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Guidance: 2022–23 Title II Part A LEA Allocation

Consolidated Application Winter Release program guidance for the 2022–23 Title II, Part A, Local Educational Agency (LEA) Allocation data collection.

Title II, Part A funds are allocated based on the following formula:

  1. 20 percent based on the relative number of individuals age 5 through 17, and

  2. 80 percent based on the relative numbers of individuals age 5 through 17 from families with incomes below the poverty line, residing in the area the local educational agency (LEA) serves based on U.S. Census or state alternative poverty data.

Allocation amounts are adjusted for LEAs that fail to meet the federal maintenance of effort requirements and did not receive an approved federal waiver, pursuant to Section 8521 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

LEAs have the option to consolidate and use Title II, Part A funds with other federal, state, and local funds for schoolwide programs pursuant to ESEA section 2102(b)(2)(B) and Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 200, Subpart A, sections 200.25, 200.26, and 200.29. Additional information such as program purposes, eligibility of schools, core elements, components, and benefits of a schoolwide program, is posted on the California Department of Education (CDE) Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program web page.

Pursuant to 2 CFR, Section 200.305(b)(8)(9), non-federal entities other than states must maintain advance payments in interest bearing accounts unless certain conditions exist. The requirements regarding interest accrual and remittance follow:

  • Grantees other than states and subgrantees must annually remit interest earned on federal advance payments except that the non-federal entity may retain up to $500 of interest earned on the account each year to pay for the costs of maintaining the account.
  • Grantees other than states and subgrantees must remit interest earned on federal advance payments to the Department of Health and Human Services.

For additional information, please visit the CDE Title II, Part A web page.

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Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 15, 2024
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