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Candidate Support by School Districts

Page assists candidates with support while involved with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

Many school districts are supporting teachers through the process for becoming a National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT). Below is a compilation of information gathered from district surveys, statewide resources, and reports from teachers and support providers. Much of this information is subject to contract negotiations between districts and teachers' unions, which may change from year to year. Please note: contact your district or charted organization for the most current information; if not listed below, they may still offer assistance.

District County Candidate Fee Support Other Support NBCT Incentives
Alum Rock Union Elementary School District (ESD) Santa Clara $650 None None
Anaheim City School District Los Angeles None Support program None
Aspire Public Schools San Mateo 100% Release days, technical support Annual: $2,000
Baldwin Park Unified (USD) Los Angeles None None Annual: $1,000
Bear Valley USD San Bernardino $1,000 Coaching support, release time, and video help $2,000 for five years
NB process counts for district's teacher evaluation process
Belmont Redwood Shores School District San Mateo None None Annual: $2,500
Berkeley USD Alameda None None Fee reimbursement and annual $1,500 to the first 20 NBCT's
Black Oak Mine USD El Dorado None None None
Buena Park ESD Orange None Support program, video assistance, release time Reimbursement of fees not covered by grants or scholarships
Butteville Union ESD Siskiyou None None $1,000 stipend
Cambrian ESD (San Jose) Santa Clara None None Annual: $2,000
Capistrano USD Orange None Release time, video support 10 units of advancement credit on salary schedule
Carlsbad USD San Diego None None NBCTs move to the far right of the pay scale
Ceres USD Stanislaus None None 50% reimbursement of fees
Chaffey Joint Union High School District (UHSD) San Bernardino $2,300 None None
Charter Oak USD Los Angeles None None Annual: $800
Chula Vista San Diego Up to $1,300 and up to 3 retake fees One release day, monthly meetings, video support None
Clovis USD Fresno None None Annual: $500 for four years
Coachella Valley USD Riverside $2,000 for up to ten candidates Five release days None
Coast Unified San Luis Obispo $500 Release days and support meetings None
Cupertino USD Santa Clara None None $1,000 fee reimbursement
Annual: equivalent to a Master's stipend
Davis Joint USD Yolo None $100 for materials, five release days ,and professional development (PD) credit for support meetings None
Eastside USD Santa Clara $2,000 Release time, video help, and meetings Incentives for coaching candidates
Escondido ESD San Diego None Support group None
Escondido Union HSD San Diego $1,000 Three release days Annual: $1,000
Fairfield-Suisun USD Solano Will pay retake fees for candidates. Support program, fee support, video assistance, release time Annual: Equivalent to Master's stipend
Fallbrook Union Elementary San Diego A $5,000 fund. None A $1,623 stipend.
Folsom-Cordova USD Sacramento 100% support for candidate fees Coaching support Offers $750.00 annual stipend
Fontana USD San Bernardino None Support group None
Fresno USD Fresno None None Annual: $1,000 only if active
Glendale USD Los Angeles $1,000 loan Support provided on individual basis Annual: $2,500 for additional 50 hours worked
Hawthorne SD Los Angeles $1,000 loan Release time None
Hemet USD Riverside None None Annual: $700
Hillsborough City SD San Mateo 50% of fee None 50% of fee reimbursed and Annual: $750
Hueneme ESD Ventura None None Additional 5% (Step 1, Column III) on salary schedule. Increase continues through 10-year period that the certificate is valid.
Kerman USD Fresno $2,300 Release time None
Lake Tahoe USD El Dorado Fee support Release time and sample portfolios None
Las Lomitas ESD San Mateo 100% Release time Annual: about $1,800
Long Beach USD Los Angeles $2,300 for completed pre-candidacy Support program, two release days 5% salary increase additional 5% for providing 60 hours of PD
Los Angeles USD Los Angeles None Support network provides comprehensive programs for all candidates seeking certification. 7.5% salary increase additional 7.5% for 92 hours of PD
