Charter School Renewals
Information on specific laws and procedures of the charter school renewal process.Section Menu
- Charter School Renewal Terms
- Renewal Standards and Criteria
- Renewal of a Charter School
- Notification of a Renewal
- Denial of a Renewal
- Renewal Appeal Process
- Renewal Resources
Charter School Renewal Terms
California Education Code (EC) Section 47607.4, which was amended by Senate Bill 114 [Chapter 48, Statutes of 2023], provides the following regarding charter school renewal terms:
Notwithstanding the renewal process and criteria established in Sections 47605.9, 47607, and 47607.2 or any other law, effective July 1, 2021, all charter schools whose term expires on or between January 1, 2022, and June 30, 2025, inclusive, shall have their term extended by two years, and all charter schools whose term expires on or between January 1, 2024, and June 30, 2027, inclusive, shall have their term extended by one additional year.
At the time that this EC Section was amended, the California Department of Education (CDE) automatically updated the charter terms for the charter schools impacted by this extension. To view the expiration date of a charter school, visit the Charter School Database.
A complete list of charter schools with their current term expiration dates is available at Fiscal Year 2024–25 Charter School Term Expiration Dates (XLSX; Posted 7-Nov-2024).
EC Section 47607.4 does not preclude charter authorizers from invoking revocation procedures, pursuant to EC Section 47607.
Renewal Standards and Criteria
California Education Code Section 47607
Petition Elements
Renewals of charters are governed by the standards and criteria described in EC Section 47607. Pursuant to EC Section 47607(b), renewals of charter are governed by the standards and criteria described in EC Section 47605, and shall include, but not be limited to, a reasonably comprehensive description of any new requirement of charter schools enacted into law after the charter was originally granted or last renewed.
Performance Categories
Pursuant to EC Section 47607(c), as an additional criterion for determining whether to grant a charter renewal, the chartering authority shall consider a charter school’s placement under the performance categories, which is based on the charter school's performance under the California School Dashboard (Dashboard). Specific information regarding performance categories is available at Performance Categories.
Dashboard Alternative School Status Schools
The Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) program replaces the Alternative Schools Accountability Model (ASAM) and holds alternative schools accountable for alternative accountability indicators incorporated in the Dashboard based on the charter school’s pupil population served as well as the alternative metrics mutually agreed upon between the chartering authority and the charter school per EC Section 47607(c)(7). A DASS school, which cannot qualify for the High, Middle, or Low performance categories, has their own renewal criteria and is not included in the Charter School Performance Category Data File. To determine if a school is participating in the DASS program, download the Current DASS Schools data file posted at Active DASS Schools.
EC Section 47607(c)(7) requires a chartering authority to consider a DASS school's performance on the Dashboard (all performance indicators and local indicators) as well as on “alternative metrics.” These alternative metrics are to be mutually determined by a charter school and its chartering authorities during the first year of the charter school's charter term. A chartering authority is to notify a DASS school of the alternative metrics to be used within 30 days of the meeting where metrics were discussed and agreed to. Denial of the renewal of a DASS school must include written findings of fact supporting the supposition that the closure of the charter school is in the best interest of the pupils.
Enrollment Data
EC Section 47607(d)(1) requires the CDE, upon request by a chartering authority, to provide aggregate data reflecting pupil enrollment patterns at a charter school. Specific information regarding enrollment data is available at Enrollment Data.
California Education Code Section 47607.2
Charter Schools Identified as Low Performing
The criteria governing the renewal of a low performing charter school are described under EC sections 47607.2(a)(4)(A) and (B), and sunset on January 1, 2026. The purpose of this additional review process is to allow a charter school identified as low performing to present clear and convincing evidence to demonstrate that it is helping to increase student learning and postsecondary success. A chartering authority is to use verified data, as defined per EC Section 47607.2(c), as a means to show that a charter school has achieved measurable increases in academic achievement.
Under EC Section 47607.2(a)(1), a chartering authority may renew a charter school that has been identified as low performing by composing written factual findings specifying evidence of the following:
- (A) The charter school is making meaningful steps to address the underlying cause or causes of low performance, and those steps are reflected, or will be reflected, in a written plan adopted by the governing body of the charter school, pursuant to EC Section 47607.2(a)(3)(4).
- (B) There is clear and convincing evidence that the charter school achieved measurable increases in academic achievement, pursuant to EC Section 47607.2(a)(3)(B).
Verified Data
Pursuant to EC Section 47607.2(c)(2), the California State Board of Education (SBE), at their November 2020 meeting, approved the criteria to define verified data as well as a list of valid and reliable assessments, and measures of postsecondary outcomes. The approved list is effective until January 1, 2026. No data sources other than those adopted by the SBE can be used by a chartering authority as verified data. Detailed information regarding this topic is available at Verified Data.
California Education Code Section 47605.1
Sites and Centers Operating Outside Chartering Authority Boundaries
EC Section 47605.1 requires charter school sites and resource centers to be located within the boundaries of the chartering authority. An existing charter school located outside the chartering authority boundaries may continue to operate the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility until the charter school submits a request for the renewal of its charter petition.
