Tuesdays @ 2 Webinar Series Archive
Presentation slides from the Tuesdays @ 2 webinar series hosted by the Local Agency Systems Support Office.2021
- February 18 - Data and the 2021–22 LCAP, Part 2
This presentation builds on the information provided in the Data and the 2021–22 LCAP, Part 1 training, identifies English Learner (EL) data available at the state and local levels that may be used for analysis and development of the 2021–22 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and provides an understanding of how EL data can be analyzed and used to inform development and implementation of the LCAP. - February 11 - The California School Dashboard Local Indicator Process for 2021–22
This presentation provides a review the Dashboard Local Indicators and provides an overview of the requirements for developing and reporting the Dashboard Local Indicators in 2021–22. - February 9 - Digging Deeper: Developing Focus Goals and Maintenance Goals for the 2021–22 LCAP
This presentation provides a review the requirements for goals in the LCAP and provides an overview of what focus goals and maintenance goals are, the characteristics of focus goals and maintenance goals, and examples of focus goals and maintenance goals. - February 4 - Digging Deeper: Developing Broad Goals for the 2021–22 LCAP
This presentation provides a review the requirements for goals in the LCAP and provides an overview of what a broad goal is, the characteristics of a broad goal, and examples of broad goals. - February 2 - The LCAP and Annual Update Templates and Instructions for the 2021–22 School Year
This presentation provides a review of the requirements for developing LCAP and provides an overview of the Annual Update template and instructions for use in developing the 2021–22 LCAP and the LCAP template and instructions for the 2021–22 through 2023–24 LCAP cycle. - January 28 - Data and the 2021–22 LCAP, Part 1
This presentation provides an overview of the role data plays within the LCAP Process, identifies the data that LEAs are to use in developing the 2021–22 LCAP, identifies what data are and are not available at the State Level, and provides a list of California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Reports that reflect Dashboard data. - January 26 - Stakeholders and the 2021–22 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
This presentation provides an overview of the requirements for stakeholder engagement for developing the Annual Update and the LCAP, explains the requirements for the Stakeholder Engagement section of the LCAP, and provides considerations for meaningful stakeholder engagement. - January 21 - Increasing or Improving Services for Students who are Low Income, English Learners, and Foster Youth
This presentation provides an overview of the vision behind the requirement to increase or improved services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-Income Students (i.e. unduplicated students) and the requirements of the Increased or Improved Services for Foster Youth, English Learners, and Low-Income Students section of the LCAP. - January 19 - Introduction to the Local Control Funding Formula
This presentation provides an overview of the history behind the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), the LCAP, California’s accountability system, and the principles upon which they are based. Topics include the LCFF funding formula, the LCAP, the LCFF state priorities, student groups, the California School Dashboard (Dashboard), and California’s Statewide System of Support.
- November 10 - Supports for English Learners available through California's System of Support (PPTX)
- October 27 - Revision of the Annual Update Template and Instructions for the 2021–22 Local Control and Accountability Plan Year (PDF)
- September 22 - Budget Overview for Parents
- September 8 - Proposed Changes to the Budget Overview for Parents (PPTX)
- August 13 - Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan - Questions, Clarifications, and Answers (PPTX)
- August 11 - Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan - Resources and Tools
- August 6 - Developing the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan (PPTX)
- August 4 - Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Instructions and Guidance Part II (PPTX)
- July 28 - Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Instructions and Guidance Part I (PPTX)
- July 14 - Draft Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Template
- June 30 - Overview of Senate Bill 98 (PDF)
- Overview Comparison of the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan and the Local Control and Accountability Plan (PDF)
- May 19 - COVID-19 Operations Report and Local Indicators (PDF)
- April 28 - Changes to the LCAP Process and Timelines - Executive Order N-56-20 (PDF)
- March 3 - LCAP Template: Plan Summary and Stakeholder Engagement
- February 25 - LCAP Template: Increased or Improved Services
- February 18 - LCAP Template: Goals and Actions
- January 28 - LCAP Template: Annual Update and eTemplate
- January 21 - Local Indicators
- January 14 - Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Template Overview
- September 24, 2019 - Local Indicators (PDF)
- April 30, 2019 - Submission of the LCAP Federal Addendum (PDF)
- April 2, 2019 - Addressing the Comprehensive Support and Improvement Prompts in the LCAP (PDF)
- March 26, 2019 - Presentation slides - Priority 3: Parent Engagement (Revised Self-Reflection Tool) (PDF) and the Self-Reflection Tool for Priority 3: Parent Engagement (PDF)
- January 29, 2019 - Local Control and Accountability Plan changes to the Plan Summary (PDF)
- November 27, 2018 - School Support and Assistance and the Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2019-20 (PDF)
- October 2, 2018 - Priority 6: School Climate (PDF)
- September 25, 2018 - Priority 2: Implementation of State Academic Standards (PPTX)
Local Agency Systems Support Office | LCFF@cde.ca.gov
Last Reviewed: Friday, April 26, 2024
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