Ltr3-10: Federal Cash Management

Official Letter
Official Letter
November 17, 2010
Dear County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators:
Effective January 2011, the California Department of Education (CDE) will add Title III, English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (LEP), and Title III, English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Immigrant Children (IMM), of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), to the Web-based cash management data collection (CMDC) system. The CMDC system was implemented in October 2009 impacting the NCLB Title II, Part A program only, and expanded in October 2010 to include Title I, Part A and Title I, Part D, Subpart 2. CMDC will now also include both Title III LEP and Title III IMM programs in order to comply with the federal cash management requirement to minimize the time elapsing between the receipt and disbursement of funds by local educational agencies (LEAs).
The CMDC system will collect, through a Web-based report submitted quarterly by LEAs, the most current cash balance for each program. The collected data will determine an LEA’s quarterly apportionment, equal to 25 percent of the LEA’s annual entitlement minus the reported cash balance. The CMDC system does not affect how program entitlements are calculated, only how much of the LEA’s entitlement will be paid each quarter.
The CMDC report will have a separate line on which to report the cash balance for each of the programs, so only one CMDC report needs to be submitted each quarter. Please note that CDE will not make an apportionment for a particular reporting quarter for the five programs to an LEA that does not submit the report for that quarter; report submission and apportionment can resume in the following quarter.
LEA data is submitted through during scheduled quarterly data collection windows. Log on using the Personal Identification Number (PIN) previously provided to you. For LEAs that have not been issued a PIN (because they did not participate in the Title I or Title II programs), CDE will send a PIN via e-mail around December 15, 2010. The next data collection window will be January 10, 2011, to January 31, 2011.
For more information on the data collection system, including instructions, reporting dates, and frequently asked questions, please go to
If you have any questions regarding the CMDC system, Title II or Title III fiscal questions, or if you do not receive your PIN by January 3, 2011, please contact
Karen Almquist by phone at 916-327-4406 or by e-mail at [Note: the preceding contact and phone information is no longer valid. Please contact the Categorical Allocations and Audit Resolution Office by e-mail at].
Scott Hannan, Director
School Fiscal Services Division