Processes for Change
This series of videos provides overviews about managing and implementing change at a broader level to make any specific strategies successful so that students learn and thrive.Each video includes relevant resources to guide further exploration of these topics.
Developing Effective School and District Plans
Principles and guidelines for effective local, state, and federal planning.
- Analyzing Data and Assessing Local Needs
Local priorities guide the direction of the needs assessment and the nature of the questions that will guide next steps.
- Ensuring Equity in California
Six goals are used to address the disparities between race, ethnicity, disability, and socioeconomic status when creating Equity Teams to ensure equitable practices for student target groups.
- Readership Story
What it looks like to improve literacy and close the achievement gap for the most vulnerable adolescent students in 4th–8th grade.
Developing Effective School and District Plans
- Local priorities guide the direction of the needs assessment
- Overview of the four basic categories of data
- It is best to use data from multiple sources, comprising a significant time span
Running Time: 5:52 minutes
- Transcript: Developing Effective School and District Plans
- Spanish Video and Transcript for Developing Effective School and District Plans
- Discussion Guide: Developing Effective School and District Plans (PDF)
- Local, State & Federal Plans
- Parent & Community Engagement
- Implementing Strategies
Related Quality Schooling Framework (QSF) Elements
Related Resources
Rethinking the Scale-Up Challenge
This video discusses the necessary components to bring about deep, meaningful, systemic change. The format and brevity make the video useful at both the state and local levels to initiate or deepen conversations around implementation and ways to effectively address common problems in education reform. The authors recommend developing an Implementation Infrastructure, which includes: Aligned Initiatives, Implementation Capacity, and a New Type of Leadership. -
Writing Effective Proposals: Guidance for Preparing Applications for Funds
This Web page provides clear writing strategies and suggestions for producing effective plans. - Unified Improvement Planning
This comprehensive guide describes processes for schools and districts to engage in a cycle of continuous improvement to improve student learning and system effectiveness.
Analyzing Data and Assessing Local Needs
- The purpose is to identify areas of strength and areas for improvement
- The data is examined over time to identify trends
- The areas identified for improvement should be prioritized
Running Time: 5:51 minutes
Video Resources
- Transcript: Analyzing Data and Assessing Local Needs
- Discussion Guide: Analyzing Data and Assessing Local Needs (PDF)
- Purpose and Process of Data Analysis
- Engaging Stakeholders Effectively
Related QSF Elements
- Resource Alignment
- Family & Community
- Culture & Climate
- Video: Developing Effective School and District Plans
Related Resources
- Reports and Dashboards: Tableau Data Dashboard
Riverside County Office of Education has created multiple Tableau reports for any District, School, or Charter in California to use when conducting their needs assessments by analyzing statewide indicators for equity gaps LEA (local educational agency)- and school-wide, and by student groups. The data tables on Tableau provide an accessible way for stakeholders to review data and discuss student groups’ needs. Video tutorials are available for several of the Dashboards.
- Healthy Kids Survey
Comprehensive survey used to assess many aspects of a school’s climate and culture.
- Five Steps for Structuring Data-Informed Conversations and Action in Education
This facilitation guide shows education data teams how to move beyond simply reporting data to applying data to direct strategic action. Using guiding questions, suggested activities, and activity forms, this guide provides education data teams with a framework and the tools and vocabulary needed to support an informed conversation around the data they generate or acquire. The guide walks data teams through five key steps in using data for informed decision making and strategic action: setting the stage, examining the data, understanding the findings, developing an action plan, and monitoring progress and measuring success.
Ensuring Equity in California
- All student groups achieve their highest potential
- Decision makers examine their systems, policies, procedures and practices
- Shared responsibility and accountability across all stakeholders
Running Time: 7:51 minutes
Video Resources
- Six goals to identify and address Equity
- Decision making using an Equity Lens
- Implementing an Equity team
Related QSF Elements
Related Resources
How the Common Core Must Ensure Equity by Fully Preparing Every Student for Postsecondary Success (PDF)
This document explains the call to action for state districts and schools to examine their policies and procedures while implementing equity practices.
- Partners In Education A Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships
This framework provides the tool to build capacity to successfully develop relationships between families and schools. By following the tools and framework, staff can systematically improve learning outcomes for children. Family-School-Community Partnerships 2.0.
- Communicating with English Language Learner (ELL) Families: 10 Strategies for Schools
Learn how to stay in contact with English learners and their families and how administrators can support that outreach.
- Equity Through Language Access: Best Practices for Collaborating with Interpreters
This article provides tips for teachers, administrators, bilingual staff, and families on how collaborate with interpreters to build effective family communication and ensure students have equitable access to their education.
Readership Story
- Encourage lifelong love of reading
- Provide high quality culturally diverse books directly into students’ hands
- Data showed reading achievement shifted and learning loss was mitigated
Running Time: 24:40 minutes
Video Resources
- Improving literacy outcomes
- Setting goals for site and staff improvement
- Two models for success
Related QSF Elements
Related Resources
- Readership Story PowerPoint
Review the PowerPoint which was used in the video as a resource in the activities and for contact information of the co-directors of the Readership Story.
For questions regarding the Readership Story, or assistance with setting up a regionwide literacy program, contact Jenean Bray at or Tammy Milligan at