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2022–23 Title I LEA Allocation and Reservations

Consolidated Application Winter Release data entry instructions for the 2022–23 Title I, Part A Local Educational Agency (LEA) Allocation and Reservations data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

The purpose of this data collection form is to calculate the Title I, Part A allocation available to the local educational agency (LEA).

Program Information

The reservations for parent and family engagement are to carry out the provisions of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116, including promoting family literacy and parenting skills. An LEA that receives a Title I, Part A allocation greater than $500,000 must reserve not less than one percent of its Title I, Part A allocation to carry out the provisions of ESSA Section 1116(a)(3)(A) Parent and Family Engagement. Ninety percent of the reserved funds must be distributed to schools.

The reservations for Local Institutions for Neglected Children, Local Institutions for Delinquent Children, and or Neglected or Delinquent Children in Community Day School Programs are for direct services as well as indirect services to eligible Title I, Part A students.

The Title I, Part A Neglected Reservation is only required by the LEA if there are students in an eligible institution for neglected children and youth and if these neglected children and youth attend a non-Title I school.

Under ESSA sections 1113(c)(3)(B) and (C) LEAs are required to reserve funds to provide services for neglected children that are comparable to those received by students who attend non-Title I funded schools.

The reservations for Homeless Children are for direct services as well as indirect services regardless of their school of attendance. For more information regarding the allowable uses of the Homeless Education reservation, please refer to the California Department of Education (CDE) Resources for Homeless Children and Youth (DOCX) web document.

For more information, please refer to the CDE Title I, Part A LEA Allocation web page; the Title I, Part A Reservations web page; and the Title I, Part A Neglected Reservation web page.

CDE Program Staff Contact
Title I, Part A Primary Contact

Sylvia Hanna
Education Programs Consultant
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Title I, Part A Secondary Contact

Rina DeRose
Education Programs Consultant
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Services to Homeless Children Contact

Leanne Wheeler
Education Programs Consultant
Integrated Student Support and Programs Office

Services to Neglected or Delinquent Children Contact

Sherry Davis
Education Programs Consultant
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Displayed Data - Allocation

2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA allocation: Source data from the CDE Title I, Parts A and D web page.

Procedures - Funds Transferred-in
Step Action Program Instructions
Enter the Transferred-in amount.

Required field. The amount transferred-in from Title II, Part A and/or Title IV, Part A to Title I, Part A must be equal to or greater than zero.

Displayed Data - Equitable Services, Available Allocation and Reservations

Nonprofit private school equitable services proportional share amount: Data displays as calculated in the Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Equitable Services Reservations form.

2022–23 Title I, Part A LEA available allocation: Data is calculated as the LEA allocation amount plus the transferred-in amount minus the nonprofit private school equitable services proportional share amount.

Parent and family engagement: A parent and family engagement reservation is required if the LEA allocation is greater than $500,000. If applicable, upon initially opening the form, the reservation is automatically calculated and displayed. Data is initially calculated as one percent (1%) of the allocation, if greater than $500,000, minus the nonprofit private school equitable services proportional share amount, which the system will force to always round up (no rounding down). If a transferred-in amount is entered into this form and the Recalculate “button” is selected or the form is saved, then the available allocation and displayed parent and family engagement amount will update to include that transferred-in amount. The form must be saved for the system to capture the update and run validation checks.

Procedures - Required and Authorized Reservations
Step Action Program Instructions
Enter the amount reserved for School Parent and Family Engagement.

Required field. The amount must be equal to or greater than zero.

  • The field is pre-populated with 90% of the displayed parent and family engagement reservation amount that is noted, with rounding always forced up to the nearest dollar, upon initially opening the form.
  • The amount can be changed but cannot be less than 90% of the displayed parent and family engagement amount.
  • If a transferred-in amount is entered and the form is saved, then the system will require that this school parent and family engagement amount must be manually updated to be at least 90% of the updated displayed parent and family engagement reservation amount.
3 Enter the amount reserved for LEA Parent and Family Engagement.

Required field. The amount must be equal to or greater than zero.

  • The field is pre-populated with 10% of the displayed parent and family engagement reservation amount that is noted, with rounding always forced up to the nearest dollar, upon initially opening the form.
  • The amount can be changed, but the sum of school and LEA parent and family engagement cannot be less than the displayed parent and family engagement amount.
  • If a transferred-in amount is entered and the is form saved, then the system will require that a manual update is made so that the sum of school and LEA parent and family engagement cannot be less than the updated displayed parent and family engagement amount.
4 Indicate whether the LEA has Local Neglected Institutions that serve students attending non-Title I schools. Required field. Does not apply to direct funded charters. Neglected children are defined as those that are wards of the court due to abandonment, abuse or neglect by parents or guardians. These students reside in licensed 24-hour care facilities such as group homes and shelters.
5 If applicable, enter the amount reserved for Local Neglected Institutions Reservation.

