Title II, Part A
Title II, Part A is a U.S. Department of Education (ED) grant program that provides supplemental funding to help support effective instruction. ED awards Title II, Part A funds to state educational agencies, which then sub-grant funds to LEAs.Overview
(20 United States Code 6601) PURPOSE
The purpose of Title II is to provide supplemental activities that strengthen the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders which includes:
- Increase student achievement consistent with the challenging state academic standards;
- Improve the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders;
- Increase the number of teachers, principals, and other school leaders who are effective in improving student academic achievement in schools; and
- Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
Title II, Part A can be used to improve teacher and principal quality which include induction programs, professional development and support professional growth, equitable access to quality educators and recruitment for hard-to-find educator positions. Title II, Part A equitable services must be offered to eligible nonprofit private schools located within the local educational agency (LEA) boundaries. LEAs must consult with participating private schools.
Governance & Accountability
The California Department of Education (CDE) is required by federal and state laws to monitor implementation of Title II, Part A programs by local educational agencies (LEAs). LEAs are responsible for creating and maintaining programs which meet minimum fiscal and programmatic requirements.
Compliance Monitoring
- Compliance Monitoring
General information on federal and state laws that require the CDE to monitor implementation of categorical programs operated by LEAs. Monitoring tools, selection criteria, training, and other resources can be found here. - LEAs selected for Reviews 2024–25 school year
Supporting Effective Instruction Monitoring Instrument
Supporting Effective Instruction (SEI) Program Monitoring Instrument is inclusive of Title II, Part A federal and state legal requirements organized into statutory core items and supporting items arranged under seven general CDE dimensions. During monitoring reviews, the SEI program instrument is used to determine whether an LEA is meeting the requirements of program items during the CDE Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) process.
Selected program items with added resources:
- SEI 01 Consultation and Staff Development
- SEI 01 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- SEI 01 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 02 Comprehensive Support and Targeted Support Prioritization
- SEI 02 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- SEI 02 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 03 Review and Revise Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and LCAP Federal Addendum
- SEI 03 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
Resources to support the planning, implementation and evaluation of an LCAP. Planning templates related to LCAP, LCAP Federal Addendum, School Plan for Student Achievement, and COVID operations templates available. - LCAP Federal Addendum
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to complete the LCAP Federal Addendum
- SEI 03 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 04 Identify and Address Disparities Resources
- SEI 04 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements. - Educator Equity Data Tables (XLSX)
Data collection tables for analyzing the distribution of teachers who are inexperienced or whose assignments include ineffective or out-of-field assignments. The data tables pertain to the distribution of educators in these positions who are working with low-income students and/or minority students (i.e. students of color) in elementary, middle and/or high schools.
- Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers
Resources to assist LEAs with gathering data and reporting disproportionate access to effective, experienced, and appropriately assigned teachers by low-income and minority students. - Resource from the Colorado Department of Education
A Self-Assessment for Healthy Human Capital Template and Instructions can be found in the Resources column to assist LEAs as they develop, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of their plans for improving equitable access to excellent teachers.
- SEI 04 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 05 Alignment, Academic Standards, and Professional Development Coordination
- SEI 05 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- SEI 05 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 06 Use of Funds
- SEI 06 and SEI 07 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- Title II, Part A Use of Funds Webinar Presentation Slides (PPTX)
- Title II, Part A Local Uses of Funds (20 United States Code Section 6613)
- Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards
The Uniform Guidance was published in the Federal Register on December 19, 2014. - Title II, Part A Budget Sample (DOCX)
- SEI 06 and SEI 07 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 08 Private School Participation, Consultation, and LEA Control of Funds
- SEI 08 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- Title II, Part A, Equitable Services
- Private School Intent to Participate (DOCX)
- Private School Affirmation of Confirmation (DOCX)
- Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Guidance (PDF)
- ED—Private Schools
- Title II Equitable Services Calculation
- Title II Equitable Services Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- SEI 08 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 09 Certification and Licensure
- SEI 09 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- Teacher Requirements under the ESSA FAQs
FAQs regarding teacher requirements under ESSA. - Paraprofessional Requirements
State licensure requirements for paraprofessionals.
