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English Language Arts

Resources for educators and families that support instruction and learning so that all students achieve educational excellence in English Language Arts (ELA).

The Importance of English Language Arts

The ability to read, write, speak, listen, and use language to communicate with competence and confidence in English across a range of personal and academic contexts enables and provides students with opportunities for career and college success and informed participation in a democratic society and global economy. It also opens access to an extensive range of literature that widens their perspectives, illuminates the human experience, and deepens understandings of themselves and others.

English Language Arts Support

The California Department of Education (CDE) provides leadership, technical assistance, and support for teachers, administrators, parents, state and local educational agencies, professional organizations, and collaborating partners to implement high-quality English Language Arts and disciplinary literacy instruction for all students, pre-kindergarten to grade twelve. For an overview of resources, technical assistance, and support, visit the following:

  • English Language Arts Guidance provides resources for implementing and improving English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) instruction, including ELA/ELD content standards, ELA/ELD Curriculum Framework, curriculum guides, and digital materials.
  • Assessment and Accountability provides information regarding English Language Arts/Literacy in the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress, which includes summative, interim, and formative assessment, and California’s new accountability systems.
  • Organizations and Partnerships lists notable national and state organizations that provide support and resources to educators and families with a passion for improving English Language Arts/Literacy learning for all students.

Literacy Listserv: Stay informed on the latest in literacy education in California. Join the CDE's Literacy listserv by sending a blank email to:

Questions:   Professional Learning Innovations Office | | 916-323-6269
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
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