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California Department of Education
Official Letter
California Department of Education
Official Letter
April 15, 2024

Dear Select County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators:

Notification of Selection for 2024–25 Cycle C In-Person Federal Program Monitoring Review

Federal and state laws require the California Department of Education (CDE) to monitor the implementation of certain programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs).

School districts, direct-funded charter schools, and county offices of education that receive funding for certain programs may be selected for a Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) compliance review by the state. The purpose of the review is to ensure that the programs operated by LEAs meet minimum fiscal and programmatic requirements.

The CDE considers several factors including program size, per-pupil allocation, level of support, and compliance history to identify LEAs for FPM review. Based on these factors, the CDE has selected your LEA for an in-person FPM review during the 2024–25 school year. A list of selected Cycle C LEAs can be accessed at 2024-25 LEAs Selected for Cycle C Onsite.

For an overview of the FPM review process, please access the CDE Compliance Monitoring web page at Compliance Monitoring.

• At this time, to begin preparations for the review, the CDE requests that you:

• Designate an FPM Review Coordinator in your LEA to serve as the primary point of contact for the CDE during the monitoring process. The FPM Review Coordinator should have program administration experience and be available throughout the review process.

• Access the FPM Contact and Scheduling Feedback Form [Note: The preceding link is no longer valid] by April 26, 2024, which will inform the CDE about local factors to consider in scheduling the 2024–25 FPM review (it should take less than five minutes to respond to this link).

Your LEA will also have access the designated CDE FPM Review Lead, who will work directly with your FPM Review Coordinator to get the process started and to provide additional, ongoing support. For CDE FPM Review Lead contact information, please access the following link: Federal Program Monitoring Review Lead Assignments.

Specifics regarding FPM in 2024–25, including the identification of programs to be reviewed, monitoring instruments, review schedule, and training opportunities for your LEA, will be announced in May. The designated CDE FPM Review Lead will contact your designated FPM Review Coordinator when this information becomes available.

If you have any questions regarding the FPM process, please contact the CDE FPM Office by phone at 916-319-0935 or by email at The CDE looks forward to supporting your efforts in this important project.

Liberty Van Natten, Director
Educational Data Management Division

Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 17, 2024

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