If Local Neglected Institutions serve students who attend non-Title I schools is Yes, then this field is required. Enter the amount of Title I, Part A funds needed to provide Title I services to students in neglected institutions who attend a non-Title I school that are comparable to services received by students who attend Title I funded schools.

6 Indicate whether the LEA has Local Delinquent Institutions that serve students attending non-Title I schools.

Required field. Does not apply to direct funded charters. Delinquent children are those connected to the juvenile justice system and reside in 24-hour care facilities such as group homes and correctional institutions.

7 If applicable, enter the amount reserved for Local Delinquent Institutions Reservation.

If Local Delinquent Institutions serve students who attend non-Title I schools is Yes, then this field is required. Enter the amount of Title I, Part A funds needed to provide Title I services to students in delinquent institutions who attend a non-Title I school that are comparable to services received by students who attend Title I funded schools.

8 Enter the amount reserved for Direct or Indirect Services to Homeless Children, regardless of their school of attendance.

Required field. Must be equal to or greater than one.

9 Enter the amount reserved for Public School Choice Transportation. Optional field. The amount reserved cannot be greater than 5% of the allocation plus transferred-in amount.
10 Enter the amount reserved for Other Authorized Activities. Optional field. The CDE recommends that LEAs consider the general criteria when approving activities or expenditures supported with Title I, Part A funds based on the criteria listed on the CDE’s Title I, Part A Authorized Use of Funds web page.
Displayed Data - Indirect Cost Rate

2022–23 Approved indirect cost rate: Source data from the CDE ICR web page.

Procedures – Indirect Cost and Administrative Reservations
Step Action Program Instructions
11 Enter the amount of the Indirect Cost Reservation.

Optional field. The field is pre-populated with the indirect cost reservation (ICR) amount based on the ICR to the available allocation; the amount can be edited by the LEA. The ICR for federal programs is a rate previously approved by the CDE through the use of the Standardized Account Code Structure software ICR worksheet (Form ICR). Final approved rates are posted on the CDE ICR web page.

12 Enter the amount of the Administrative Reservation.

Optional field. The field is pre-populated with the maximum allowable reservation. The reservation amount may be edited by the LEA. The total of the ICR plus the administrative reservation may not exceed 15%. The 15% is to be used for activities or services that are not direct services to students at the school sites. The California Education Code Section 63001 requires LEAs to utilize no less than 85% at school sites for direct services to students, regardless of whether the services are centralized at the LEA level, managed by the school, or funded through LEA reservations.

Displayed Data – Reservation Summary

Total LEA required and authorized reservations: The sum of all reservation amounts.

School parent and family engagement reservation: The school parent and family engagement amount reserved.

Amount available for Title I, Part A school allocations: The LEA available allocation minus all reservation amounts.

Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution
Transferred-in Amount Transferred-in amount is required. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Local Neglected Institutions Indicator Local neglected institutions is a required field. If a LEA is not a direct funded charter, then this field is a required field.

Local Delinquent Institutions Indicator

Local delinquent institutions is a required field. If a LEA is not a direct funded charter, then this field is a required field.
Local Neglected Institutions Reservation Amount LEA has local institutions for neglected children. The amount reserved for neglected institutions must be greater than zero. If the neglected institutions flag is “Yes,” then the neglected children amount must be greater than zero.
School Parent and Family Engagement Amount School parent and family engagement amount cannot be less than 90% of the displayed parent and family engagement reservation amount. Increase the amount as needed to meet the 90% requirement.
Not field name specific The sum of school plus LEA level parent and family engagement amounts cannot be less than the displayed parent and family engagement reservation amount. Increase one or both reservations to meet the minimum reservation amount.
Not field name specific Total required and authorized reservations cannot be greater than the Title I, Part A available allocation. Ensure that the correct amounts have been entered.
Public School Choice Transportation Amount Public school Choice transportation cannot be greater than 5% of the allocation plus transfers in. Reduce the amount entered.
Title I, Part A School Allocations Amount Amount available for Title I, Part A school allocations must be greater than 0. Reservations exceed the available allocation amount. Reduce reservation amounts appropriately.
Title I, Part A School Allocations Amount Title I, Part A school allocations amount must be recalculated. A change has occurred to the LEA available allocation amount. To recalculate this value and resolve this error, save this submission again. To recalculate this value and resolve this error, select the form to open, then save it again.
Administrative Reservations The administrative reservation plus indirect cost reservation amounts exceed 15% of the available allocation. Reduce reservation amounts appropriately.
Local Delinquent Institutions Reservation Amount LEA has local institutions for delinquent children and did not receive a Title I, Part D allocation. The amount reserved for local delinquent institutions must be greater than zero. If the delinquent institutions flag is “Yes,” and the LEA did not receive a Title I, Part D allocation, then Other Neglected Or Delinquent Services Amount must be greater than zero.
Not field name specific Title I, Part A Nonprofit Private School Equitable Services Reservations must be certified before this submission. Certification dependency. Certify the referenced form before or at the same time as this data collection form.

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Last Reviewed: Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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