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CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT)

The California Department of Education (CDE) Monitoring Tool (CMT), a Web-based system, which allows local educational agencies (LEAs) to facilitate a response to state and federal requirements for program monitoring.


Access to CMT is limited to appropriate use managed by the CMT support team. LEAs may request access, training, and assistance with the use of CMT by contacting the appropriate CDE program contact, who serves as the system administrator.

Two-Step Process

Access to CMT is a two-step process.

Step 1 - the first step is creating a user account in the Centralized Authentication System (CAS).

Registering a user account with CAS alone does not provide a user access to CMT

Step 2 - the second step requires a CMT agency administrator or CMT CDE administrator assigning the CAS user account to a role on an active review in CMT.

CMT utilizes the CAS system for authentication. Once access to CMT is granted, users log in to CMT by entering their CAS user ID and Password on the CMT log-on screen.


Access is granted when a CMT Agency Administrator or a CDE CMT Administrator assigns a user to an Agency level role or to a Review level role. CMT Access cannot be assigned in completed reviews.

Review Level Roles

Access is available to a user while assigned a role on an active review. Once the review enters the completed stage, access for users assigned to the review are rescinded automatically by CMT and the user is no longer able to log-on. In instances where an agency has more than one active review, a user will only have access to reviews they are assigned to.

Agency Review Coordinator

Primary agency contact and coordinator for a particular review. Facilitates communication with the Review Team Lead and has access to all CMT features including, uploading and linking documents, certifying evidence requests, and posting comments. This user role is often also assigned the agency level role of Agency Administrator.

Agency Review Program Staff

Manages review documents directly. This user role has access to all features including, uploading and linking documents, certifying evidence requests, and posting comments.

Agency Review Staff

A user involved in managing review documents including uploading and linking documents and posting comments. This role cannot certify evidence requests.

Agency Level Roles

User Administrator

User has access to assign themselves or other users to active review associated with their agency.

Agency Administrator

Users assigned this role are granted rights to CMT for any of the agency’s active or completed reviews and are able to assign themselves and others to roles on active reviews associated with their agency. The Agency Administrator often is or was assigned the role of Agency Review Coordinator for a review in CMT. Agency Review Coordinators designated by an Agency must first be assigned the role of Agency Review Coordinator and assigned Agency Administrator Access by a CDE CMT system administrator

County Lead

County Office of Education (COE) Monitoring Leads in partnership with the CDE provide support to LEAs in the Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) process. County Monitoring Lead access is granted and authorized solely by FPM staff. This type of access provides read-only rights to active and completed reviews for all LEAs located within the respective county. Users with this type of access must be assigned a role in an active review by a CMT agency administrator in order to perform any direct support activities during a review (i.e. uploading of documents).

Creating an Account

The CAS was created by the CDE with the intention of necessitating a single user account, ID and password to access multiple CDE information systems. Accounts are user-managed; password administration and maintaining up-to-date contact information is incumbent on the user. There are currently three CDE information systems utilizing CAS; the Consolidated Application Reporting System (CARS); the CDE monitoring Tool (CMT); and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Electronic Template System (eTemplate). More systems may be added in the future.

CAS is a user maintained high security system; CDE CMT administrators do not have the ability to update CAS user account information or reset passwords. When creating an account, users select two security questions from a list of twelve. When attempting to use the “Forgot password” feature, users are presented with all twelve questions and must provide the correct response to one of the two questions they selected when creating the account. Therefore, it is strongly advised that when creating an account, users record their chosen security questions and answers and save them in a private and secure location. CMT system administrators do not have the ability to identify chosen security questions or the original answers provided by the user.

Current CARS and LCAP users with an established CAS account do not need to create a new account. CAS is designed to allow the user to have one user account for CARS, CMT, and LCAP. A new CAS user account should not be created for CMT when the user already has an existing account that is used with CARS or LCAP. When solicited to provide your CAS username for access to CMT, you should provide your existing CAS username. If a user with access to CARS or LCAP creates an additional CAS user account for CMT, the new account, after being assigned a role, will only work with CMT. A user will not be able to access CARS or LCAP with the new CAS username unless the user notifies the CARS or LCAP staff that they are using a new CAS username and requests to have their accounts switched.


Information related to CMT training.
CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) Webinar Training for Agencies External link opens in new window or tab. (Video; 45:48)
Recorded presentation of CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) Agency Hands-On Webinar Training uploaded on December 30, 2019.

CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) Agency User Manual (DOCX; Posted 10-Jan-2018)
A guide to provide agency CMT users with the knowledge needed to use the tool.

CMT Help Desk

To report problems, request technical assistance, or ask other questions, please submit a help desk request using the CDE Monitoring Tool (CMT) Support Request Form.

Questions:   CMT Help Desk | CMT Support Desk Form | 916-319-0935
Last Reviewed: Friday, September 6, 2024
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