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Instructions: Homeless Policy and Requirements

Consolidated Application data entry instructions for the 2021–22 Homeless Education Policy, Requirements, and Implementation data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

The purpose of this data collection form is to meet federal requirements specified in 42 United States Code 11431 et seq. (Education for Homeless Children and Youths Act) which was re-authorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and some federal requirements in Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, also amended by the ESSA. This collection includes monitoring local educational agencies (LEAs) and their compliance with key provisions of the Education for Homeless Children and Youths Act including the collection of contact information for each required designated LEA’s homeless liaison.

Program Information

Please see the California Department of Education (CDE) Homeless Education web page for more guidance.

CDE Program Staff Contact

Karmina Barrales
Education Programs Consultant
Integrated Student Support and Programs Office

Procedures – Homeless Liaison Contact Information
Step Action Program Instructions


Provide the First Name of the LEA’s homeless liaison.

Required field.


Provide the Last Name of the LEA’s homeless liaison.

Required field.


Provide the Title of the LEA’s homeless liaison.

Required field.


Provide the Email of the LEA’s homeless liaison.

Required field. Format: abc@xyz.zyx


Provide the Telephone Number of the LEA’s homeless liaison.

Required field. Format: 999-999-9999

6 Provide the Telephone Extension Number of the LEA’s homeless liaison. Optional field. Maximum 16 characters.
7 Enter the number of Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Personnel directly responsible for the implementation of homeless education.

Required field. Enter the number of FTE personnel who provide homeless education. Format: 0.00

Procedures – Homeless Liaison Training Information
Step Action Program Instructions


Indicate whether the homeless liaison attended and/or participated in a Homeless Education Liaison Training Within the Last Two Years.

Required field.


Indicate whether the homeless liaison provided training to Principals and Other School Leaders.

Optional field.


Indicate whether the homeless liaison provided training to Attendance Officers and Registrars.

Optional field.


Indicate whether the homeless liaison provided training to Teachers and Instructional Assistants.

Optional field.


Indicate whether the homeless liaison provided training to School Counselors.

Optional field.

Procedures – Homeless Education Policy and Requirements
Step Action Program Instructions


Indicate whether the LEA has a Written Homeless Education Policy.

Required field.


Provide a No Policy Comment, if there is no written policy.

If written homeless education policy is “No,” then this field is required. Please explain why the LEA-level homeless education policy does not exist. Maximum 500 characters.


Enter the LEA Board Approval Date of the homeless education policy.

If written homeless education policy is “Yes,” then this field is required.


Indicate if LEA Policy Meets Federal Requirements.

Required field.


Provide a Compliance Comment, if the LEA’s policy does not comply with federal requirements.

If LEA policy meets federal requirements is “No,” then this field is required. Please explain why the LEA does not disseminate public notice of the educational rights of homeless children and youth. Maximum 500 characters.

18 Indicate whether the LEA uses a housing questionnaire to assist with the identification of homeless children and youth. Required field.
19 Indicate whether the housing questionnaire includes best practices, rights, and protections afforded to homeless children and youth. If the LEA uses a housing questionnaire to assist with the identification of homeless children and youth is “Yes,” then this field will display and be required.
20 Indicate whether the housing questionnaire is made available in paper form. If the LEA uses a housing questionnaire to assist with the identification of homeless children and youth is “Yes,” then this field will display and be required.
21 Indicate whether the LEA administers the housing questionnaire to all student body during the school year. If the LEA uses a housing questionnaire to assist with the identification of homeless children and youth is “Yes,” then this field will display and be required.
Displayed Data – Title I, Part A Homeless Expenditures

Note: This section will display only if the LEA applied for and received a Title I, Part A allocation.

2021–22 Title I, Part A LEA allocation: Source data from the CDE Title I, Parts A and D web page, as reflected in the same fiscal year (FY) Title I, Part A LEA Allocation and Reservations data collection form.

2021–22 Title I, Part A direct or indirect services to homeless children reservation: Data from the same FY Title I, Part A LEA Allocation and Reservations data collection form.

Procedures – Homeless Miscellaneous
Step Action Program Instructions


Enter the amount of Title I, Part A Funds Expended or Encumbered for direct or indirect services for homeless children.

Required if the LEA received a Title I, Part A allocation.


Provide a description of Homeless Services Provided, if there are expenditures or encumbrances.

Required if expenditures are greater than zero. Maximum 500 characters.

24 Provide a No Expenditures or Encumbrances Comment, if applicable. Required if expenditures equal zero. Maximum 500 characters.
Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution

Local Governing Board Approval Date

The local board homeless policy approval date is required.

Enter date.

Not Compliant Comment

An explanation why the LEA is not able to comply with federal requirements is required.

Enter an explanation. Maximum 500 characters.

Homeless Services Expenditure Amount

The Title I, Part A homeless services expenditures or encumbrances amount is required.

Enter an expenditure amount equal to or greater than zero.

No Expenditure Comment

An explanation why there are no Title I, Part A expenditures or encumbrances for homeless services is required.

Enter an explanation. Maximum 500 characters.

No Policy Comment

An explanation why a homeless education policy does not exist is required.

Enter an explanation. Maximum 500 characters.

Homeless Services Expenditure Amount

Title I funds expended or encumbered for direct or indirect services to homeless children cannot be greater than the Title I, Part A LEA allocation.

Ensure that the data entered is correct.

Description of Services Provided Title I, Part A expenditures or encumbrances for homeless services is greater than zero, a description of services provided is required.

Enter a description of services provided. Maximum 500 characters.

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Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
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