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Local Educational Agency Grants

Program summaries and information on specific federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act grants allocated to provide services to individuals with disabilities.

The California Department of Education (CDE) receives funding under three provisions of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).  California's Legislature and Governor provide the guidelines for these funds through the annual Budget Act.  General questions about federal fund payments should be directed to the Special Education Division (SED), Fiscal Payments I Unit, by email at Questions related to a specific grant program should be directed to the program contact identified in the program summary.

Program information on specific federal IDEA and state general fund (Proposition 98) grants allocated to provide services to individuals with disabilities is described below:  

IDEA, Part B, Section 611

IDEA, Part B, Section 619

IDEA, Part C

State (Proposition 98) Funded Grant Awards  

Other Resources

Local Assistance Entitlements (Program Cost Account [PCA] 13379/Resource Code 3310)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

2023–24 Proportionate Share Calculation Worksheet (PDF; Posted 20-Feb-2024)

2023–24 Proportionate Share Assurance Form (PDF; Posted 20-Feb-2024)

IDEA, Part B, federal funds support the expense of educating identified students with disabilities.

This grant is one portion of the federal subgrants to local educational agencies (LEAs). The subgrants are based on a three-part formula: a base amount, a percentage of population, and a percentage of poverty. All special education local plan areas (SELPAs) receive a base amount of $323,428,031 statewide, divided by December 1999 pupil count. Of the funds in excess of the base amount, 85 percent are allocated on the basis of the relative number of children enrolled in public and private elementary and secondary schools within each SELPA's jurisdiction, and 15 percent on the basis of the relative number of children living in poverty using free and reduced-price meal participation as the indicator of poverty. Adjustments to the base amount are required if a new SELPA is created, if one or more SELPAs are combined, or if SELPA geographical or administrative boundaries change. Districts must account for these funds as expenditures for pupils with an individualized education program (IEP) and for the provisions of the special education and related services required by students with disabilities in order to benefit from a public education.

This grant is allocated for students five through twenty-one years of age, inclusive.

Funding Profile (13379)
Program Contact: Betty Wong, Education Fiscal Services Consultant, by email at

Individualized Education Program Support Centers Grant (PCA 01166/Resource Code 5810)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) Support Centers Grant is for the purpose of creating four support centers to, (1) provide technical assistance and support to local educational agencies in developing and administering comprehensive IEPs; and (2) to develop tools and resources to assess and address learning and service needs for students with disabilities stemming from Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic during the 2021–22 fiscal year (FY).

Funding Profile (01166)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

California Special Education Technical Assistance Network Grant (PCA 01166/Resource Code 5810)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The California Special Education Technical Assistance Network grant is to provide support to local educational agencies (LEAs) including, districts; charter LEAs; county offices of education; and special education local plan areas. The funding will be used to develop a technical assistance hub (TA Hub) to support LEAs with assessing and addressing learning and service needs deficits experienced by students with disabilities because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic during the 2021–22 fiscal year. The TA Hub will include current and relevant tools and resources, to be made available to all LEAs, for the specific purpose of ensuring high quality education programs for students with disabilities.

Funding Profile (01166)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Supporting Inclusive Practices Grant (PCA 13693/Resource Code 3386)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The Supporting Inclusive Practices Grants are specific to issues of inclusive practice. They are designed to assist LEAs to improve educational results and functional outcomes for all children with disabilities and to ensure that LEAs meet requirements specific to inclusion. In addition, the Supporting Inclusive Practices Grants support the renewal, revision, and/or development of policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that all students with disabilities are appropriately identified and receiving services in the inclusive settings.

Funding Profile (13693)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Family Empowerment Centers (PCA 14301/Resource Code 5810)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

State and federal laws mandate active parent participation in securing special education services for children with disabilities. Many families whose children are over the age of three may not have access to the information, training, and support they need in order to be effectively involved in their children's education. The California State Legislature passed, and Governor Gray Davis signed, Senate Bill 511, (Chapter 690, Statutes of 2001) as a remedy to this situation, establishing Family Empowerment Centers to provide families with information, training, and support.

Each grantee receives a base amount of $246,000, plus an additional amount based on their region's total school enrollment.

The 41 Family Empowerment Center regions provide services for families whose children are from the ages of three to twenty-two years of age, serve families of children with all disabilities, and prepare families to partner with professionals in obtaining an appropriate education for children with disabilities.

