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CLASS Frequently Asked Questions for CSPP

This page includes answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about classroom assessment requirements in the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and implementation of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) and CLASS Environment®.

CLASS Implementation

1) What is the CLASS tool and what does it measure?

The Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) is an observation instrument developed to assess quality in learning settings serving infants through high schoolers. CLASS is the most-researched and validated observational system for measuring and improving educator-child interactions. CLASS focuses on measuring classroom interactions, defined as the moment-to-moment, back-and-forth exchanges (both verbal and nonverbal), that build and sustain relationships and support child development and learning.

As noted in Management Bulletin (MB) MB 23-10, California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contractors will be required to implement the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment through a graduated phase-in approach beginning in 2024–25, with full implementation in program year 2028–29.

2) What is the CLASS Environment and what does it measure?

The CLASS Environment® is a tool used with the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd to measure and improve the features of the learning environment that matter most for supporting high quality interactions between teachers and children. The CLASS Environment measures 29 specific elements of the environment, which can be completed during a CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd observation. This will reduce time spent observing with multiple tools, further streamline data collection and reporting, and strengthen opportunities for efficiency and impact.

3) How was the CLASS and the CLASS Environment developed?

The CLASS instrument is an empirically validated system originally developed by the University of Virginia's Center for the Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL) at the Curry School of Education. Delivery of the CLASS tool and supporting professional development and technical assistance is provided by Teachstone®. Teachstone closely collaborated with experts representing diverse backgrounds to develop the CLASS Environment and create a measure that supports educators working in diverse settings, including programs serving multilingual learners, children with disabilities, and children from diverse cultural and racial backgrounds.

4) Which version of CLASS will contractors have to use?

Beginning July 1, 2024, all CSPP contractors will be required to implement the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment Tool according to the phase-in schedule set forth in MB 23-10. However, the California Department of Education (CDE) would direct contractors to the section in MB 23-10 titled “Allowances for Head Start Grantees and Contractors Participating in Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS)” for any exceptions to this rule.

5) Can an individual certified in the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd who has not taken the CLASS Observer Support Series conduct a CLASS Observation in the CSPP that meets the requirements for MB 23-10?

No. Certified Observers conducting observations in CSPP classrooms must also complete the CLASS Observer Support Series before conducting observations to meet the requirements of MB 23-10, which includes:

  • Settings with Dual Language Learners,
  • Settings with Children with Disabilities, and
  • Reducing Bias

This additional training requirement ensures California is centering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the CLASS implementation. Note that the CDE will be closely tracking any changes to the training included in the CLASS Observer Support series and will determine if any changes to the required trainings need to be made to the requirements of MB 23-10 through additional guidance or the regulations process.

The CDE would direct contractors to the section in MB 23-10 titled “Allowances for Head Start Grantees and Contractors Participating in Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS)” for any exceptions to this rule.

6) Can an administrator be observed if they are temporarily the lead teacher in the classroom?

Yes. An administrator can be observed for a CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and CLASS Environment Observation if they have been teaching in the classroom for at least 30 calendar days.

7) Can a substitute teacher be observed?

Yes. A substitute teacher can be observed if they have been teaching in the classroom on a long-term assignment for at least 30 calendar days.

8) How do I account for classroom visitors during the observation?

Any visitor in the classroom present for at least 10 minutes and who interacts with children will be observed for the cycle they were present for during the CLASS Observation.

9) Is a CLASS Observation the same as a contract monitoring review?

No. A CLASS Observation is not the same as a contract monitoring review (CMR). A CMR is the monitoring and review process for CSPP used to determine compliance with applicable laws, regulations and contractual provisions which may include an on-site compliance review, remote monitoring, technical assistance, and targeted support. A CLASS Observation will be conducted annually, as part of the Program Self-Evaluation (PSE) process, and every four years during an on-site compliance review.

During an on-site compliance review, the assigned Program Quality Implementation (PQI) consultant will complete a CLASS Observation and CLASS Environment Observation. PQI consultants meet the definition of Certified CLASS Observer, per
MB 23-10; therefore, contractors may use any CLASS Observations conducted as part of the on-site compliance review to meet their observation requirements for the PSE. However, if the required number of classrooms for that program year are not observed during the on-site compliance review, the contractor must obtain observations for the remaining classrooms.