Manhattan Beach USD Los Angeles $2,000 for up to ten candidates Five release days, four training days, and video support Annual: $1,000 for four years
Menlo Park City Schools San Mateo None None Annual: $2,600
Moreland ESD Santa Clara None None Annual: $2,000 (equivalent to a Master's degree)
Mountain View Los Angeles Fee support One release day None
Mountain View - Los Altos USD Santa Clara Fee support Three days release time Annual: Same as Master's stipend and four units credit on salary schedule for completed process
Mt. Diablo Contra Costa None Support program, release days, and copying support Annual: Same as a Master's stipend
New Haven USD Alameda $1,000 Support program, one day release time Annual: $750
Newport-Mesa USD Orange None Support program 2% salary increase
Oak Grove ESD Santa Clara None None Annual: $2,000
Oakland USD Alameda None Support program (510-879-8914) Annual: $1,000
Oceanside USD San Diego 100% None Annual: 6% of base salary
Orange USD Orange $1,000 Video support Annual: $1,000 and Board of Education maintains a plaque with NBCT names
Pajaro Valley USD Santa Cruz 100% Professional Development Leave None
Palo Alto USD Santa Clara None Videographer, two release days, four units PD credit None
Pasadena USD Los Angeles None Support program Annual: $2,500
Patterson USD Stanislaus $1,000 Support program Annual: $1,000
Petaluma ESD Sonoma None 10 release days and monthly meetings Annual: $1,098
Petaluma HSD Sonoma None 10 release days and monthly meetings Annual: $1,098
Piedmont USD Alameda None None Annual: $500
Placentia-Yorba Linda USD Orange $1,000 fee support reimbursement
$1,000 upon certification
None Annual: $500
Pomona USD Los Angeles None None 3.5% salary increase. Additional 10% salary for specially designed positions.
Poway USD San Diego 100% Full retake funding Annual: $1,000 for ten years
Redding ESD Shasta None None $1,800 Master's stipend
Redwood City ESD San Mateo None None $1,000 fee reimbursed Annual: $1,000
Rio Dell ESD Humboldt $1,000 Video support None
San Carlos ESD San Mateo 100% reimbursement None Annual: $1,837
San Diego City Schools San Diego Up to $2,000 Coaching support None
San Francisco USD San Francisco None Support program Annual: $5,000
San Jose USD Santa Clara None None Annual: about $2,223 (equivalent to a one-year "bump" on pay scale)
San Juan USD Sacramento None Support meetings 300 continuing education hours
Santa Clara USD Santa Clara None None Annual: $1,443
San Mateo Foster City SD San Mateo None None $1,000 stipend
Santa Monica-Malibu USD Los Angeles 100% reimbursement Two release days, support from current NBCT, up to $100 materials reimbursement Annual: $5,000 for the duration of certificate, teacher must provide 20 hours of professional development.
Santa Paula ESD Ventura 50% Two fee subsidies per five-year period Annual: $2,500
Santa Rosa City Schools Sonoma None Monthly support meetings Annual: $2,500
Saugus USD Los Angeles 100% reimbursement if passed None Annual: $500
Sequoia Union HSD San Mateo None Release time and technical support Annual: $1,200
Sierra Sands USD Kern None Release time and video help None
Snowline Joint USD San Bernardino None Three release days None
Sonoma Valley USD Sonoma None None Annual: $600 for the period of certification
Tamalpais Union HSD Marin None None Annual: $1,000 for five years and additional stipend for mentoring.
Torrance USD Los Angeles None Support meetings, video support None
Tracy USD San Joaquin Stipend None None
Tustin USD Orange None None One-time $5,000 award upon completion and passing of NB certification.
Twin Rivers USD Sacramento None Support program Annual: $1,800
Walnut Valley USD Los Angeles None None 2% salary increase
West Contra Costa Contra Costa Reimbursement Support program Annual: $3,000
Wheatland Schools Yuba $1,000 Release time None
Whittier UHSD Los Angeles Fee support Support programs Annual: $2,000
Willits USD Mendocino Fee support Release days None
Yuba City School District Yuba None None Annual: $1,000

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Questions:   Teacher and Leader Policy Office | | 916-445-7331
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Recently Posted in Professional Learning