Programs No Longer Administered by CDE
This repository contains information about programs and initiatives that were previously assigned to CDE staff, but where CDE does not have current staff assignments.The California Department of Education (CDE) provides leadership and oversight for many educational programs and initiatives. Over time and due to changes in laws, educational policy, or funding priorities, the focus of CDE’s responsibility may change.
Below are links to general information, data, and resources for some of these programs and initiatives.
This information is for historical purposes only and it is possible that information contained here
may not be current.
- Academic Performance Index (API) (Added 27-Dec-2018)
- ACT Data Report (Added 04-Apr-2022)
- Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) (Added 27-Dec-2018)
- Administrator Training Program (Added 27-Feb-2017)
- Advanced Placement (AP) Exams Data Report (Added 04-Apr-2022)
- Advanced Placement Test Fee Reimbursement (Added 13-May-2016)
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) (Added 05-Mar-2019)
- Aiming High: High Schools for the 21st Century (Added 22-Jan-2016)
- Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) (Added 28-Jul-2017)
- Apprenticeship (Added 05-Nov-2014)
- American Indian Early Childhood Education (Added 14-Oct-2024)
- American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) (Updated 13-May-2016)
- Arts and Music Block Grant (Added 11-May-2017)
- Assembly Bill (AB) 1200 County Office of Education Fiscal Oversight (Added 24-Mar-2016)
- Bilingual Teacher Professional Development Program (BTPDP) (Added 08-Feb-2024)
- Bilingual Teacher Training (Added 11-May-2017)
- California Accountability & Improvement System (CAIS) (Added 30-Oct-2017)
- California Clean Energy Jobs Act (Proposition 39) (Added 30-Mar-2022)
- California Elementary Mathematics and Science Professional Learning Initiative (CEMSPLI) (Added 12-Jun-2023)
- California Education Leadership Grants (Added 12-Jun-2023)
- California English Language Development Test (CELDT) (Added 13-Jun-2019)
- California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE) (Added 18-Sep-2023)
- California Mathematics and Science Partnership (CaMSP) (Added 6-Mar-2023)
- California Mathematics Readiness Challenge Initiative Grants (CMRCI) (Added 12-Jun-2023)
- Cal-SAFE (Added 29-May-2015)
- CALPADS LEA Funding (Added 29-Oct-2019)
- CALTIDES (Added 12-Jan-2017)
- Center for Civic Education (Added 12-May-2017)
- Certificated Staff Mentoring (Added 12-May-2017)
- Charter School Facility Grant Program (Added 15-Oct-2019)
- Charter School Revolving Loan Fund (Added 15-Oct-2019)
- Chief Business Officer Training (Added 12-May-2017)
- Class Size Reduction (K-3) (Added 11-Dec-2015)
- Community Based English Tutoring (Added 12-May-2017)
- Economic Impact Aid (Added 12-May-2017)
- Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act - Education Jobs Fund (Added 13-May-2016)
- Educational Technology (Added 12-May-2017)
- Engaging Girls in STEM (Added 02-Jul-2024)
- English Language Acquisition Program (Added 12-May-2017)
- Fiscal Solvency Plans (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Healthy Start (Added 01-May-2015)
- Instructional Materials Funding Realignment Program (Added 12-May-2017)
- International Baccalaureate (Added 12-May-2017)
- J-4 County School Service Funds Reimbursement (Added 12-May-2017)
- K-12 Voucher Program (Added 24-Apr-2019)
- Local Control Funding Formula Categorical Aid for Regional Occupational Center or Program Joint Powers Agencies (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Low-Performing Students Block Grant (Added 12-Feb-2024)
- Mathematics & Reading Professional Development (Added 12-May-2017)
- Mathematics & Reading Professional Development, English Learners (Added 12-May-2017)
- Middle and High School Supplemental School Counseling Program (Added 30-Mar-2016)
- Morgan-Hart Class Size Reduction, Grade 9 (Added 15-Jan-2016)
- National Board Certification Incentive Program (Added 05-Jan-2015)
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Incentive (Added 12-Jan-2018)
- New Charter School Supplemental Categorical Block Grant Program (Added 12-Jan-2018)
- No Child Left Behind: Title IV, Part A, Safe & Drug-Free Schools & Communities (Added 12-May-2017)
- Open Enrollment (Added 20-Jun-2019)
- Oral Health Assessment Program (Added 12-Jan-2018)
- Parent Empowerment (Added 20-Jun-2019)
- Peer Assistance and Review program (Added 12-Jan-2018)
- Persistently Lowest-Achieving Schools (Added 14-Jan-2019)
- Physical Education Teacher Incentive program (Added 12-Jan-2018)
- Professional Development Block Grant (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Program Improvement (Added 12-Jun-2019)
- Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999 (Added 29-Oct-2020)
- Pupil Retention Block Grant (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Pupil Transportation: Home-to-School and Special Education (Added 26-Aug-2024)
- Qualified School Construction Bond (Added 27-Jan-2016)
- Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) of 2006 (Added 05-Dec-2018)
- Reader Services for Legally Blind Teachers (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- SAT Data Report (Added 04-Apr-2022)
- School and Library Improvement Block Grant (SLIBG) (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- School Improvement Grant (SIG) (Added 31-Jan-2024)
- School Quality Snapshot (Added 01-Aug-2017)
- School Safety Consolidated Competitive Grant (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- School Safety and Violence Prevention (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Service Learning (Added 04-Feb-2015)
- Small School District and County Office of Education Bus Replacement Program (Added 26-Aug-2024)
- Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) (Updated 25-Aug-2017)
- Statewide System of School Support (S4) (Added 05-Dec-2018)
- Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant (Added 25-Oct-2022)
- Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Teacher-based Reform Pilot (Added 25-Jul-2023)
- Teacher Credentialing Block Grant (TCBG) (Added 26-Mar-2019)
- Team California for Healthy Kids (Added 22-Jul-2020)
- Tech Prep Education (Added 24-July-2015)
- Tenth Grade Counseling Program (Added 30-Mar-2016)
- Title III Accountability (Added 14-Jan-2019)
- Valenzuela Case Settlement County Oversight (Added 14-Oct-2024)
If interested in other archives visit the CDE Archive Portal .
California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 14, 2024
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