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Middle Grades

Information and resources for middle grades educators and parents. The middle grades consist of early-adolescent students, ten to fourteen years of age, generally in grades six to eight.

Taking Center Stage Act II, Middle Grades Success

Taking Center Stage-Act II (TCSII) Recommendations, Professional Learning Activities, and Success Videos
In 2008, the California Department of Education (CDE) created a dynamic, web-based publication to provide educators with relevant information pertaining to middle grades. Taking Center Stage—Act II (TCSII): Ensuring Success and Closing the Achievement Gap for All of California’s Middle Grades Students was designed to promote, illustrate, and support the concepts embedded in the California Department of Education’s (CDE) 12 Recommendations for Middle Grades Success. Created specifically for middle grades educators, TCSII content offers developmentally responsive and research-based practices through videos, professional learning activities, and best practice vignettes focused on the young adolescent.

Questions:   High School Innovations and Initiatives Office | | 916-319-0893
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 23, 2024