Consolidated Application and Reporting System
The Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) is a data collection system to apply for Categorical Program Funding and to report on the use of those funds.ConApp | CARS | Request for Applications | FAQ
Communications | CDE Program Contacts | Data Management
Program Profiles | Technical System Support
Register for User Account
Centralized Authentication System (CAS)
CAS is the system for establishing a system user account with the California Department of Education (CDE). Registering a user account in CAS does not provide a user with access to CARS or any other CDE system that uses CAS. If your CAS user name has not yet been added to CARS, you will receive the error message "CARS access is not available to this user". Information on how to use your CAS user name to gain access to CARS can be found on the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) web page in the User Access section.
CARS Login
Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Login
Login to the CARS system, which can only be accessed by authorized users who have registered in the CAS system and have been granted rights by their CARS local educational agency (LEA) User Administrator.
CARS Calendar of Release Timelines
CARS Data Collection Release Schedule (Updated 26-Apr-2024)
List of current and upcoming tentative release opening dates and deadlines, along with the applicable data collections for those release periods.
Training and User Documents
Purpose: To provide links to individual training documents and webinars.
- CARS User Guide (DOC; 2MB; Updated 20-Nov-2015)
A guide to provide CARS users with the knowledge needed to navigate efficiently through the CARS and to enter or view data. - Navigating CARS Webinar
(Video; 22:45)
An introduction to CARS that is targeted towards new LEA users. The webinar covers how to move around in the CARS, what to expect on each tab, what to expect in each form, and additional information about how the CARS works. - Current Year Program Instructions (Posted 01-Dec-2024)
Data collection instructions which include the purpose, program information, program contact and procedures for completing the 2024–25 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs. - 2023–24 Consolidated Application Instructions (Posted 29-Nov-2023)
Data collection instructions which include the purpose, program information, program contact and procedures for completing the 2023–24 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs. - 2022–23 Consolidated Application Instructions (Posted 19-May-2023)
Data collection instructions which include the purpose, program information, program contact and procedures for completing the 2022–23 Consolidated Application for Funding Categorical Aid Programs.
CARS-Specific Communication
News Flash Updates
- CARS Update Flash #79 (Dated 19-Apr-2024)
News Flash 79 was sent to LEA User Administrators announcing the CARS 2024–25 Spring Release is scheduled to open on May 1, 2024. The news flash also included a list of the data collections included in the release.
Useful Information and Links
California School Directory
The California School Directory contains information about all California public schools, private schools, non-public nonsectarian schools, school districts, and county offices of education.
Application for County-District-School (CDS) Code and School Changes
School districts that plan to open or change a school status need to do so using either the Online Public Update for Schools (OPUS) system or the school forms. Those can be found at the CDE Schools & Districts web page.