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Instructions: Title I, Part D Subpart 2 Facilities

Consolidated Application and Reporting System data entry instructions for the 2023–24 Title I, Part D Subpart 2 Facilities Report data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

To report  the number of Title I, Part D Subpart 2 funded facilities, by program, and the number of facilities that report student data. This data collection form will only be available for local educational agencies (LEAs) that participated in Title I, Part D Subpart 2 and received an LEA allocation.

Students should be reported by the facility in which they are adjudicated or reside based on the Department of Education (ED) definitions. If the facility in question contains more than one program type (as defined by ED) then count the student by their adjudicated status once.

California Department of Education Program Staff Contact

Sherry Davis
Education Programs Consultant
Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Procedures – At-Risk Programs
Step Action Program Instructions
1 Enter the Total Number of At-Risk Programs Facilities. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
2 Enter the Number of At-Risk Programs Facilities that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
3 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in At-Risk Programs Facilities.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

4 Enter the Average length of stay in days in At-Risk Programs Facilities. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers
Step Action Program Instructions
5 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
6 Enter the Number of Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
7 Enter the Average number of days students were served in Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

8 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Shelters
Step Action Program Instructions
9 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Shelters. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
10 Enter the Number of Delinquent Shelters that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
11 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Shelters.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

12 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Shelters. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Group Homes
Step Action Program Instructions
13 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Group Homes. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
14 Enter the Number of Delinquent Group Homes that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
15 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Group Homes.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

16 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Group Homes. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps
Step Action Program Instructions
17 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
18 Enter the Number of Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
19 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

20 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers
Step Action Program Instructions
21 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
22 Enter the Number of Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
23 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

24 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Long-Term Secure Juvenile Facilities
Step Action Program Instructions
25 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Long-Term Secure Juvenile Facilities. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
26 Enter the Number of Delinquent Long-Term Secure Juvenile Facilities that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
27 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Long-Term Secure Juvenile Facilities.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

28 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Long-Term Secure Juvenile Facilities. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Adult Corrections
Step Action Program Instructions
29 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Adult Corrections. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
30 Enter the Number of Delinquent Adult Corrections that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
31 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Adult Corrections.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

32 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Adult Corrections. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Community Day Programs
Step Action Program Instructions
33 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Community Day Programs. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
34 Enter the Number of Delinquent Community Day Programs that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
35 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Community Day Programs.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

36 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Community Day Programs. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Procedures – Delinquent Other Programs
Step Action Program Instructions
37 Enter the Total Number of Delinquent Other Programs. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
38 Enter the Number of Delinquent Other Programs that Reported Student Data. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
39 Enter the Average Number of Days Students Were Served in Delinquent Other Programs.

Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

40 Enter the Average length of stay in days in Delinquent Other Programs. Required field. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution
At-Risk Programs Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in At-Risk programs facilities should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
At-Risk Programs Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in At Risk Programs facilities should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
At-Risk Programs Facilities Reporting Count The number of At-Risk programs facilities providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
At-Risk Programs Facilities Reporting Count At-Risk programs facilities reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of At-Risk programs facilities count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers Reporting Count Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers facilities reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Juvenile Detention Centers providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Shelters Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Shelters should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Shelters Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Shelters should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Shelters Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Shelters providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Shelters Reporting Count Delinquent Shelters reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Shelters count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Group Homes Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Group Homes should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Group Homes Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Group Homes should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Group Homes Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Group Homes providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Group Homes Reporting Count Delinquent Group Homes reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Group Homes count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps Reporting Count Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Ranch/Wilderness Camps count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers Reporting Count Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Residential Treatment Centers count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities Reporting Count Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Long Term Secure Juvenile Facilities count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Adult Corrections Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Adult Corrections should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Adult Corrections Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Adult Corrections should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Adult Corrections Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Adult Corrections providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Adult Corrections Reporting Count Delinquent Adult Corrections reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Adult Corrections count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Community Day Programs Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Community Day Programs should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Community Day Programs Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Community Day Programs should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Community Day Programs Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Community Day Programs providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Community Day Programs Reporting Count Delinquent Community Day Programs reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Community Day Programs count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Delinquent Other Programs Days Served Count The average number of days students were served in Delinquent Other Programs should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the number of days students were served.
Delinquent Other Programs Average Length of Stay in Days The average length of stay in days in Delinquent Other Programs should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust the average length of stay in days number.
Delinquent Other Programs Reporting Count The number of Delinquent Other Programs providing student data should be greater than zero; this will be reviewed by CDE program staff to determine reasonableness. Warning only, if applicable, adjust facilities count.
Delinquent Other Programs Reporting Count Delinquent Other Programs reporting student data cannot be greater than the number of Delinquent Other Programs count. Ensure that the number of facilities reporting data is correct.
Not Field Name Specific At least one program facility must be reported. If the LEA received a Title I, Part D Subpart 2 LEA allocation, then they must report at least one program facility.
Not Field Name Specific At least one program facility must have reported student data. If the LEA received a Title I, Part D Subpart 2 LEA allocation, then they must report student data for at least one program facility.

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