The Family Empowerment Centers will offer parents and guardians of children and young adults with disabilities access to accurate information, specialized training, and peer-to-peer support in their communities. Through these efforts, families will have a network to inform, support, and educate them to be full partners in their children's education and development. By building strong networks of support throughout their regions, the centers will help ensure that families have support from the time their children are first identified with disabilities through their transition to community life. (Budget Act, Item 6110-161-0890, Schedule 5, Provision 5)

Funding Profile (14301)
Program Contact: Family Empowerment Centers on Disability Team, by email at

Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (PCA 15197/Resource Code 3327)

The Mental Health Average Daily Attendance (ADA) grants are funded through Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B. Grant funds shall be available only for the purpose of providing educationally-related mental health services, including out-of-home residential services for emotionally disturbed students, required by an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) pursuant to the federal IDEA of 2004 (20 United States Code Sec. 1400 et seq.) and as described in Section 56363 of the Education Code (EC). The grant awards are calculated on the basis of prior year P-2 ADA.

Funding Profile (15197)
Program Contact: Mental Health ADA Team, Regional Monitors, by email at

California Technical Assistance Network Grant (PCA 15321/Resource Code 5810)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The California Technical Assistance Network grant is to provide support to local educational agencies (LEAs) including districts; charter LEAs; county offices of education; and special education local plan areas. The funding will be used to develop a technical assistance hub (TA Hub) to support LEAs by assessing and addressing learning and service needs of students with disabilities. The TA Hub will develop resources and provide technical assistance for implementation of the State Systemic Improvement Plan.

Funding Profile (15321)
Program Contact: Julie Miller, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Grant (PCA 15321/Resource Code 5810)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports grant is for the purpose of developing resources and provide technical assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) for implementation of the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), with the focus on improving outcomes for students with disabilities.

Funding Profile (15321)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Federal Preschool Program (PCA 13430/Resource Code 3315)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The federal Preschool Instructional Programs provide funding for special education and services to children with disabilities ages three through five. This funding comes from IDEA, Part B, § 619.

Funding Profile (13430)
Program Contact: Betty Wong, Education Fiscal Services Assistant, Special Education Division, by email at

Preschool Child Find and Part C to B Transition Individualized Education Programs Grant (PCA 01166/Resource Code 5810)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The Preschool Child Find and Part C to B Transition Individualized Education Programs grant is to develop and administer preschool child find and Part C to B transition individualized education program (IEPs); develop tools and resources to assess and address learning and service needs for students with disabilities stemming from Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic during the 2021–22 FY. Additionally, in response to the needs of the field, new resources will be continuously developed to ensure relevance and timely technical assistance.

Technical assistance provided pursuant to this provision will be complimentary to the assistance provided by the Statewide System of Support.

Funding Profile (01166)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Preschool Staff Development (PCA 13431/Resource Code 3345)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

Preschool Staff Development funds provide for local staff development opportunities for those who work in infant and preschool programs. Preschool Staff Development funds can be used to provide local staff development opportunities for those who work in infant and preschool programs. Local staff development includes, but is not limited to, registration for conferences and training, substitute pay, travel per diem associated with conferences and training, training for all staff including parents of infants and preschool children, and supplies, materials, and/or equipment related to trainings. The funds are disseminated on a pro-rata basis based on the prior year December student count, ages three through five. The minimum grant per SELPA is $1,000. The source of funds is the federal Preschool Grant (IDEA, Part B, § 619).

Funding Profile (13431)
Christine Krause, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

California Technical Assistance Network - Preschool Grant (PCA 13839/Resource Code 3326)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The California Technical Assistance Network – Preschool grant is to provide support to local educational agencies (LEAs) including districts; charter LEAs; county offices of education; and special education local plan areas. The funding will be used to develop a technical assistance hub (TA Hub) to support LEAs by assessing and addressing learning and service needs of students with disabilities. The TA Hub will develop resources and provide technical assistance for implementation of the State Systemic Improvement Plan.

Funding Profile (13839)
Program Contact: Julie Miller, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Preschool Child Find and Part C to B Transition Individualized Education Programs Grant (PCA 13839/Resource Code 3326)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The Preschool Child Find and Part C to B Transition Individualized Education Programs grant is to develop and administer preschool child find and Part C to B transition individualized education program (IEPs); develop tools and resources to assess and address learning and service needs for students with disabilities stemming from Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic during the 2021–22 FY. Additionally, in response to the needs of the field, new resources will be continuously developed to ensure relevance and timely technical assistance.

Technical assistance provided pursuant to this provision will be complimentary to the assistance provided by the Statewide System of Support.

Funding Profile (13839)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Supporting Inclusive Practices Preschool Grant (PCA 13839/Resource Code 3326)

Special Education Federal Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)
This Expenditure Report may be used for any fiscal year for this grant.

The Supporting Inclusive Practices Preschool Grants are specific to issues of inclusive practice. They are designed to assist local educational agencies (LEAs) to improve educational results and functional outcomes for students with disabilities and to ensure that LEAs meet requirements specific to inclusion. In addition, the Supporting Inclusive Practices Preschool Grants support the renewal, revision, and/or development of policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that all students with disabilities are appropriately identified and receiving services in the inclusive settings.

