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Language Services Policy of the Department

Language Services Policy and Process

The California Department of Education (CDE) is responsible for ensuring that all persons, including Limited English Proficient (LEP) are provided equal access to its available services and information. The commitment of the CDE is that all of its programs and services are accessible to its LEP customers in compliance with the Dymally-Allatorre Bilingual Services Act and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.This includes, but is not limited to, provide resources, which include interpreters and translated materials of information and services in the language readily understood by an individual seeking guidance or assistance from the CDE.

A person has the right to interact with the CDE in a language that best ensures meaningful access to programs and services at no cost to them. The CDE may request a family member or minor to interpret for the person only in an emergency situation, or to obtain non-essential information such as identifying the language that the person speaks. In the event of such an occurrence, the CDE will follow up with any individual via a certified bi-lingual employee to find out the nature of the inquiry and provide the necessary information.

All complaints against a school or school district pertaining to language services should be filed directly with the school district.

Language Services Complaint Process

If the requesting party is not satisfied with the outcome as it relates to translation or interpreting services provided by the CDE, they are free to file a complaint using the steps outlined below:

  1. Contact the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) main line 916-445-9174, electronic contact at or fax number 916-324-9818.
  2. Complete the Language Services Complaint Form (PDF) and return to the OEO.
  3. The OEO will provide complainant with acknowledgement of complaint via the method used for filing within two working days.
  4. The OEO will contact the affected Division/Branch regarding information contained in the complaint form
  5. The Division/Branch will gather pertinent information relative to the claim.
  6. The responding Division/Branch will contact the OEO within seven working days to report a resolution. (Due to the nature of some complaints the fact finding may take more than seven working days, if that is the case the OEO will notify the complainant of the extension).
  7. The OEO will prepare and send the official CDE response of resolution within 10 working days of the initial complaint.


Questions:   Office of Equal Opportunity | | 916-445-9174
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 31, 2024
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