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Career Technical Education

A program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers.
Agriculture Education
Resources for agriculture education programs, including classroom instruction, leadership, and supervised agricultural experience programs that prepare students for college or entrance into agricultural careers.
Business & Marketing
Program information that prepares students for careers and/or postsecondary education in the areas of marketing, finance, accounting, information technology, entrepreneurship, and economics.
California Career Resource Network (CalCRN)
The CalCRN program provides career development resources, and training materials to middle school and high school students, counselors, educators, and administrators.
Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG)
Program established as a state education, economic, and workforce development initiative to provide pupils in kindergarten through grade twelve with the knowledge and skills necessary to transition to employment and postsecondary education.
CTE Distance Learning Resources
Information and resources to assist educators providing Career Technical Education (CTE) support to students and families through distance learning.
Equal Opportunity & Access
Discloses the practices of the California Department of Education to ensure equal, fair, and meaningful access to its employment and program services.
Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Information about family and consumer sciences (formerly home economics careers and technology) education programs that prepare students to become positive, productive members of families, the workplace, and the community.
General Information
General guidance for California public schools; includes career technical e-mail list to get timely information about career technical programs.
Health Careers Education
Program that helps students gain insight into the health care industry, explore health-related areas, and prepare for career entry/postsecondary education.
Industrial & Technology Education
Programs that provide students with insight into and an understanding of the technological nature of our culture.
Federal act established to improve career-technical education programs, integrate academic and career-technical instruction, serve special populations, and meet gender equity needs.
Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCPs): career and workforce preparation for high school students and adults, preparation for advanced training, and the upgrading of existing skills.
Standards & Framework
Identifies the knowledge and skills necessary for career and postsecondary options and provides a blueprint for organizing and delivering instruction.
Student Organizations
Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA), Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), Future Farmers of America (FFA), Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), and Skills USA.
Work Experience Education (WEE)
Work Experience Education (WEE) is a work-based learning course of study that offers internships and employment combined with instruction in critical workplace skills.