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ConApp Guidance: Title III Student Subgrant

Consolidated Application (ConApp) Guidance for the 2024–25 Title III English Learner and Immigrant Student Program Subgrants data collections.

Title III English Learner Student Program Subgrant

A local educational agency (LEA) that reported the enrollment of one or more English Learner (EL) students via the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) October 2023 data collection is eligible to apply for the 2024–25 Title III EL student program formula subgrant.

All eligible LEAs that qualify for 2024–25 Title III EL Student Program Subgrant must apply for funding on the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS), by selecting the Yes option for Title III EL on the 2024–25 Application for Funding.

LEAs are eligible to receive EL funding directly if their preliminary entitlement is $10,000 or greater. If the preliminary entitlement is under $10,000, the LEA may still be eligible for the funds by additionally applying as a consortium via the Consortium Online Application.

To determine the estimated amount of your LEA's subgrant for EL students, please visit the California Department of Education (CDE), Title III English Learner and Immigrant Programs web page.

The LEA is not eligible for the subgrant, in cases where the LEA did not report the enrollment of one or more EL students on Fall Census Day (the first Wednesday in October 2023) in the CALPADS.

Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant

All LEAs that qualify for a 2024–25 Title III Immigrant Student Program Subgrant must apply for funding on the CARS, by selecting the Yes option for Title III Immigrant on the 2024–25 Application for Funding.

To be eligible for a Title III Immigrant subgrant a LEA must have five or more eligible immigrant students and have experienced a significant increase of one half of one percent or greater growth in the eligible immigrant student enrollment. Eligibility is not based on the total number of immigrant students. For fiscal year (FY) 2024–25, eligibility is calculated by averaging the previous two years of immigrant student numbers (FYs 2021–22 and 2022–23) and comparing this average to the third year (FY 2023–24). The student count numbers are extracted from the CALPADS as of FY 2023–24. If there has been one half of one percent growth, the LEA is considered eligible for FY 2024–25 Immigrant funding. Please note that LEAs add the nonprofit private school Student National Origin Report data to calculate and determine if the district meets the one half of one percent growth requirement to qualify for funding.

To determine eligibility and the estimated amount of your LEA's Title III Subgrant for Immigrant Students, please visit the CDE, Title III English Learner and Immigrant Programs web page. LEAs are not eligible for Immigrant Student Program Subgrants in cases where the:
  • LEA did not report the enrollment of five or more immigrant students on Fall Census Day, (the first Wednesday in October 2023) in CALPADS; or
  • Submitted data did not reflect one half of one percent growth based on averaging two years (FYs 2021–22 and 2022–23) and comparing it to the third year (FY 2023–24).

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Questions:   ConApp Support Desk | | 916-319-0297
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 29, 2024
Recently Posted in Allocations & Apportionments