Data Reports By Topic
Data reports about California's students, teachers, and schools by topic area, including enrollment, assessment and accountability, English learners, foster youth, free or reduced-price meal, graduates and dropouts, and staff and course data.Available Data Reports by Topic
A-G Completion Data
Annual Enrollment
CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC)
CBEDS School and District Information
Early Education
English Learners
Foster Youth
Free or Reduced-Price Meal
Graduate and Dropout
Homeless Children and Youth
Public School and District
Post-Secondary Enrollment
Stability Rate Data
Staff and Course Enrollment
Students with Disabilities
A-G Completion Data
A-G Completion Data: Provides access to reports and data about high school graduates meeting University of California/California State University (UC/CSU) requirements, including cohort counts, A-G completion counts and rates, and high school diploma graduate counts and rates disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, and student group.
Absenteeism Data: Provides access to reports and data about student absenteeism, including chronic absenteeism and absenteeism by reason counts and rates disaggregated by race/ethnicity, student group, grade level, and academic year.
Accountability Data: Provides access to reports and data about how districts and schools are performing, including information regarding the state and local indicators and additional reports included in the California School Dashboard (Dashboard)
and data from the School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
Annual Enrollment
Annual Enrollment: Provides access to reports and data about the number of students enrolled in California public TK/K–12 schools and districts disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, grade, student group, and age range.
Assessment: Provides access to reports and data about how students are performing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), the English Language Proficiency Assessments (ELPAC), and other assessments.
CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC)
CALPADS Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC): Provides access to the latest available California Department of Education (CALPADS) UPC data which is only available as a downloadable data file.
CBEDS School and District Information
CBEDS School and District Information: Provides access to information about data collected through the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) for schools and districts regarding estimated teacher hires, kindergarten program types, school calendars, work visa applications, home-to-school transportation, and classified staff.
Discipline: Provides access to information on discipline data including access to downloadable data files, California’s accountability suspension indicator, and behavior intervention strategies and supports.
Early Education
Early Education: Pupil enrollment data reports for California State Preschool Program.
English Learners
English Learners: Provides information about English learner (EL) students enrolled in California public TK/K–12 schools and districts, including language, long-term EL students (LTEL), and reclassified fluent English proficient (RFEP) students.
Foster Youth
Foster Youth: Provides information on data reports and downloadable files about California's foster youth.
Free or Reduced-Price Meal (Student Poverty)
Free or Reduced-Price Meal: Provides information on data reports, downloadable file and resources about students enrolled in California public TK/K–12 schools and districts who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals.
Graduate and Dropout
Graduate and Dropout: Provides information about data reports and downloadable files on the four-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate (ACGR) and other outcomes, one-year graduate counts, and one-year dropout counts, including by race/ethnicity, gender, and student group.
Homeless Children and Youth
Homeless Children and Youth: Provides access to reports and data about homeless students, including enrollment by dwelling type data disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, student group, and grade level.
Public School and District
School and District Information: Provides access to information about schools and districts, including County-District-School (CDS) codes, administrator names, address, phone number, legislative district and other information.
Post-Secondary Enrollment
Post-Secondary Enrollment: Provides access to information on high school completers who enrolled in a postsecondary institution of higher education.
Stability Rate Data
Stability Rate Data: Provides access to reports and data about student stability, including adjusted cumulative enrollment counts, stability and non-stability counts, and stability and non-stability rates disaggregated by race/ethnicity, gender, student group, and grade level.
Staff and Course Enrollment
Staff and Course Enrollment: Provides access to data about certificated staff (e.g., staff demographics and assignments), classified staff full-time equivalency (FTE), and course enrollment information collected annually through CALPADS and CBEDS.
Students with Disabilities
Special Education Data: Provides access to reports and data about students with disabilities, including enrollment by program setting data disaggregated by race/ethnicity, disability category, age range, grade span, gender, and English learner status.