Record Layout for Fall 2017 ELPI
Field names, types, and descriptions for the ELPI (English Learner Progress Indicator) Data File.Field # | Field Name | Description | Acceptable Values |
1 | cds | County-District-School (CDS) Code | 14-character string |
2 | rtype | Record Type | S=School Record D=LEA/District Record |
3 | schoolname | School Name | Text |
4 | districtname | District Name | Text |
5 | countyname | County Name | Text |
6 | charter_flag | Charter School Flag | Y or blank |
7 | coe_flag | County Office of Education Flag | Y or blank |
8 | currtesters | Current year number of annual California English Language Development Test (CELDT) testers with prior CELDT Score. |
Integer |
9 | curradvanced | Current year number of annual CELDT testers who increased at least one CELDT performance level | Integer |
10 | currmaintained | Current year number of annual CELDT testers who maintained Early Advanced Proficient, or Advanced Proficient | Integer |
11 | currrfeps | Number of English Learner (EL) students who were reclassified between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 | Integer |
12 | currltels | Current year number of Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) students who increased at least one CELDT performance level. | Integer |
13 | currnumer | Current year number of annual CELDT testers who increased at least one performance level in CELDT or who maintained Early Advanced/Advanced Proficient plus ELs who were reclassified between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016 plus LTEL students who increased at least one CELDT performance level. | Integer |
14 | currdenom | Current year number of annual CELDT testers with a prior score plus ELs who were reclassified between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. | Integer |
15 | currstatus | CURRENT STATUS Percent calculation: Current year annual CELDT testers plus ELs who reclassified in the prior year divided by (1) current year ELs who increased at least one CELDT performance level, plus (2) current year ELs who maintained Early Advanced/Advanced Proficient, plus (3) former ELs who were reclassified between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016, plus (4) bonus count for LTELs who increased at least one performance level on current year CELDT. (Rounded after calculations. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.) |
Decimal |
16 | priortesters | Prior year number of annual CELDT testers with a prior CELDT score. | Integer |
17 | prioradvanced | Prior year number of annual CELDT testers who increased at least one CELDT performance level. | Integer |
18 | priormaintaned | Prior year number of annual CELDT testers who maintained Early Advanced Proficient, or Advanced Proficient. | Integer |
19 | priorrfeps | Number of EL students who were reclassified between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 | Integer |
20 | priorltels | Prior year number of LTEL students who increased at least one CELDT performance level. | Integer |
21 | priornumer | Prior number of annual CELDT testers who increased at least one performance level in CELDT or who maintained Early Advanced/Advanced Proficient plus ELs who were reclassified between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 plus prior year LTEL students who increased at least one CELDT performance level. | Integer |
22 | priordenom | Prior year number of annual CELDT testers with a prior score plus ELs who were reclassified between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015. | Integer |
23 | priorstatus | PRIOR STATUS Percent calculation: Prior year annual CELDT testers plus former ELs reclassified between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 divided by (1) prior year ELs who increased at least one CELDT performance level, plus (2) prior year ELs who maintained Early Advanced/Advanced Proficient, plus (3) former ELs who were reclassified between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015, plus (4) bonus count for prior year LTELs who increased at least one performance level on prior year CELDT. (Rounded after calculations. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.) |
Decimal |
24 | change | CHANGE Difference between current status and prior status |
Decimal |
25 | statuslevel | Status level (Determined after calculations and rounding. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.) |
1=Very Low 2=Low 3=Medium 4=High 5=Very High 0=No Data |
26 | changelevel | Change level (Determined after calculations and rounding. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.)(Determined after calculations and rounding. For further information regarding this data field refer to the CA School Dashboard Technical Guide.) |
1=Decreased Significantly 2=Decreased 3=Maintained 4=Increased 5= Increased Significantly 0=No Data |
27 | color | Color | 1=Red 2=Orange 3=Yellow 4=Green 5=Blue 0=No Color |
28 | box | If a color was assigned, this value represents the specific 5x5 grid location | 10=Very High, Declined Significantly 20=Very High, Declined 30=Very High, Mantained 40=Very High, Increased 50=Very High, Increased Significantly 60=High, Declined Significantly 70=High, Declined 80=High, Mantained 90=High, Increased 100=High, Increased Significantly 110=Medium, Declined Significantly 120=Medium, Declined 130=Medium, Mantained 140=Medium, Increased 150=Medium, Increased Significantly 160=Low, Declined Significantly 170=Low, Declined 180=Low, Mantained 190=Low, Increased 200=Low, Increased Significantly 210=Very Low, Declined Significantly 220=Very Low, Declined 230=Very Low, Mantained 240=Very Low, Increased 250=Very Low, Increased Significantly 0=No Color |
29 | flag50pct | Tested less than 50% of EL population flag.
Districts and schools that did not test at least 50 percent of their English learner population on the CELDT in grades 3 through 8 and 11 are assigned an orange performance level (box 180), unless they have a red performance level. The 50 percent determination is based on the number of English learners (i.e., does not include reclassified students) who took the 2015 Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments in mathematics in grades 3 through 8 and 11. |
Y or blank Y=School did not test at least 50% of their EL population |
30 | nsize_met | Both the current year number of annual CELDT records with a prior score (i.e., currtesters) and the prior year number of annual CELDT records with a prior score (i.e., priortesters) is 30 or more. Except for schools or local education agencies (LEAs) with a ‘Y’ reported in the ‘flag50pct’ field, both the current and prior number of annual CELDTs must be 30 or more for a ‘color’ to be displayed. | Y=School or LEA had 30 or more annual CELDT records with a prior score in the current year and in the prior year N=In the current and/or prior years, the school or LEA had fewer than 30 annual CELDT records with a prior score |
31 | reportingyear | Reporting year. | Text |