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Grants, Recognition, and Appropriations

Information on grants opportunities, recognition programs, and appropriations available to program operators of the Child Nutrition Programs.


Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Provides background information, grant overview, the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program guidelines, how to apply, program policy, resources, compliance, trainings, frequently asked questions, and contacts for current and potential grantees.

Taste of California (CA) Standardized Recipe Challenge Grant
Provides an overview of the 2021 Team Nutrition Taste of CA Challenge grant, recipes, success stories, and other resources. Please note that the grant has ended.

Equipment Assistance Grant
Provides background information, grant and application overview, scoring criteria, frequently asked questions, and contact information.

School Breakfast and Summer Meal Grants
Provides background information, grant and application overview, scoring criteria, best practices, frequently asked questions, and contact information.


Farm to Summer Celebration Week
Information about California’s Farm to Summer Celebration Week for summer meal program operators, including background, how to participate, past successes, trainings, partners, resources, best practices, and list of awardees.

Turnip the Beet Award
Information about the Turnip the Beet Award Program for summer meal program operators, including an overview of the program, how to apply, awardees, and contact information.


Kitchen Infrastructure and Training Funds
The Kitchen Infrastructure and Training (KIT) Funds are state funds provided to eligible local educational agencies that are approved school nutrition program sponsors; funds can be used to purchase kitchen infrastructure and equipment, and to provide food service staff training.

Supply Chain Assistance Funds
The Supply Chain Assistance funding allocations provide eligible school food authorities with additional federal funds to help address challenges due to supply chain disruptions in the school meal programs.

Local Food for Schools
The Local Food for Schools funding provides eligible school food authorities with additional federal funds to help address supply chain challenges and disruptions in their school meal programs.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division| 1-800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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