- SEI 09 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 10 Professional Growth and Improvement
- SEI 10 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- SEI 10 FPM Presentation (PPTX)
- SEI 11 Parents' Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
- Parents' Right to Know Letter Regarding Teacher Qualifications (DOC)
Federal law requires that parents be notified at the beginning, and/or when appropriate anytime, of each school year of their right to know the professional qualifications of their child's teacher(s). - SEI 11: Parents' Right to Request FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements. - Teacher Requirements Four-Week Notice (DOC)
Federal law requires that parents be notified when their child has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who has not met state certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned. - Updated Teacher Equity Definition
Updated teacher definitions for the California ESSA Consolidated State Plan approved by the State Board of Education in November 2019. - SEI 11: Four-Week Letter FPM Presentation (PPTX)
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet federal program requirements.
- Parents' Right to Know Letter Regarding Teacher Qualifications (DOC)
Policy & Regulation
Federal and state guidance related to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title II, Part A.
Federal Legislation
- Text of the ESEA as Amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) (PDF)
- Title II, Part A (20 United States Code (USC) sections 6601–6692)
- Title II, Part A Local Uses of Funds (20 USC Section 6613)
Federal Guidance
- Using Title II, Part A Funds Strategically to Support Educator Recruitment, Retention, Professional Learning, and Improved Student Outcomes: Non-Regulatory Guidance (PDF)
- Supporting a Diverse Educator Workforce to Strengthen Teaching and Learning: Non-Regulatory Guidance (PDF)
- Letter from Senior Advisor Lane re: Prior Approval for Pre-Award Costs and Participant Support Costs under ESEA Programs (PDF)
- Title VIII, Part F of ESEA: Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel, Non-Regulatory Guidance (PDF)
- Fact Sheet for Transferring State- and Local-Level Funds: Section 5103 of the ESEA (PDF)
- Non-regulatory Guidance for Title II, Part A: Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading (PDF)
- Improving Teacher Quality State Grants: Title II Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance (PDF)
- Non-regulatory Guidance: Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements Under ESEA, as Amended by ESSA (PDF)
- Non-regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments (PDF)
State Guidance
- California Code of Regulations
Official compilation and publication of the regulations adopted, amended, or repealed by state agencies pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act.
Local Control and Accountability Plan Federal Addendum
The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum is meant to supplement the LCAP to ensure that eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) have the opportunity to meet the LEA Plan provisions of ESSA. The LCAP Federal Addendum Template must be completed and submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) to apply for ESSA funding.
LEAs are encouraged to review the LCAP Federal Addendum annually with their LCAP, as ESSA funding should be considered in yearly strategic planning. The CDE emphasizes that the LCAP Federal Addendum should not drive LCAP development. ESSA funds are supplemental to state funds, just as the LCAP Federal Addendum supplements your LCAP. LEAs are encouraged to integrate their ESSA funds into their LCAP development as much as possible to promote strategic planning of all resources; however, this is not a requirement.
LEAs should maintain copies of both the CDE Approved version of the LCAP Federal Addendum and the annual update for federal program monitoring.
- Title II, Part A Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Addendum Criteria & Guidance
Criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet the provisions of the LCAP Federal Addendum Title II, Part A—Supporting Effective Instruction section. - LCAP Federal Addendum
Instructions, criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to complete the LCAP Federal Addendum - Educator Equity: LCAP Addendum Criteria & Guidance
Criteria, guidance, and resources for LEAs to meet the provisions of the LCAP Federal Addendum Title I, Part A—Educator Equity section. - LCAP Addendum Title II Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Responses to FAQs regarding the Title II, Part A section of the LCAP Federal Addendum. - Promoting Equitable Access to Teachers
Resources to assist LEAs with gathering data and reporting disproportionate access to effective, experienced, and appropriately assigned teachers by low-income and minority students.
Equitable Services
- Title II, Part A, Equitable Services
Title II, Part A requires that LEAs provide eligible elementary and secondary private school teachers, principals, and other educational personnel with Title II, Part A educational services that are equitable in comparison to services provided to teachers, principals, and other educational personnel in public schools. - Title II, Part A—Calculating Equitable Services Proportional Share for Private Schools
Provides directions for how to calculate an amount for Title II, Part A Proportional Share. - Suggested Private School Consultation/Equitable Services Timeline
This timeline is the suggested order in which to accomplish tasks for private school consultation. - Private School Consultation and Participation Information
Information to help ensure equitable services are provided to private school children, teachers, and other educational personnel. - ED—Private Schools
- Non-Regulatory Guidance for Title IX, Part E, Uniform Provisions, Subpart I (DOC)
- ED, Office of Non-Public Education (ONPE)
ONPE is a liaison to the nonpublic school community for the ED. ONPE fosters maximum participation of nonpublic school students and teachers in federal education programs and initiatives. - Fiscal Changes and Equitable Services Requirements Guidance
Non-Regulatory Guidance: Fiscal changes and equitable services under ESEA, as amended by ESSA, Department of Education (PDF) - Title II Equitable Services FAQs
COVID-19 Resources
- COVID-19 Federal Funding Flexibility
COVID-19 federal funding flexibility information and resources for the ESEA. Webinars, PowerPoint slides, and funding request templates can be found on this web page. - Title II, Part A COVID-19 FAQs
COVID-19 ESEA, Title II, Part A funding flexibility FAQs.
