Procurement in Child Nutrition Programs
Federal and state information for the procurement of food service related goods and services across all federally funded child nutrition programs and the USDA Foods Program.Introduction
This webpage provides procurement information for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) administered by the California Department of Education (CDE), including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), Meal Supplements (Snacks), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), and the Food Distribution Program (FDP). Procurement requirements apply to all agencies that participate in the CNPs. The CDE is committed to providing ongoing guidance to support CNP agencies with the proper procurement of goods and services, and encourages all CNP agencies to routinely review and use the resources on both this web page and the Procurement in School Nutrition Programs (SNP) web page.
The federal government, in an attempt to streamline the administration of federal grants, developed Title 2, Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR), Part 200 (known as the Uniform Grant Guidance). The Uniform Grant Guidance replaces existing rules in Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR), parts 3015, 3016, 3019, and 3052; and in 2 CFR, parts 215, 220, 225, and 230 (Office of Management and Budget Circulars A-133, A-21, A-87, and A-122, respectively). CNP operators can access the Uniform Grant Guidance on the U.S. Government Publishing Office Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Part 200 web page .
The procurement standards in the Uniform Grant Guidance originally became effective on October 1, 2015, and recently were updated effective October 1, 2024.
Procurement means buying goods and services. The steps in this process include planning, writing specifications, announcing/advertising the procurement, awarding a contract, and managing the contract. Procurement standards for the CNPs are located in 2 CFR, sections 200.317–200.327 and 7 CFR, parts 210, 225, and 250 (as applicable). At a minimum, the regulations require CNP participating districts and agencies to:- Conduct procurements in a manner that promotes full and open competition
- Develop and maintain a written
standard (or code) of conduct that covers conflicts of interest, including organizational conflicts of interest, and governs the performance of employees engaged in the selection, award, and administration of contracts
- Develop and maintain written procurement procedures designed to avoid the acquisition of unnecessary or duplicative items
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Procurement in CNPs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This CDE web page provides answers to FAQs regarding procurement in CNPs. It is meant to aid CNP operators with understanding the requirements surrounding the procurement of goods and services using federal funds.
Federal Regulations and California State Laws
- The Electronic 2 CFR, Part 200
General procurement regulations in 2 CFR, sections 200.317–200.327.
- 2 CFR, Part 417
Debarment and suspension regulations.
- 7 CFR, Part 210
Federal regulations governing the NSLP.
- 7 CFR, Part 220
Federal regulations governing the SBP.
- 7 CFR, Part 225
Federal regulations governing the SFSP.
- 7 CFR, Part 250
Federal regulations governing the FDP.
- California Public Contract Code, sections 20110–20118.4
- California Education Code (EC) Section 49554
- EC sections 45103.1 and 45103.5
- California Government Code (GC), sections 1090–1097.5
- GC sections 87100–87505
California GC regulations governing conflicts of interest.
- USDA School Meals Policy Page
Guidance for the NSLP.
- USDA SFSP Policy Page
Guidance for the SFSP.
Not an inclusive list of federal regulations and California state laws.
The resources listed below provide procurement guidance to CNP districts and agencies.
- Procuring Local Foods
This USDA web page contains a guide, decision tree, policies, resources, and the Finding, Buying, and Serving Local Foods webinar series, including geographic preference, to help ensure that agencies have the resources and knowledge necessary to incorporate local foods into their day-to-day operations.
- CDE Farm to Child Nutrition Programs web page
CDE provides technical assistance, training, and resources to support the U.S. Department of Agriculture Child Nutrition Programs to incorporate a farm to school program into their existing food service operation.
- USDA Fact Sheet - Selling Local Food to Schools
This USDA fact sheet is a resource for farmers, ranchers, fisherman, food processors, bakers, or other food producers on how to provide and sell food to schools and educate students about food and agriculture.
- Community Food Systems - Food Safety FAQs
This USDA FAQ page answers commonly asked questions about the important food safety tips that schools should follow when working with food from local farmers. This page also answers questions about and provides resources for general food safety, school garden produce, and USDA fruit and vegetable inspections.
School Nutrition Programs
This CDE web page contains regulations, requirements, and guidance governing all school food service procurements for the SNPs. - Procurement Guidance training series
This CDE web page includes a series of helpful procurement-related videos to assist program operators procure goods and services.
- Buy American Provision Guidance
This CDE web page (select the Buy American tab) contains guidance on the requirement for all school food authorities to comply with the Buy American Provision. Additional guidance is listed below:
- CDE Management Bulletin SNP-01-2025: Buy American Provision
- USDA Policy Memo SP 23-2024, Buy American Provisions Related to the Final Rule Titled, Child Nutrition Programs: Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
- Senate Bill 490 and Assembly Bill 778
- CDE Training: Buy American Provision in SNPs Video
- USDA Policy Memo SP-38-2017, Compliance with and Enforcement of the Buy American Provision in the NSLP
- USDA Policy Memo SP-29-2006, Buy American Reminder
- School Nutrition Programs Local Agency Procurement Review
Provides the current and archived lists of program operators scheduled for an off-site Local Agency Procurement Review (LAPR).
- Local Agency Procurement Review Required Documentation
List of required documents the School Nutrition Program operator must submit for the procurement review. Please locate in Child Nutrition Information Payment System (CNIPS), Download Forms, Form ID PRU 03 LAPR Required Doc.
- Steps in the Local Agency Procurement Review
Instructions that outline the various steps in the procurement review process.
- Vendor Paid List Instructions
List of all vendors paid by the School Nutrition Program operator using cafeteria funds for the school year under review. Please locate in CNIPS, Download Forms, Form ID PRU 02 Vendor Paid List Instr.
- School Food Authority (SFA) Procurement Table
A fillable spreadsheet where the SFA enters the required procurement information for the procurement review. The table can be located in CNIPS, Download Forms, Form ID PRU 01. SFAs that need assistance with filling out the SFA Procurement Table can access the SFA Procurement Table Guide in Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS), Download Forms, Form ID PRU 01a.
- Off-site Procurement Review Process
Procurement guidance video that provides SNP operators with step-by-step instructions on the procurement review process.
Summer Food Service Program
- Administrative Guidance for Sponsors
This USDA Food and Nutrition Service handbook for SFSP sponsors contains updated procurement information resulting from the Super Circular.
Cafeteria Fund
- Cafeteria Fund Guidance
This CDE web page provides information about the cafeteria fund, a restricted account that SNP agencies may use only for the operation and improvement of the nonprofit school food service.
Contact Information
A list of Program Specialists is available in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System
. You can also contact the following program support staff for assistance:
- SNP:
- Procurement Resources Unit:
- Resource Management Unit:
You can also contact the Nutrition Services Division by phone at 800-952-5609.