Funding Formula, which was passed in 2013. These ten priority areas form the basis for California's integrated accountability system, which meets both state and federal requirements. Table 1 lists each priority area and its corresponding state and/or local measure.
Table 1: The State and Local Measures for Each Local Control Funding Formula Priority Areas
Priority Areas | State Indicator | Local Indicator |
Priority 1: Basic Services and Conditions at schools | N/A | Text books availability, adequate facilities, and correctly assigned teachers. |
Priority 2: Implementation of State Academic Standards | N/A | Annually report on progress in implementing the standards for all content areas. |
Priority 3: Parental Involvement and Family Engagement | N/A | Annually report progress toward: (1) seeking input from parents/guardians in decision making; and (2) promoting parental participation in programs. |
Priority 4: Student Achievement |
N/A |
Priority 5: Student Engagement |
N/A |
Priority 6: School Climate |
Administer a Local Climate Survey every other year. |
Priority 7: Access to a Broad Course of Study | N/A | Annually report progress on the extent students have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study. |
Priority 8: Outcomes in a Broad Course of Study |
N/A |
Priority 9: (county office of education [COEs] Only) Coordination of Services for Expelled Students | N/A | Annual measure of progress in coordinating instruction for expelled students. |
Priority 10: (COEs Only) Coordination of Services for Foster Youth | N/A | Annual measure of progress in coordinating instruction for foster youth. |
Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, November 21, 2024
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