Application, allocation, and resources pertaining to applying for Title II, Part A sub-grants, allowable use of funds and financial reporting.
Consolidated Application
- Consolidated Application (ConApp)
A two-part application and reporting process for multiple state and federal, formula-driven, categorical program funds submitted by county offices, school districts, and direct-funded charter schools.
- Title II Categorical Program Funding
Yearly funding entitlements, apportionments and letters. Title II, Part A, Supporting Effective Instruction (SEI) is a federal categorical program contained in the ConApp. The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts: (1) improve teacher and principal quality through professional development and other activities, and (2) providing low-income and minority students greater access to effective teachers, principals, and other school leaders. - Funding Results
Recipients program entitlements, apportionments, and letter detailing funding information for the 2022–23 fiscal year. - Indirect Costs
Office of the Chief Financial Officer from the ED website “So You Want to Know About Indirect Costs” - California School Accounting Manual (CSAM) 2019 Edition
Guidance from the CSAM for accounting and financial reporting by local educational agencies (LEAs). - Transferability Guidance (DOCX)
Transferability guidance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. - Fact Sheet for Transferring State-and Local-Level Funds (Section 5103 of the ESEA)
The fact sheet re-releases the information, originally distributed to SEAs in 2017, about opportunities available under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for transferring certain ESEA formula grant funds used for State-level activities.
Technical Assistance
- Self-Assessment Tool
The purpose of the Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction (SEI) Self-Assessment tool is to provide guidance to local educational agencies on the required components of administering and implementing a successful Title II, Part A program. - Title II, Part A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
FAQs about administrative, programmatic, and accountability features of Title II, Part A SEI programs. - Title II, Part A Technical Assistance Webinars
Provides information, training, and guidance on various topics of the Title II, Part A program. - Quality Professional Learning Standards
Quality professional learning standards identify characteristics of professional learning that are most likely to support educators in building individual and collective capacity to meet professional, school, and student performance expectations. - Professional Standards
Resources related to the performance standards for teachers, administrators, and professional learning systems that are intended to help develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to increase capacity and improve educator effectiveness. - Educator Excellence
Information and resources regarding educator excellence aligned to the Greatness by Design report from the Educator Excellence Task Force. - Administrator's Assignment Manual (PDF)
Designed for school site administrators who are responsible for assigning teachers and other certificated employees to specific positions and by personnel officers and credential technicians. - Educator Evaluation Systems
Information for districts, the general public, and interested parties who wish to learn more about Teacher and Principal Evaluation at the local, state, and national levels.
Questions about Title II Program
- Lisa Fassett, Education Programs Consultant (EPC), 916-323-4963 or lfassett@cde.ca.gov
Questions about Title II Program Compliance Monitoring
- Jill Johnson, EPC, 916-323-5505 or jjohnson@cde.ca.gov
- Terri Battenburg, EPC, 916-322-5836 or TBattenburg@cde.ca.gov
- Janet Abdelsayed, EPC, 916-445-7332 or JAbdelsayed@cde.ca.gov
ConApp and/or CARS
- ConApp Support Desk, 916-319-0297 or conappsupport@cde.ca.gov
Sheng Her, 916-324-4533 or sher@cde.ca.gov
Title II, Part A Listserv
If you would like to receive updates via email notification, subscribe to the Title II, Part A listserv by sending a blank message to join-Title-II@mlist.cde.ca.gov.
Private School Listserv
If you would like to receive updates via email notification, subscribe to the private school professional development listserv by sending a blank message to join-private-school-professional-development@mlist.cde.ca.gov.
Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Listserv
If you would like to receive updates regarding the LCFF via email notification, subscribe to the LCFF listserv by sending a blank message to join-LCFF-list@mlist.cde.ca.gov.
State and Federal Program Director Listserv
If you would like to receive updates via email notification regarding the State and Federal Program Director meeting, please subscribe to the listserv by sending a blank email message to join-state-and-federal-programs-directors@mlist.cde.ca.gov.