To continue operating in the existing location, before submitting the request to the charter school’s chartering authority for the renewal of the charter petition, the charter school must first obtain approval in writing from the school district where the resource center, meeting space, or other satellite facility is operating.
Renewal of a Charter School
Timing for the Renewal of a Charter School
EC Section 47607.4 automatically extends the terms of charter schools that expire on or between January 1, 2024, and June 30, 2027, by one additional year. The extensions to charter terms permit renewals based upon the most current, post-pandemic assessments, and allow charter school renewals to be based on the renewal tiers set out in EC sections 47607 and 47607.2. In order to ensure the availability of sufficient data, charter renewals may be heard beginning in fiscal year 2024–25 and/or at the conclusion of the year immediately preceding the final year of the charter school’s term. The CDE recommends the process begin with sufficient time for appeals, if needed, before the charter term has expired.
Existing Charter School
Pursuant to EC sections 47607.5 and 47605(k)(1)(A)(i), if the governing board of a school district does not grant a charter school’s petition for renewal, the charter school may submit a petition for renewal to the county board of education within 30 calendar days after the denial by the governing board of the school district.
If there is no independent county board of education, the petition for renewal may be filed directly with the SBE.
If the renewal of the charter school was approved by a chartering authority other than the original chartering authority, the charter school will need to update its chartering authority under the California School Directory by completing the Change in Authorizing District for a Charter School application, which is available at Application for a County-District-School (CDS) Code.
Pursuant to EC Section 47605(k)(2), if the county board of education does not grant the charter school's petition for renewal, the charter school may appeal the decision to the SBE. Information regarding the denial of a renewal is available under Denial of a Renewal. Information regarding the appeal process for a renewal is available under Appeal Process for the Renewal of a Charter School.
California State Board of Education-Authorized Charter School
Pursuant to EC Section 47605.9(b), a charter school operating under a charter approved by the SBE pursuant to EC Section 47605, as it read on January 1, 2019, may continue to operate under the authority of the SBE only until the date on which the charter is up for renewal, at which point the charter school shall submit a petition for renewal to the governing board of the school district within the boundaries of which the charter school is located.
If approved by the governing board of the school district, the charter school will need to update its chartering authority under the California School Directory by completing the Change in Authorizing District for a Charter School application, which is available at Application for a CDS Code.
Pursuant to EC Section 47605.9(b), if the governing board of the school district denies the renewal petition, the charter school may submit the petition for renewal directly to the SBE. Information regarding the denial of a renewal is available under Denial of a Renewal. Information regarding the appeal process for a renewal is available under Appeal Process for the Renewal of a Charter School.
Notification of a Renewal
Under EC Section 47604.32(a)(5)(A) and California Code of Regulations, Title 5 Section 11962.1, a chartering authority (e.g., school district or county office) is to provide timely notification (i.e., within 10 days) to the CDE after approving the renewal of a charter school.
The renewal of a charter school must be documented by an official action (e.g., board minutes, board resolution, signed letter from superintendent, etc.) of the chartering authority.
The chartering authority (i.e., not the charter school) is to submit notice of the renewal approval to the CDE via email at prior to the expiration of the charter term. In order for the CDE to process the renewed charter term, the following documents are required to be provided by the chartering authority:
- Charter School Renewal Cover Sheet (PDF; Posted 26-Feb-2025) signed by the Superintendent, or designee, of the chartering authority.
- Written notice (e.g., board minutes of the public hearing approving the renewal of the charter) by the governing board of the chartering authority. The minutes need to include a statement that the charter school has been renewed for a X-year term effective from July 1, XXXX, through June 30, XXXX.
- Updated and complete petition (including new legislation enacted after the charter school was originally granted or last renewed) as approved by the chartering authority.
- If the status of the charter school is low performing, a copy of the written plan adopted by the governing body of the charter school as stated under EC Section 47607.2(a)(4)(A), and the charter board minutes demonstrating the date the written plan was adopted by the charter school governing board.
Denial of a Renewal
Regardless of a charter school's placement under the performance categories, EC Section 47607(e) allows chartering authorities to deny a charter school’s renewal if it makes a finding that the charter school is demonstrably unlikely to successfully implement the program set forth in the petition due to substantial fiscal or governance factors, or if the charter school is not serving all pupils who wish to attend. The chartering authority may only deny renewal using this standard if it has provided at least 30 days’ notice to the charter school of the alleged violation and provided the charter school with a reasonable opportunity to cure the violation, including a corrective action plan proposed by the charter school. The chartering authority may deny renewal only by making either of the following findings:
- The corrective action plan proposed by the charter school has been unsuccessful, or
- The violations are sufficiently severe and pervasive as to render a corrective action plan unviable.
Renewal Appeal Process
Information regarding the submission of an appeal to the SBE for the renewal of an existing charter school and the renewal of an SBE-authorized charter school is available at California State Board of Education Appeals.
Renewal Resources
Performance Category and Renewal Webinar
Information and recording from the March 26, 2024, Performance Category and Renewal Webinar.
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