Funding Profile (13839)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Part C, Early Education Programs (PCA 23761/Resource Code 3385)

Special Education State Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB)

In 1986, the federal government enacted PL 99-457, which authorized grants to states to plan and implement a comprehensive, community-based interagency system of early education services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families. The lead agency for Part C of IDEA is the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS). State legislation (The California Early Intervention Services Act - Government Code [GC] §s 95000 et. seq.) enabled California to participate in the Part C program and created a statewide mandate for LEAs to serve all infants and toddlers with solely low incidence disabilities. It also required changes in procedures and services for all infants served by LEAs. The CDE receives funds from the DDS for local assistance through an interagency agreement to address the cost impacts experienced by LEAs in implementing the new federal and state requirements (Budget Act, Item 6100-161-0001, Schedule 3). The grants fund each SELPA based on their specific cost impacts. Allocations are based on an Interagency Agreement with the DDS and the CDE. The SED administers these funds through formula grants:

  1. Cost impacts are computed for SELPAs in four areas:
    1. Number of additional children with low incidence conditions to be served
    2. Additional required services
    3. Additional required procedures
    4. Regional services and administration
  2. SELPAs provide budget information and justification to the CDE; SELPAs also submit one interim expenditure report and a final expenditure report. Based on projected expenditures, and verification of the appropriateness of projected costs, SELPA grant awards may be amended.

Funding Profile (23761)
Program Contact: Part C, Early Childhood Support Unit, by email at

WorkAbility I Program (PCA 23011/Resource Code 6520)

These funds shall be available for the purposes of vocational training and job placement for special education students through Project WorkAbility I pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with § 56470) of Chapter 4.5 of Part 30 of the EC. As a condition of receiving these funds, each LEA shall certify that the amount of nonfederal resources, exclusive of funds received pursuant to this provision, devoted to the provision of vocational education for special education pupils shall be maintained at or above the level provided in the 1984–85 fiscal year. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction may waive this requirement for LEAs that demonstrate that the requirement would impose a severe hardship.

Special Education State Grants: Expenditure Report (PDF; 1 MB; Posted 28-Sep-2022)

Mentoring Frequently Asked Questions
Funding Profile (23011)

Program Contact: WorkAbility I Team, by email at

Infant Discretionary Funds (PCA 24462/Resource Code 6515)   

These funds are established in EC § 56427 for direct early education services for infants who have disabilities. In the past, these funds were used to offset shortfalls in the growth appropriation for infants. With the implementation of the Part C, Early Education Programs, the CDE reserved those funds to address unanticipated direct service impacts of transitioning to the new Part C, Early Education Program.

Funding Profile (24462)
Program Contact: Early Childhood Support Unit, by email at

Special Education Local Plan Area Content Leads (PCA 25411/Resource Code 6545)

The California Department of Education, working in collaboration with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, is authorized to establish a process to select, subject to the approval of the Executive Director of the State Board of Education and in consultation with the Department of Finance, a special education local plan area (SELPA) or consortia of SELPAs to serve as Special Education Content Leads to work with lead agencies selected pursuant to California Education Code (EC), sections 52073 and 52073.1, and other county offices of education to improve pupil outcomes as part of the statewide system of support.

Funding Profile (25411)
Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Special Education Local Plan Area Systems Improvement Leads (PCA 25411/Resource Code 6545)

The California Department of Education, working in collaboration with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, is authorized to establish a process to select, subject to the approval of the Executive Director of the State Board of Education and in consultation with the Department of Finance, a special education local plan area (SELPA) or consortia of SELPAs to serve as Special Education Resource Leads to work with lead agencies selected pursuant to California Education Code (EC), sections 52073 and 52073.1, and other county offices of education to improve pupil outcomes as part of the statewide system of support.

Funding Profile (25411)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Educator Workforce Investment Grant: Special Education-Related Professional Development (PCA 25680 and 25682/Resource Code 7810)

The Educator Workforce Investment Grant: Special Education–Related Professional Development, established under Assembly Bill 181, Section 124, allocates $10 million dollars to further coordinate and support professional learning opportunities for educators across the state with a focus on universal design for learning to improve inclusive practices for all pupils, including pupils with disabilities, in general education settings.

Funding Profile (25680 and 25682)
Program Contact: Vicky Tucker, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Special Education Resource Leads (PCA 25411/Resource Code 6545)

The California Department of Education, working in collaboration with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, is authorized to establish a process to select, subject to the approval of the Executive Director of the State Board of Education and in consultation with the Department of Finance, a special education local plan area (SELPA) or consortia of SELPAs to serve as Special Education Resource Leads to work with lead agencies selected pursuant to California Education Code (EC), sections 52073 and 52073.1, and other county offices of education to improve pupil outcomes as part of the statewide system of support.

Funding Profile (25411)
Program Contact: Erin Rodrigues, Education Programs Consultant, by email at

Questions:   Special Education Division | 916-323-1323
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, December 18, 2024
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