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Library Evaluation

This is the annual online school library evaluation for California schools conducted each year.


Directions for Beginning the Evaluation

Tips to Complete the Evaluation

Start the Evaluation

2022–23 Evaluation Response Special Thanks

Evaluation Participation and Responses


California Education Code Section 18122 directs local governing boards to report to the California Department of Education (CDE) on the condition of school libraries. CDE created this online data collection evaluation tool to meet the Education Code requirement and to develop an accurate picture of the condition of school libraries across the state.

Historically we have collected data that looks at the prior school year, and, with the frequent staff turnover, we have heard from the field that this was difficult to efficiently produce accurate data. We have listened and are making the move to collect data for the current academic year moving forward.

The annual online evaluation is now open with an abbreviated series of questions to obtain data regarding the library program as it ran in the 2023–24 academic year (approximately five questions), and a more detailed questionnaire to collect data on the library program for the current academic year 2024–25 (approximately 20 questions). It will be active through Sunday, August 31, 2025. Prior year evaluation responses are available as well.

For district or county downloads, or to schedule a training, contact Renée Ousley-Swank at 916-319-0449 or for assistance.

Direction for Beginning the Evaluation

Note the information being collected is about the 2023–24 and 2024–25 academic years. Please answer as best as possible.

  • Our suggestion is that you print a copy of the entire evaluation to use as a worksheet before you enter the data online. Evaluation Questions (DOCX) printable copy of all questions asked in the 2023–24 and 2024–25 evaluation.
  • Once you have assembled your information on the printed worksheet, you can come back to enter the data online. We estimate it will take you 15 minutes to enter your worksheet data online. You do not need to complete the whole evaluation at one time. Each section is saved automatically as you advance to the next section.
  • A password is again required. For password assistance, contact Renée Ousley-Swank at (916) 319-0449 or
  • You may return to the evaluation at any time to make changes until August 31, 2025, when the evaluation will be closed.

As you answer the questions, the information for your school goes directly into a database. You will be prompted to correct an entry if it cannot be "read" by the database.

  • Each school has a record in the database. At this time, we are collecting information from individual schools, including juvenile court and charter schools, but not from districts, county offices, or private schools. To find the record for your school, use the drop-down menus to select your county, district, and then school.
  • Your answers are recorded in our database when you use the Next and Submit buttons. Please do not attempt to use your browser's Back button.
  • The evaluation is divided into four sections, incorporating the California Model School Library Standards, and assesses the type and extent of library services schools provide.

Tips to Complete the Evaluation by Section

The Fresno County Office of Education has created informational annual library evaluation videos External link opens in new window or tab. on key areas.

Library Facility and Operation

These questions focus on if you have a dedicated common area designated as the school library, including the following aspects of the facility and how the library program operates.

  • Library Service Hours in a Typical Week– this section of questions includes asking for the typical number of the hours the library is open per week.
  • Library service available for student use – select all options from the list that apply.
  • Library closed for activities not related to the library program – select the range of days that approximates closure.
  • Maximum seating capacity
  • Class visits in a typical week with and without a teacher
Library Staffing & Staff Activities

The questions focus specifically on the school site for which you are completing the evaluation. For purposes of answering questions referring to staff working in the library, stop and think about how the library staff is paid. If staff is paid an annual set salary, then they are likely on a teacher contract, and if staff is paid an hourly wage, then they are likely a classified employee. Questions include at how many different libraries the staff work. Staffing hours are calculated by Full Time Equivalent (FTE)––you enter the hours worked at this school site, and the FTE is calculated for you. For the current academic year, there is a question about library volunteers (other than students).

For more information on who can provide library-related services, see the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing – Authorizations for Librarian Services chart External link opens in new window or tab..

Multiple questions that in years past were under Curriculum and Instruction have been combined into a single question with multiple parts, including activities that are typically associated with holders of the Teacher Librarian Credential. The question is designed to look in more detail at teaching, collaboration, management of the library, professional development, being asked to perform non-library duties, and asset management. Answer as honestly and as accurately as possible. The answer choices include More than once per week; Once per week; 2–3 times per month; Once per month; Less than once per month; Never, and Not part of my job description.

  • Model School Library Standards – these are California’s media literacy standards, and this question asks how you utilize the standards.
Library Collection
  • Overall Collection– approximately how many print books, including fiction, non-fiction, and reference, are in the school library collection. Textbooks should not be counted as part of the library collection.
  • Age of Collection – copyright question. We now are asking only for the average copyright date of the whole collection. Note––if you do not have an automated library management system and you have no method to determine the average age of the collection, then answer 0000. At the end of the evaluation, include a brief explanation of why you were unable to provide the age of the whole collection. See the Fresno County Office of Education videos for tips on calculating the average copyright date using your management system. You can also run a collection analysis with various book vendors, and it will give you the copyright date as well as detailed information on your collection.
  • Electronic Books – are electronic books part of your collection.
  • COMPASS Databases– in this section we ask if you are providing access to California’s K–12 Online Resources – Encyclopaedia Britannica, Capstone Pebble Go Science, Pro-Quest, TeachingBooks, and Gale.
  • Collection Management- what entity is responsible for managing the collection.
Library Budget

In this section we ask about how your library is funded. If you are not sure about how the library is funded, talk to your administrator or office staff. We have added answer options that will allow you to move forward in the evaluation if you are uncertain of the answer.

  • Open-ended Question– provides a space to share information that was not asked in the evaluation. This is a space where you might like to share something you are most proud of, provide an explanation of funding, or perhaps a description of splitting your time between sites.
  • Respondent Information– we ask you to provide the contact information for the person who completed the evaluation and the name of the person at the district responsible for library services in case we need to contact you to verify any responses.

