Data Used for the 2019 Dashboard
An at-a glance summary table of the data and data years used for the 2019 Dashboard.The table below identifies the data that will be used to calculate Status and Change for each of the state indicators uploaded to the 2019 Dashboard by the California Department of Education (CDE). Note that all indicators use the most current data available.
2019 Dashboard
Indicator | Data Used for Status | Data Used for Change |
Chronic Absenteeism Rate: Grades K–8 |
2018–19 Chronic Absenteeism Rate |
2018–19 Chronic Absenteeism Rate minus 2017–18 Chronic Absenteeism Rate |
Suspension Rate: Grades K–12 |
2018–19 Suspension Rate |
2018–19 Suspension Rate minus 2017–18 Suspension Rate |
English Learner Progress: Grades 1–12 |
2017–18 and 2018–19 Summative ELPAC Assessments Results |
N/A (Need 3 years of ELPAC data to calculate Change) |
Graduation Rate for Non-DASS Schools: Grades 9–12 |
2018–19 combined four- and five-year graduation rate |
2018–19 combined four-and five year graduation rate minus 2017–18 combined four-and five year graduation rate |
Graduation Rate: Grades 9–12 |
2018–19 DASS graduation rate |
2018–19 DASS graduation rate minus 2017–18 DASS graduation rate |
Academic: Grades 3–8 and Grade 11 |
Distance from Standard* for 2019 Summative Assessments for ELA and mathematics |
2019 Distance from Standard minus 2018 Distance from Standard |
College/Career for Non-DASS Schools: Grades 9–12 |
“Prepared” Graduates in 2018–19 combined four- and five-year graduation rate |
“Prepared” Graduates in 2018–19 combined four-and five year graduation rate minus “Prepared” Graduates in 2017–18 combined four-and five year graduation rate |
College/Career for DASS Schools: Grades 9–12 |
“Prepared” Graduates in 2018–19 DASS graduation rate |
“Prepared” Graduates in 2018–19 DASS graduation rate minus “Prepared” Graduates in 2017–18 DASS graduation rate |
*Distance from Standard calculations include incorporation of the participation rate.
Analysis Measurement and Accountability Reporting Division | | 916-327-0219
Last Reviewed: Friday, August 30, 2024
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