10) What are the requirements for Local Educational Agency (LEA)s with License Exempt Classrooms?

Specific to the CLASS Environment implementation, prior to full implementation in program year 2028–29, CSPP contractors must prioritize all CSPP license-exempt classrooms for CLASS Environment Observations. Specifically, contractors must ensure the CLASS Environment Observations are completed for all license-exempt classrooms before the CLASS Environment Observations for licensed classrooms are started.

The CLASS implementation for LEAs with license-exempt classrooms is the same as prescribed for all licensed CSPP contractors in MB 23-10.

11) How long after my program year begins can an Observer conduct a CLASS Observation?

The CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd observations may be conducted no sooner than 30 calendar days into the contractor's program calendar for the respective program year.

Implementation Timeline

12) How often do the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment Observations need to be conducted?

The CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment Observations will need to be conducted once per program year as part of the program compliance review and the data from the observations is used to inform the annual Program Self-Evaluation (PSE). The percentage of CSPP classrooms observed each program year must adhere to the phased-in requirements included in MB 23-10 for CLASS Observations in CSPP classrooms, beginning July 1, 2024.

13) During the phase-in period, can contractors exceed the required percentage of classrooms per contract for the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment Observations?

Yes. The CDE recommends contractors with additional capacity phase-in implementation of the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment at percentages higher than the minimum and reach 100 percent sooner than required.

14)Are the percentages of classrooms required to be observed during the phase-in years percentages of classrooms per site, or percentages of classrooms across the contract?

The percentage of CSPP classrooms required to be observed during the phase-in years are across the agency’s contract.

If the number of classrooms in the contract is not exactly equal to the required percentages each year, contractors must round up the number of classrooms that will be observed until it meets or exceeds the required percentage. For example, if a program only has one classroom, they will need to complete the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment Observations on that classroom in 2024–25 to meet the requirements of MB 23-10. If a program has seven classrooms, they will need to obtain observations of two classrooms in 2024–25 to meet the requirements.


15) Which CLASS tool will be used when infants and toddlers make up the majority of the classroom?

So long as there is at least one CSPP child in the classroom, when conducting a CLASS Observation in a mixed-age setting or classroom, including in family childcare homes operating as part of a family childcare home education network (FCCHEN), contractors must observe using the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd.

In all commingling situations, the Observers must observe teacher-child interactions with all children in the classroom, not just children enrolled in the CSPP.

The CDE would direct contractors to the section in MB 23-10 titled “Allowances for Head Start Grantees and Contractors Participating in Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS)” for any exceptions to this rule.

Requirements for Certified Observers

16) Who can conduct a CLASS Observation in a CSPP classroom?

CLASS Observations in a CSPP classroom must be completed by someone who has completed the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd training to become a Certified Observer, passed the certification test (Pre-K-3rd or PreK Version) for certification, has an active certification from Teachstone, and completed the Support Series, which includes:

  • Settings with Dual Language Learners,
  • Settings with Children with Disabilities, and
  • Reducing Bias

Certified Observers completing a CLASS Environment Observation are also required to complete the CLASS Environment Observer training (The Pre-K-[Kindergarten]K CLASS Environment Foundations and CLASS Environment within a CLASS Observation).

17) How do I become a Certified Observer for the CSPP?

To become a Certified Observer, you must:

  1. Complete a 3-day CLASS® Second Edition Pre-K-3rd observation training.
  2. Pass a certification test to obtain your certification within 8 weeks of completing the 3-day training.
  3. Once you have obtained your certification, you must complete the CLASS Support Series self-paced online trainings available through Teachstone on your Dashboard, which include:
    • Settings with Dual Language Learners,
    • Settings with Children with Disabilities, and
    • Reducing Bias
  4. Certification for CLASS Environment Observers also includes completing the CLASS Environment Observer training, which includes:
    • The Pre-K-K CLASS Environment Foundations, and
    • The CLASS Environment within a CLASS Observation

Contractors should note that the requirements to become a Certified Observer for CSPP are higher than becoming a Certified Observer through Teachstone alone.

NOTE: The additional training requirement set forth in Number 3 above ensures California is centering diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in CLASS implementation.

18) How do I complete the CLASS Environment Observer Training?