Tip for submitting– make sure you follow the directions at the end and select submit evaluation and not simply save. When you have successfully submitted the evaluation, you will receive a thank you email.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to complete this evaluation. Your answers are invaluable to us as we develop a picture of library programs across the state, and you now have much more detailed data to look closely at your school library program.

Start the Evaluation

School Library Evaluation

2022–23 Response Special Thanks

The following districts had a 100 percent response rate for the 2022–23 evaluation.

Districts with 100 Percent Response Rate

County Districts
Alameda Emery Unified, Fremont Unified
Alpine Alpine County Unified
Butte Bangor Union Elementary, Durham Unified, Gridley Unified, Manzanita Elementary
Contra Costa Liberty Union High, Oakley Union Elementary, Orinda Union Elementary, West Contra Costa Unified
El Dorado Camino Union Elementary, Gold Oak Union Elementary, Gold Trail Union Elementary, Rescue Union Elementary
Fresno Burrel Union Elementary, Caruthers Unified, Central Unified, Clovis Unified, Coalinga-Huron Unified, Kingsburg Elementary Charter, Laton Joint Unified, Pine Ridge Elementary, Sanger Unified, Selma Unified
Glenn Lake Elementary, Orland Joint Unified, Plaza Elementary, Princeton Joint Unified, Stoney Creek Joint Unified
Humboldt Cutten Elementary, Fieldbrook Elementary, Hydesville Elementary, Jacoby Creek Elementary, Pacific Union Elementary, Trinidad Union Elementary
Imperial Magnolia Union Elementary, Seeley Union Elementary
Kern Arvin Union, Buttonwillow Union Elementary, Di Giorgio Elementary, Fruitvale Elementary, Greenfield Union, Norris Elementary, Rio Bravo-Greeley Union Elementary, Rosedale Union Elementary
Kings Pioneer Union
Los Angeles ABC Unified, Azusa Unified, El Segundo Unified, Glendale Unified, Hawthorne
Madera Alview-Dairyland Union Elementary, Chowchilla Union High, Raymond-Knowles Union Elementary
Marin Ross Valley Elementary
Mariposa Mariposa County Office of Education, Mariposa County Unified
Merced El Nido Elementary, McSwain Union Elementary, Plainsburg Union Elementary, Weaver Union
Mono Mono County Office of Education
Napa Napa Valley Unified
Nevada Nevada City Elementary, Twin Ridges Elementary
Orange Anaheim Union High, Cypress Elementary, Huntington Beach Union High, Irvine Unified, Laguna Beach Unified, Magnolia Elementary, Saddleback Valley Unified, Santa Ana Unified, Savanna Elementary, Tustin Unified
Placer Colfax Elementary, Foresthill Union Elementary, Placer Hills Union Elementary
Riverside Banning Unified, Hemet Unified, Jurupa Unified, Riverside Unified, Temecula Valley Unified, Val Verde Unified
San Bernardino Barstow Unified, Etiwanda Elementary, Mountain View Elementary, Redlands Unified, Rialto Unified, San Bernardino City Unified, Victor Vally Union High
San Diego San Pasqual Union Elementary, Vallecitos Elementary
San Joaquin Lammersville Joint Unified, Tracy Joint Unified
San Luis Obispo Pleasant Valley Joint Union Elementary
San Mateo Hillsborough City Elementary, Las Lomitas Elementary
Santa Barbara Guadalupe Union Elementary, Montecito Union Elementary, Orcutt Union Elementary
Santa Clara Berryessa Union Elementary, Cambrian, Cupertino Union, Evergreen Elementary, Oak Grove Elementary, Palo Alto Unified
Shasta Grant Elementary, Igo, Ono, Platina Union Elementary, Millville Elementary, Shasta Union Elementary
Solano Fairfield-Suisun Unified
Sonoma Cinnabar Elementary, Dunham Elementary, Geyserville Unified, Guerneville Elementary, Harmony Union Elementary, Montgomery Elementary, Roseland, West Side Union Elementary
Stanislaus Ceres Unified, Gratton Elementary, Keyes Union, Knights Ferry Elementary, Modesto City Elementary, Modesto City High, Paradise Elementary, Roberts Ferry Union Elementary, Sylvan Union Elementary, Waterford Unified
Trinity Trinity Center Elementary
Tulare Allensworth Elementary, Buena Vista Elementary, Dinuba Unified, Hot Springs Elementary, Kings River Union Elementary, Palo Verde Union Elementary, Strathmore Union Elementary, Tipton Elementary
Tuolumne Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified, Curtis Creek Elementary
Ventura Briggs Elementary, Conejo Valley Unified, Fillmore Unified, Hueneme Elementary, Mesa Union Elementary, Moorpark Unified, Mupu Elementary, Oak Park Unified, Ocean View, Ojai Unified, Oxnard, Oxnard Union High, Pleasant Valley, Rio Elementary, Santa Clara Elementary, Santa Paula Unified, Simi Valley Unified, Somis Union, Ventura County Office of Education, Ventura Unified
Yolo Woodland Joint Unified

Evaluation Participation and Responses

Check to see which schools participated in and completed prior evaluations. To see the evaluation responses, select the evaluation name and year from the drop-down menu. Then, click on the county, the district, and then the school’s name. The responses will be displayed on the screen. Use the navigation back buttons and not the browser’s back button.

Statistics About California School Libraries
is also available.

Questions:   Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Monday, March 03, 2025