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Tools for Teachers State Network of Educators

The State Network of Educators (SNE) is a team of educators from Smarter Balanced member states trained to contribute and review instructional and professional learning resources for inclusion in the Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers website. Members of the SNE are K–12 and higher education professionals with expertise in the Common Core State Standards, formative assessment tools and practices, and teaching one or more of the following student groups: general education; gifted and talented; English learners; and students with disabilities.

Inquiries about how to become an SNE member can be directed to An SNE Informational Flyer (PDF) is available to local educational agencies that are interested in promoting this opportunity to their staff.

The Important Role of the SNE

Members of the SNE create, submit, and review resources for Tools for Teachers. Every resource submitted by an SNE member goes through extensive review before being posted to Tools for Teachers. Submissions must pass through an initial screening process for foundational requirements before being moved on for further review. When the initial screening criteria are met, each resource is then reviewed by three different SNE members using quality criteria developed by Smarter Balanced for the vetting process. In addition to their resource development and review activities, members of the SNE serve as ambassadors in promoting the usefulness of Tools for Teachers in supporting the formative assessment process and provide important insight that helps guide overall enhancements to the Tools for Teachers website.

California’s SNE Members

California has many talented and dedicated educators involved as members of the SNE and more continue to join and make an impact in Tools for Teachers. Several members are featured on the CDE's “Meet an SNE Member” web page. Each feature introduces the member's educational background and why they became an SNE member.

Adrienne Carousso

Photo of Adrienne Carousso

Meet Adrienne Carousso—an instructional coach for Kings Canyon Unified involved in early childhood education, after-school programs, and middle school education for over 20 years and a member of the SNE since 2022. Read more about Adrienne and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Matthew Cowan

Photo of Matthew Cowan

Matthew Cowan has been an educator for 13 years and is currently an instructional coordinator in the Saddleback Valley Unified School District in Orange County. He has been a member of the SNE since 2015. Read more about Matthew and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Toni David

Photo of Toni David

Toni David has been involved in early childhood and elementary education for more than 40 years and a member of the SNE since 2014. She is currently employed with Forest Grove Elementary in the Pacific Grove Unified School District. Read more about Toni and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Myra Deister

Photo of Myra Deister

Myra Deister is an experienced educator with a passion for mathematics and computer science. With over 40 years of teaching experience, she has dedicated her career to inspiring and guiding students in these disciplines. Myra also serves as an Ed Tech coordinator for her campus. She became a member of the SNE in 2015. Read more about Myra and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Stephanie Fortunato

Photo of Stephanie Fortunato

Meet Stephanie Fortunato! With nearly 25 years of experience in education, Stephanie Fortunato serves as Coordinator III, California School Leadership Academy, for the Curriculum and Instructional Services Division at the Los Angeles County Office of Education. She has been a member of the SNE since 2015. Read more about Stephanie and other members of the SNE on CDE’s "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

R. Noelle Gutierrez

Photo of R. Noelle Gutierrez

R. Noelle Gutierrez has been an educator in Palm Springs Unified School District for 20 years and an SNE member since 2019. She is also a part-time consultant and travels the country training educators on blended learning. Read more about Noelle and other members of the SNE on CDE’s "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Leisa Machado

Photo of Leisa Machado

Leisa Machado has been an educator for over 30 years and a member of the SNE since 2014. She previously taught grades 7–12 English language arts and social studies in the Turlock Unified School District and currently supervises candidate teachers through the San Joaquin County Office of Education’s Impact Program at Teacher’s College. Read more about Leisa and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member” web page.

Ami Szerencse

Photo of Ami Szerencse

Meet Ami Szerencse—an educator for more than 20 years and a member of the SNE since 2015. Ami is a high school English and English Language Development teacher in the Montebello Unified School District. Read more about Ami and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Jeanine Taylor

Photo of Jeanine Taylor

Jeanine Taylor has been a California educator for more than 20 years and is a grade four teacher at Longfellow Elementary School in the Compton Unified School District. Read more about Jeanine and other members of the SNE on CDE's "Meet an SNE Member" web page.

Questions:   California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Office | | 916-445-8765
Last Reviewed: Monday, August 19, 2024
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