To complete the CLASS Environment training, you must:

  1. Get a product keycode from the Achieving Success in Positive Interactions, Relationships, and Environments (ASPIRE) Regional Lead
  2. Log on to your Teachstone account and click on "Activate Product Key” on your Teachstone Dashboard where you can then access the CLASS Environment Observer Training, which includes:
    • The Pre-K-K CLASS Environment Foundations, and
    • The CLASS Environment within a CLASS Observation
  3. This training is a two-part self-paced online training that will provide you with a certificate of completion once you have completed both parts of the training.

19) How do I complete the CLASS Support Series?

Once you become a Certified Observer, you will receive access to the free CLASS Support Series self-paced online trainings on your Teachstone Dashboard;

  • Settings with Dual Language Learners,
  • Settings with Children with Disabilities, and
  • Reducing Bias

These are on-demand training courses that are accessed for free through your Teachstone Dashboard.

20) Can contractors obtain observations conducted by their own staff or do observations need to be conducted by a Certified Observer from an outside entity?

Program staff may conduct the CLASS Observations. If program staff complete the CLASS Observations, then the staff observing must do all the following:

  1. Meet the CDE’s requirements for a Certified Observer;
  2. Observe only in classrooms that they are not assigned to teach in daily; and
  3. Only observe at sites where they are not assigned as part of the teaching team for at least one of the CSPP classrooms.

Staff that are not assigned as part of a teaching team, for example a site supervisor or other support staff, and have met the requirements of a Certified Observer, may observe at the site where their job is located.

21) Can a teacher who is a Certified Observer complete an observation in another teacher's classroom at the same site where they teach?

No. Staff assigned to teach in CSPP classrooms daily cannot conduct a CLASS Observation at the same site they are assigned to teach.

22) Can a site supervisor conduct CLASS observations at the site they oversee?

Yes. Site supervisors can complete CLASS Observations at the site they oversee if they meet the requirements for a Certified Observer and are not part of the teacher-child or adult-child ratio.

23) Can program directors complete CLASS Observations in the CSPP classrooms at the sites they oversee?

Yes. Program directors can complete CLASS Observations at their site if they meet the requirements of a Certified Observer and are not part of the teacher-child or adult-child ratio.

25) Do teaching staff need to become Certified Observers?

No. Teaching staff are not required to become Certified Observers unless they are conducting the CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and the CLASS Environment Observations for your program. However, it is beneficial and highly recommended for teaching staff to have some level of CLASS training in order to understand the CLASS tools since they are being observed.

26) How can we find Certified CLASS Observers?

CSPP contractors can find Certified CLASS Observers by connecting with:

  1. Local CSPP Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Block Grantees (BG) in their county/region External link opens in new window or tab.
  2. Regional Achieving Success in Positive Interactions, Relationships, and Environments (ASPIRE) Leads
  3. CDE Program Quality Implementation Office Consultants

Contractors may also:

  1. Use a CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd and/or CLASS Environment Observation by a Certified Observer under another auspice (such as Head Start, as described in
    MB 23-10 section titled “Allowances for Head Start Grantees and Contractors Participating in QRIS”);
  2. Coordinate with other CSPPs in their area to arrange for staff Observers; and/or
  3. Pay for a Certified Observer to come observe using available contract funds

27) Are Certified Observers required to recertify all components of the initial certification annually?

The CLASS Second Edition Pre-K-3rd requires annual recertification, meaning Certified Observers must complete a certification test for recertification through Teachstone to maintain a current CLASS Observer Certification. Certifications expire exactly one year from the date observers were last certified or recertified.

The CLASS Environment observer training and the CLASS Support Series are a one-time requirement following the attainment of Certified Observer status.

Note that CDE will be closely tracking any changes to the training included in the CLASS Observer Support Series and will determine if any changes to the required trainings need to be made to the requirements of MB 23-10 through additional guidance or through the regulation process.

28) How will contractors fund recertifications?

Contractors have the following options to fund annual recertifications for staff that are certified CLASS observers:

  1. Contractors may reach out to their CSPP ASPIRE Regional Lead to obtain access to recertifications that are free to the contractor; or
  2. Contractors may use contract funds (as available) to pay for staff to complete their annual CLASS Observer recertification.
Questions:   Early Education Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, September 25, 2024
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