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Global California 2030: Suggestions from the Field

The data presented in the following table is a record of suggestions for supporting, promoting, and expanding participation in the Global California 2030 initiative (Global 2030) through local action.

The data presented in the following table is a record of suggestions for supporting, promoting, and expanding participation in the Global California 2030 initiative (Global 2030) through local action. These suggestions were submitted in response to the following prompt on the California Department of Education (CDE) 2020 Professional Learning Needs Assessment Survey for World Languages (WL) Educators:

What actions do you take locally to promote achievement of the goals of Global 2030?

Responses received have been sorted into the following categories:

  • Planning
  • Discussion
  • Language Programs Integration, School/District Goals
  • Communication
  • Teacher Professional Development

These suggestions from the WL educators’ community are provided as a starting point for adoption, adaptation, and inspiration to increase school and district participation in the initiative, as well as supporting local adoption of its goals for multiliteracy. All of the suggestions are reproduced here as received, with only minimal copy editing for consistent format, while retaining original content.

To learn more about the CDE 2020 Professional Learning Needs Assessment Survey for WL Educators, access the summary report from the Updates tab on the World Languages web page.

Category Suggestions submitted
  • Developing a well-articulated program that leads to proficiency.
  • Reach out to our district to identify the goals being set across our system. We can then adapt those to our local context.
  • Currently we are working on our Master Plan and English Learner (EL) Roadmap.
  • We have begun the process of exploring a dual language immersion program for our district.
  • We have discussed Global 2030 within the Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Program and within our High School WL Committee meetings.
  • Discussions with our staff.
Language Programs Integration, School/District Goals
  • Beginning our Bilingual Dual Immersion Program for 2020–21 School year.
  • Via support of Dual Language Programs across our county.
  • Initiating a DLI Program in our high schools, continuation of our feeder elementary DLI programs. Working on creating career pathways with Career Technical Education for interpreter and educational careers.
  • We inform all our participants about the Global 2030 goals, and we teach them in all our programs. We help our participants to develop curricula and units of instruction that are aligned with the California (CA) WL Standards, the upcoming Framework, and the CA Global 2030 goals.
  • Expanding language offerings to students at all levels: elementary, middle, and high school students. Our district offers a district-level recognition called the Bilingual Competency Award to encourage students to pursue language studies and get recognized for their achievement.
  • We have a district scope and sequence that is aligned to the rigor and expectations of the standards but does not depend on a textbook. At the district level we are trying to expand the pathways in middle and high school course offerings eligible for the State Seal of Biliteracy.
  • Part of department and school goals.
  • Expanding our DLI programs to more schools and offering more students the opportunity to earn their Pathway Award.
  • We provide immersion programs in our district. There are many options for students to participate in immersion programs. We have [early education] and Transitional Kindergarten programs in Spanish. We also offer immersion programs in Spanish or Mandarin at three different schools. We offer immersion programs at both of our middle schools and work alongside the nearby high school that continues the immersion pathway.
  • Created twelve years that will result in full kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) implementation of 2030. The plan includes: Systems we have, Systems that need implementation, challenges we currently have (financial), credentialing issues, a–g requirements and competing priorities, new standards rollout, textbook adoption, assessments for different language categories, and different levels of teacher trainings, college admission.
  • Our district has implemented a two-year WL graduation requirement.
  • We collaborate with schools in Israel on various issues. We started Spanish language in our school as FLEX in addition to Hebrew. Also, one of our core missions is to educate our explorers to appreciate their own language and heritage culture and learn about other cultures. Our goal is to develop internationally minded and responsible members of local, national and global communities.
  • Part of the curriculum.
  • We are a dual language school and promote all our students to be proficient in two languages by the end of sixth grade.
  • We continue to offer Spanish to all fourth- and fifth-grade students during the academic day.
  • K–12 pathways.
  • We are working on expanding our Dual Language Program and create a pathway into the high school level to promote biliteracy. We have been infusing the EL Roadmap principle one, in order to promote the goals of 2030.
  • We got involved with providing the WL afterschool.
  • We inform all our participants about the Global 2030 goals.
  • Share academic achievement results with parents and community.
  • First, awareness!
Teacher Professional Development
  • Through Teacher Professional Development.
  • Professional development for all WL teachers in the district.
  • We have a partnership with our local California State University WL Coordinator. Together, we have created a P20 Multilingual Leaders Network which brings together dual, heritage, and WL leads across the county. Though there are distinct needs for each program, what brings us together is the Global 2030 initiative. We have also promoted the EL Roadmap though our annual Language Learner Celebration. We have focused on Principles 1 and 2. Our goal is to call out our “language learners.”
Questions:   Professional Learning Innovations Office | | 916-323-6269
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
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