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Charter School Block Grant Funding Rates, FY 06-07

Charter schools general purpose entitlement, categorical block grant, and In-lieu of economic impact rates for fiscal year (FY) 2006–07.
(Education Code sections 47633 and 47634)
As of July 02, 2007
General Purpose Entitlement Rates
Year K–3 4–6 7–8 9–12
1999–00 $3,811 $3,862 $3,970 $4,608
2000–01 $4,232 $4,289 $4,409 $5,117
2001–02 $4,419 $4,477 $4,601 $5,340
2002–03 $4,512 $4,578 $4,705 $5,463
2003–04 $4,540 $4,606 $4,733 $5,506
2004–05 $4,724 $4,793 $4,934 $5,732
2005–06 $4,970 $5,040 $5,183 $6,019
2006–07 *$5,344 *$5,424 *$5,580 *$6,474
Categorical Block Grant Rates
Year K–3 4–6 7–8 9–12
1999–00 $317 $324 $237 $301
2000–01 $328 $338 $246 $313
2001–02 $309 $317 $232 $294
2002–03 $198 $204 $149 $189
2003–04 $172 $177 $129 $164
2004–05 $277 $277 $277 $277
2005–06 *$280 *$280 *$280 *$280
2006–07 $400 $400 $400 $400
In Lieu of Economic Impact Aid (EIA)
Year EIA per pupil EIA Min 1–10 EIA Min 11+
1999–00 $91 $4,484 $6,729
2000–01 $98 $4,626 $6,942
2001–02 $104 $4,805 $7,211
2002–03 $109 $4,901 $7,356
2003–04 $107 $4,901 $7,356
2004–05 $115 $5,019 $7,533
2005–06 *$125 $5,231 $7,852
2006–07 *$303 $5,500 $8,300

*Reflects actual rates as of the 2006–07 Second Principal Apportionment.
Rates will be updated in February 2008 with the 2007–08 First Principal Apportionment.

Questions:   Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541
Last Reviewed: Thursday, July 25, 2024
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