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2024–25 Title IV LEA Allocations

Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS) Winter Release data entry instructions for the 2024–25 Title IV, Part A Local Educational Agency (LEA) Allocations data collection form.
Data Collection Purpose

The purpose of this data collection form is to calculate the total allocation amount available to the local educational agency (LEA) for Title IV, Part A, and to report required reservations.

Program Information

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorized as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes the Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grants pursuant to Title IV, Part A Subpart 1 (ESSA Section 4101). The purpose of this subpart is to improve students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, LEAs, schools, and local communities to—

  1. provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
  2. improve school conditions for student learning; and
  3. improve t the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.

For more information, please refer to the California Department of Education (CDE) Title IV, Part A SSAE web page.

CDE Program Staff Contact

Kevin Donnelly
Education Programs Consultant
Rural Education and Student Support Office

Displayed Data - Allocation

2024–25 Title IV, Part A LEA allocation: Source data from the CDE Title IV, Part A Funding web page.

Procedures – Transferred Funds
Step Action Program Instructions
1 Enter the Funds Transferred-in Amount.

Required field. The amount transferred-in from Title II, Part A to Title IV, Part A must be equal to or greater than zero.

2 Enter the Funds Transferred-out Amount of Title IV, Part A. Required field. The total funds transferred from Title IV, Part A to the other allowable Title programs must be equal to or greater than zero.
Displayed Data - Available Allocation

2024–25 Title IV, Part A LEA available allocation: The LEA allocation amount plus transferred-in amount minus the total funds transferred out of Title IV, Part A.

Procedures - Reservations
Step Action Program Instructions
3 Enter the Indirect Cost Reservation amount.

Required field. Final approved rates are posted on the CDE Indirect Cost Rates web page.

4 Enter the Administrative Reservation amount. Required field. Total must be equal to or greater than zero.
5 Enter the Equitable Services for Nonprofit Private Schools amount. This field is required if the LEA has one or more participating nonprofit private schools.
Displayed Data - Adjusted Allocation

2024–25 Title IV, Part A LEA adjusted allocation: The LEA available allocation amount minus the indirect cost reservation amount, the administrative reservation amount, and the equitable services for nonprofit private schools amount.

Error Messages
Field Name Error Message Resolution
Administrative Reservation Amount Administrative reservation amount cannot exceed 2% of the Title IV, Part A LEA available allocation. Reduce the administrative reservation, as needed.
Not field name specific Total reservations cannot be greater than the 2024–25 Title IV, Part A LEA available allocation. Reduce reservation amounts, as applicable.
Not field name specific Administrative and indirect costs reservations cannot exceed 15% of the Title IV, Part A LEA available allocation. Reduce the administrative and/or indirect costs reservations, as needed.
Equitable Services for Nonprofit Private Schools Amount The LEA has one or more nonprofit private schools participating in Title IV, Part A. The equitable services reservation amount must be greater than zero. If the LEA has one or more participating nonprofit private schools, then this field is required. Enter an amount greater than zero.
Equitable Services for Nonprofit Private Schools Amount The LEA does not have any participating nonprofit private schools, this field cannot be greater than zero. This field is not applicable to the LEA. Either remove the amount entered or enter a value of zero.
Not field name specific Title IV, Part A Nonprofit Private School Participation must be certified before this submission. Certification dependency. Certify the referenced data collection form before or at the same time as this data collection form.
Transferred-in Amount Funds Transferred-in amount is required. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.
Funds Transferred-out Amount Funds Transferred-out amount is required. Enter an amount equal to or greater than zero.

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Last Reviewed: Wednesday, November 27, 2024
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